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  • Yes, I already did, even before this particular news broke out...

    I tried to individually tell every one I know IRL (which is not too many ppl sadly), basically told every single one of them to consider back-up career options... There are a couple of 1-year exchange students from Europe in my floor and I have not-subtly hinted at them to make contingency plans for PhD training back home. I've been following the news very carefully recently so I can share relevant items as soon as possible... The people need to know. I've even considered making know-your-rights printouts before they claimed they're doing an ICE raid in Chicago, but realized how little resources I have for that... I absolutely will do something. Not sure what it is but I can't see society go this way.

    I just feel bad that as a non-US citizen there is only so little I can do... I don't even know if I could join a protest without being considered for deportation at this rate. Am planning my leave as well so there's that.

    Funny incident, I blurted out to my family 2-months ago that Trump will probably build a concentration camp and was told to shut the F up... Murphy's law I suppose

  • Gonna be tough to stop the creation of the camp since it’s in Cuba but there are orgs that are rolling out strategies to protect people in their communities from getting caught up in this. Check out your local orgs and see who is working on this and cooperate with them.

    Internet search for ICE watch and your city or region would be a good place to start. And I know people hate Reddit but a lot of people on my local sub are talking about this too.

    • That's what I thought people might say and was hoping people would be more upset then this =/

      Good info, tho.

      • I am upset about it but what else can we do? I think looking to follow the lead of those who have been working on this issue for longer is the right place to start at least. Maybe we will need to go further but first we need to connect offline.

      • This was exactly the same approach the Australian government took with its 'pacific solution'. Offshore detention into remote, hard to access locales, classify all reporting of 'illegal immigration' under national security laws. Makes getting news in and out nearly impossible.

  • I don't genuinely think there is anything we can do without getting rid of our current government in its entirety. That or stuff I won't say online.

    Maybe an actually successful general strike?

    • I really love the idea of a general strike. Sadly, I'm somehow a minority.

      • It's a great idea, I agree. But people have to realize that a good 40% of the country thinks that holding undocumented immigrants in a military prison indefinitely is hella balls-to-the-fucking-wall awesome. These people are not interested in striking and most of the 60% left over are worried they'll get fired tomorrow if they don't show up to work.

      • Bruh, more than a third of your voting population didn't bother to vote. That was the best chance to avoid this shitshow. What makes you think they'll go on strike?

  • And then the US said to Germany, "We too, can do Auschwitz."

  • I guess most Americans will celebrate? They voted for it, the end of the tyrannical woke Biden era.

    • There is so many things I want to throw into the trumpets faces right now but I still don't feel like there is enough yet. Which is really really sad.

  • I'm sure all we need is enough class consciousness and gumption so our direct action can stop the fascist regime from implementing imperialism.