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In order to save democracy you must vote for Biden which will probably result in Kamala Harris becoming president. A person nobody voted for.
  • Second funniest. Funniest outcome to me is still Biden dying mid campaign leading to Trumps reelection and Kamala being a lame duck for like a month.

    ....Then Trump dies 2 weeks before taking office and whoever his running mate is becomes president.

  • Are dems just unaware that Biden probably only won because of the pandemic?
  • Also there was apparently a massive antivax campaign being done by the pentagon that continued for like almost a year under his administration. I know it started under Trump but still....drug his feet stopping it.

  • Are dems just unaware that Biden probably only won because of the pandemic?
  • Trump wants to stop the funding to Ukraine and there is no way the bourgeosie is going to let him win because of that.

    Meh. They've run this playbook before. They'll just override him. If they don't do it legitimately through congress they'll go through backdoors.

  • 27% of Americans Are Skipping Meals Because of Skyrocketing Food Costs
  • know maybe its misguided, especially as someone who practices it, but suddenly i can't help but connect this with how intermittent fasting became super trendy more recently.

  • A question about game development / modding etc.
  • Sure, it all just depends on how small you're taking. Like assuming you essentially just want it to be Stellaris but with some adjustments and or an additional unit or something: yeah that's almost certainly lot easier than building your own strategy game from scratch.

    If you want to make a total conversion or something using the Stellaris check into unity and see what kind of templates people have made.

    EOD what you learn in one will at least partially carry over so go whatever direction sounds more fun.

  • A question about game development / modding etc.
  • That definitely used to be true back in the day, especially for a game with developer mod support.

    These days....actually I'm not so sure. There are just so many free resources/assets, and tutorials now with Unity and Unreal. Depending on what you actually want to accomplish/create/learn that might actually be the better path to go down.

  • One-Third of Americans Making $250,000 Live Paycheck-to-Paycheck, Survey Finds
  • Hate to out myself but: I resemble this remark currently and consider myself "cash poor". Mind you liquidating shit like your IRA genuinely sucks and should be avoided if possible because you're essentially setting money on fire doing it....but you're definitionally NOT "paycheck to paycheck" if you actually have a relatively decent amount of money in an IRA. "Paycheck to paycheck" straight-up means that if you lose your paycheck that month you can't buy groceries, make a rent payment, or potentially both. It doesn't mean I might have to withdraw X thousand dollars from my account and pay the taxes on it plus a 10% penalty.

  • Putin has secretly turned every black American online into Russian disinformation agents and that's why Biden might lose the election
  • To add to that: if countries like Russia actually can influence US elections by manipulating platforms like Facebook....what does that say about the influence companies like Facebook have themselves?

  • I've solved the age gap discourse: it should only be legal to have sex with people older than you
  • I think if you're a 20 year old who wants to fuck a 40 year old that's fine. I think if you're a 40 year old who wants to fuck a 20 year old....well...that's not a crime but....that's kinda gross.

  • The gamers are so far gone they will have to be put down
  • Lol. The boss isn't a "femme fatale". I admit they kinda had mixed messages at the end with the boob scar window but its kind of a big part of her design that she's very deliberately not sexualized for the overwhelming majority of the game. The old and new models are actually both conventionally attractive in terms of their physical structure and Kojima has confirmed that a young Charlotte Rampling was the main inspiration for the Boss in terms of her physical appearance...but she's supposed to look like a war vet...not a victorias secret angel.

    Also: I get very "Robin Wright" vibes from the new model...and I dig it.

  • Sorry, I don't make the rules.
  • :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3 :3


    My partner keeps promising me with a good time but I'm still waiting...

  • Killdozer guy died 20 years ago today
  • Killdozer was the hero we needed, just not the one we deserved. ....or maybe vice versa.


    Like to over explain my point: yes killdozer was a right wing nut and the primary source of his own misery but whoever the ugly truth of the man was...the symbol he can represent to people can be something greater.

    ....cause come on....if you squint your eyes and just look at the broad strokes it's still just so fucking cool...even if it was for all the wrong reasons.

  • We love our cishet Hexbears.
  • Love y'all as well!!!

  • SHUT THE FUCK UP, and just fuck off already, holy shit
  • The idea that a successful rebellion and coup detat of the empire wouldn't have ended with a massive purge of the imperial officer class and its wealthy collaborators sounds like the most liberal brainwormed shit imaginable to me TBH.

    Like ok sure: it makes sense to me that within the new Republic you would probably have influential figures who successfully downplayed their involvement and/or up sold what they could contribute to the new government enough that they were given a pass after renouncing the empire. I also believe and like the idea that many of these individuals publicly renounced the empire but either privately still agreed with it ideologically or straight up didn't have an ideology beyond maintaining raw naked wealth and power.

    .... but FFS I simply just do not accept that you would be comfortable saying that shit out loud in public on the fucking floor of the senate. Privately half jokingly saying it at one of your corellian wine tasting parties or whatever is one thing...but these guys should/would be terrified of getting tarred and feathered out in public or having their career ruined because they are exposed as imperial apologists.

  • SHUT THE FUCK UP, and just fuck off already, holy shit
  • Yeah your right of course. I don't disagree it's perfectly in sync with current continuity... I just really don't like it.

  • SHUT THE FUCK UP, and just fuck off already, holy shit
  • I fucking hate that episode because its complete fucking bullshit that basically suggests the rebel alliance and the fall of the empire was basically meaningless and robs the original trilogy of all meaning and significance.

  • Nine Sols 九ζ—₯ - Official Launch Trailer
  • This is a kinda weird thing to fixate on I guess but I feel like I would be way more hyped up for this game if the main character kept the hat on or something. Their silhouette is just so boring to me and its oddly killing my interest in a game I would probably love in terms of gameplay.

  • Honestly can't even hate these articles, they keep giving me good ideas
  • Yeah, 100% recognize I am privileged to be able to do it. Not everyone can...but by God I wish everyone could.

  • Honestly can't even hate these articles, they keep giving me good ideas
  • I have absolutely done this and fully encourage everyone who has the ability to follow suite. The best part is I got a fucking productivity spot bonus two weeks ago. Seriously: fuck the cult of work. Its all bullshit. Live your best fucking life comrades!!! I play hookie all the time to go see my 9 year olds school events.

  • Patch notes for Street Fighter VI season 2!!!!

    New season new meta comrade!

    I'm hype as hell for Jamie buffs. I didn't like hearing the news about them seemingly embracing "fuck it we palm" and making it safe but a lot of his updates look great. I'm super excited to test out Bakkais new i frames.

    Which fighting game tournament do you think probably smells the worst?
  • I've been to a few tournaments including Evo last year to compete in Street Fighter 6(excited to go again this year). Gotta say I went expecting con funk but everyone was smelling kinda fresh. Seems like the FGC got the memo to shower in the hotel and stocked up on speedstick.

    Then....coming back it hit me immediately. Some of the foulest B.O. I've ever experienced and it was coming from two dudes I was sandwiched between on my 3 hour return flight back. The minute the flight took off they both pulled out their switches and booted up Smash Bros. I hate to stereotype...buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut......

  • Welp...I did a dumb thing and bought a VR what do I play?

    Valve index. Got a lightly used one for a great price.

    TBH I mainly bought this thing cause I want to play the Myst remaster in VR but I better get some use outa this. So what else is worth playing aside from Beat Saber? Any good VR mods?

    Costume 3 for street fighter vi drops tomorrow

    So excited comrades!! I can't wait to rock Jamie's #3 but I damn near want to pick up zangief as an alt just for librarian gief.

    What should I go as for Halloween this year comrades?

    I'm a 6'1 jacked as hell white dude with glasses I won't stop wearing and a beard I refuse to shave. What have you got for me?

    What's your back of the box quote, as written by your current partner?

    My current partner said this about me on a text chain with her friends:

    "Y'all this man's body is not a wonderland, it's a weird vending machine that sells caffeinated sludge & something pretending to be a protein shake."

    God I love her.

    A.K.I. Gameplay Trailer, Street Fighter VI DLC

    Before anyone says it:

    No Comrades. You can't fix her.

    ...cause there's nothing to fix 😍 😍 😍

    I just got back from Evo. AMA!!!

    It was an amazing time. I came. I saw. I got my ass kicked....and I might be going again next year!!!

    What are some examples in media of healthy, nontoxic, romantic relationships?

    I'm thoroughly convinced that 90% + of screenwriters have never seen, let alone had, a healthy functioning relationship and couldn't write one if there lives depended on it. What are the exceptions?
