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Sasaki to Pii-chan • Sasaki and Peeps - Episode 12 discussion - FINALE
  • I did enjoy this show. It's not great. It could have been way better if it had started actually explaining some things instead of just adding new themes and power systems.

    Marc arc was the most boring by far. If this gets a second season I will definitely watch it, but I won't be unhappy if it doesn't.

  • Removed
    Why are mental hospitals run like prisons?
  • I'm sry, but I've been to lots of psych wards in Germany, and none were anywhere near this restricting, and there weren't many incidents.

    Patients attack you cause your system treats them like convicts. Treat them like a human and they will react way better

  • This simulation sucks

    Help, I've somehow landed in a simulation of this weird place I can't leave. My CMD Window is broken. There's weird people in socks here screaming about all sorts of crazy shit. Like how the celestial FBI is looking for them so they need to hide behind their face so they will not be found And extradited.

    Then there's weird people acting like they own this place. Like they own us. They want me to swallow these weird round things. When I don't take them they force me to.

    I can't leave this simulation. Someone help pls. Can someone connect to my system and reactivate my CMD Window?

    I've learned to never set your vagina-world-simulator to random from this. Pls help


    An abstract drawing I made depicting an omnipresent being

    Woman Enters MRI Machine With a Gun, Gets Shot in Butt
  • Having her money taken for the rest of her life is not a good response. Ofcourse she's a fucking dumbass, but having her life destroyed because of that one moment is not adequate.

    The problem of healthcare in the USA is way more severe than a destroyed MRI machine.

  • Cruz introduces bill to limit using preferred names, pronouns; critics note he uses a preferred name
  • This is not a good thing.

    1. It shows people it's okay to misgender someone you don't like

    2. It won't feel bad for him. For him it's a joke that doesn't do any harm. For trans people getting misgendered is life and can deeply hurt

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • That hurt.

    It's difficult to find a doctor that takes time with you and is really interested in solving your problems.

    I've had plenty of visits that were under <5min with only the bare basics discussed.

  • Disorgathoughts

    Done at 4am when hypomanic, right after a depressive episode ended

    Gonna be my last post for today. Trying to get some content and discussion going :)


    A drawing I made in the psych ward recovering from Depression.

    are anyone else's mood states so clear cut?

    This was before I got on Lithium, since then I've been completely stable. But looking back at these graphs it's quite frightening

    Tales from Tech Support Enma Ai
    Cables are important

    This doesn't exactly fit but it's close enough.

    This was in 2016 or 2017.

    A good friend of mine was in need of a new PC and wanted to buy a prebuilt. I gently (maybe not so gently) told him that was a waste of money and I could build a better one for cheaper. So I put together a decent budget oriented mid tier build for him. i5 and a GTX 1060 6gb. All was well at this point. We ordered the parts to his house and I got on a train to his city to put it together.

    At this point in time, I wasn't an expert on building PC's. I had built two PCs in total. both very budget oriented.

    So we (I) start building the PC. All goes well. Each part at it's place. Each cable connected (supposedly). Press the power button. doesn't POST. reseat everything. doesn't POST . My friend is getting very anxious at this point which is slightly annoying to me... Saying he should have just built a prebuilt. This in turn is making me uneasy. We decided to take it a PC shop so that they can test if a component is dead. And mostly to ease his anxiousness.

    We take the whole computer, which is basically 'ready' in a cardboardbox to the pc shop. Taking public transit with a huge and decently heavy box isn't that comfortable. Arriving at the PC shop we explain the problem to the worker. He takes one look at it and goes: 'You haven't connected to 6pin power cable for the CPU'

    Cue embarassment. But also relief that it was just a stupid oversight, fitting to my inexperience.

    Back in his home, we connect the cable. It posts. all is good. Mainboard has no wifi built in so we get an ethernet cable. No connection. Ethernet doesn't work. I tried everything that I could and it didn't work. He bought a cheap usb wifi adapter. which works. To this day The ethernet doesn't work. He is still using that PC. I'm telling him he should upgrade it, or more like replace it completely.

    He want's to buy a prebuilt. I tell him I can build him a pc for better and cheaper. I feel like im experiencing a deja vu. Hope the second round goes smoother..

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Enma Ai


    Anime, Lightnovel, bipolar disorder, enlightened, fall guys, bouldering, Anarchist

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    Comments 66