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π”Όπ•©π•¦π•€π•šπ•’ @ Exusia
2 yr. ago

  • Whoa whoa let's not throw around the OURS's like this is .ml too hastily, let them get acclimated first.


  • I loved that the first mass meme of the rexodus was "how to not shit for 3 days"

  • You mean, your friend thanks me....right?

  • Windows down? Same 2 songs on repeat

  • "accidentally" called them Unmoderated

  • It's over on its own Instance at Lemmy.nsfw

    I can't speak for quantity or quality, but that's where it is.

  • This specific ship probably was not have been involved in those, but one like it would be. If you're going to break something you need to know where it is. The link I found shows 5 total converted vessels like this in the Black Sea Fleet alone (They're listed as Project 861M)

    I stated she's not alone because she only has a single SAM battery, and low top speed/fuel reserves. Something like this needs a refueler and protection escort, even if it's a destroyer or 2.

  • Did a bit of digging, this is "Intelligence Ship Kilden" not a converted or re-activated Kilden Class destroyer (none of which were named Kilden, and all were deactivated by 1991). The ship is converted from a Hydrographic survey vessel (1970), outfitted with 16 "Strela" SAM missiles. Given her 30 day endurance and less than 10k nautical miles range, she was not out here alone - and suspiciously there's been a lot of underwater stuff broken in the recent years - the kind of thing a hydrographic ship would be great at locating.

    She's powered by 4 diesel generators feeding 2 1800hp engines, so "thick black smoke coming from the funnel" means she probably blew an engine, and damaged the other for the moment, with no power to her screws (resulting in the Loss of Control signal) and as a result was "sacrificial lamb'd" by her surface complement in case of discovery. If they get the engine(s) back up and running, she will probably be rejoined by a conveniently close escort of some kind "to ensure she makes it back to port safely".

    Black Sea Fleet Russian website

  • I can't stop laughing at the intentionally juxtaposed name Bloodfeast and respectable bipartisan

  • You build up Fuel to do it with manual fighting, and you have to set every move/action individually, per character, ahead of time. This is good for like endgame grinding, like Martial Training 5 (enemies in a 3*3) but more complex stuff, especially story missions that have long winding paths, the scripted movements become unreliable. (You don't get access to the auto battler until post-game anyway.

  • Haha Dont look too closely now. Do you want the large wooden horse or not

  • I swear. The harder they mess with this type of stuff the more single-issue-voters it pushes to vote against them. This war on media is such a losing battle I don't understand why they're opting to wage it with the current fish on the grill. This kind of unpopular legislation is stuff you try and push when you're in power, and try to sell it as an "eat your veggies" moment. Rebranding while they're down certainly makes for an interesting conversation when they rubber band back into power and say "we've said we were gonna do this since 2025" type conversation.

  • It's not semantics it's literally cause and effect. In the initial post YOU replied to, they simply stated that if preventative maintenance had been done we would not be having to ask "what reaction is appropriate" so soon. I know YOU'RE looking for answers to the OP, but then you replied to someone simply bemoaning that we could have been better.

    Obviously, at this stage no one is really sure what to do. Is the US really sliding into New Nazi Germany? To what degree? What is a proportionate response to any level? Should anyone actually do anything or will the government sort itself out? Remember, 49% of the voting base DID vote for him, as much as you or I disagree with them. To use violence against someone who is, at this stage, still a democratically elected leader, would be fair game to put anyone in prison. That's the catch-22 of the issue - he's still fairly elected, but as soon as the declaration of the formation of the first Galactic Empire, you're already too late.

    If someone DID react, what do you do? Peacefully- Strike at work? Block road/railways? Stand in the doorway of trump-aligned businesses? Or escalate into violence- Burn buildings? Which ones? Even further - Does every city devolve into street warfare like Mogadishu in 1993?

    Cause and effect. What happens if you do the peaceful things? The violent ones? Will people follow your peaceful resistance and risk their jobs for your cause? Will people follow your violent warpath, and risk their lives for your cause? What happens to them if they do either, or do nothing and ignore you? These are the questions you ask not "well why is everyone bitching about black man sucks". - not because powerful funny black man sucks, but because his inaction has us asking all the questions above so much sooner than anyone would have liked.

  • in power since the 90s

    Oh so carrying the torch for the LAST time they tried to go after media with the moral panic of "Explicit" music label stuff led by Tipper Gore? The one where Twisted Sister showed up in 1985. A continuation from when they had a panic about VHS recordings in 1969 and Mr Rogers testified.

  • Kind of jumping into the middle of yours and his here, but quite frankly the ghosts of our past are ALWAYS relevant and pretending things should be changed or answered for in the bubble of "here and now" does no good when anticipating the effects down the line. Torture has been shown to be ineffective and counterproductive. Many voters opposed Citizens United, yet it was passed under Obama. Many citizens opposed the Patriot Act, citing it's opportunity to be misused to indefinitely hold people. And sure enough Bush signed it and we are still dealing with the repurcussions.

    Both Obama AND Biden ran on the platform to close Guantanamo so it could not be misused, and did not. Could Trump have reopened it? Sure! But then we'd be faulting him for reopening it AND using it as a camp. It's not "both sides nonsense" to say that if Obama had succeeded in it before he left office, we wouldn't be in this position. (The earliest I could find with quick Google) He stated as early as 2009 in a press release he aimed to do so, and had 7 years after that to get the votes together, ultimately handing it off to Trump in 2016 with 0 inmates because he failed to get a vote to approve it. Trump didn't close it for obvious reasons, and then Biden had 4 years to take his crack at it and also failed to close it. And now, here we sit almost 20 years later with bushes prison island still open, being used for the same evil bush used it for - hiding people from the press so those nasty headlines stop because they can't access the island.

  • Political Memes

    MAY EXHIBIT strong emotions regarding the election


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