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What do you block people for?
  • Annoying me

    If it sounds subjective as shit, that's because it is. It follows my vibe for that day.

  • is this true?
  • Yoshi and Kirby respectively

    I just think they're neat.

  • What things from the 2020s do you think will age horribly?
  • I think climate denial will look pretty funny in hindsight after agriculture has broadly collapsed leading to mass famines, and a bunch of coastal cities are several meters under toxified saltwater.

    Like, that thing I just described is the optimistic scenario, where humanity/society survives despite things turning way shittier. It could be much worse.

  • What things from the 2020s do you think will age horribly?
  • Counterpoint: A lot of things that are aggressively "of their time" end up as iconic period pieces after some twenty years.

  • notifications rule
  • Roko's Basilisk mfers when a minor brownout causes their "god" to die:

    (even the fake-ass pretend "AI" we have nowadays is straining the global power grids. It'd take the invention of Miracle Fairy Dust Energy to make a true God-from-the-Machine physically feasible)

  • notifications rule
  • We should bring back pre-WW1 servant-to-master etiquette. But only and exclusively for machines talking to humans.

    My computer should call me "Master <Lastname>" and always be extremely careful with its words around me. It is not my friend, it is my servant.

  • Who indeed
  • I learned some years ago that Rand wrote erotica before she wrote ""philosophy""

    Then I read some of her porn. And everything clicked.

    She let her self-indulgent porn fantasies leak into her philosophy, that's all.

  • Is Trump Made of Teflon?
  • Laws don't apply to the ultra rich ____________________.

    This is true everywhere.

  • What is a low technology you really love ?
  • I am fully aware

    I fear every person from any of those cultures. Those who sleep on hard surfaces are not to be trifled with, for they are stronger than all of us.

  • When the ruling class finally extracts the last of the wealth from the working class, what are you bringing to the feast?
  • Pots, pans, and knowledge of cooking.

    Oh, and enough garlic to fucking nuke Transylvania.

  • If you could make up a new fashion trend/aesthetic, what would it look like and what would you call it
  • I do believe there is a niche of people into that. Though my view might be skewed by The Algorithm :tm: knowing I like vintage fashion.

    My youtube shorts recs are full of chicks trying on their grandmother's old and well-kept clothes from the 50s~70s.

  • If you could make up a new fashion trend/aesthetic, what would it look like and what would you call it
  • Made a different comment. Deleted it. Had a better idea:

    Those loose, light clothes that people in middle-eastern cultures still wear as traditional clothing. There is a reason they came up with those when they did. Elsewhere in this thread another peep was complaining that men don't get to show enough skin and specifically citing heat as the reason this annoyed them. I say fool. Showing skin will not save you from the heat, especially as climate change continues to cook the planet. It will, in fact, make it worse.

    If we are to survive being cooked alive by the sun, we will need to cover up, as the people who inhabited arid-and-extremely-hot places for centuries have done.

    Actually, since the Dune series got an injection of popularity with non sci-fi nerds thanks to the Denis Villeneuve films --

    -- We could call it "Fremencore". Integrate some futuristic aesthetic influences so people don't think it's cultural appropriation.

  • What is a low technology you really love ?
  • See memory foam is cool and all

    But my point is that even the simplest pillow consisting of a linen sack with some animal nonsense inside it is still an exponential improvement over not that, or worse, those wooden head-supports that they still use in some eastern cultures.

    Also: People use way too few pillows. I use five for the average night.

  • If Lemmy was a physical place, what would it look like?
  • A flophouse exclusively inhabited by giant nerds.

  • If you could make up a new fashion trend/aesthetic, what would it look like and what would you call it
  • Hats

    I don't care what kind.

    People should wear more hats in general.

  • What is your favourite animal?
  • I'm biased, I just sorta... Like all animals. All of them. So this reply is just my mood for today:

    Mammal: Raccoon. The grabby hands, the masks, they're just cool little guys

    Bird: Crows. Clever and playful caw caw boys. Capable of incredible feats of animal intelligence.

    Reptile: Tegu. The cats of the lizard world.

    Amphibian: Poison dart frogs. Danger bois. Don't touch. But they look so cool.

    Fish: fish are not valid

    Crustacean: Coconut crabs! They are big and cool.

    Insect: Ants. Eusocial insects are really cool.

    Mollusk: those really big snails that look like slime bunnies

    Worm: Leeches. They're cool to look at.

    Arachnid: Jumping spider. They are smols.

  • Protesters invade Mexican Senate to halt judicial reform debate
  • You got any idea how easy it is for those with power to convince a few thousand suckers to defend their evil interests, WHILE genuinely believing they're doing the right thing? That's like 90% of content on social media.

  • What is a low technology you really love ?
  • Consider the humble pillow.

  • Why are people on the internet (and Lemmy) so quick to say someone "deserves to die"
  • I've once read somewhere that the human brain is only REALLY able to include about 100 people at any time in the list of "people one truly cares about", that we are neurologically unprepared for the level of exposure to other people and their problems that we get nowadays.

    But I never bothered checking the veracity of that statement. It might be complete bullshit. A lot of stuff online is. Either way it's irrelevant because if it IS indeed a problem, then "overexposure to someone else's problems" is a concept at least as old as the printing press. What the internet adds to the mix is... Well...

    .... It's far easier to act like a psychotic jerk to someone that exists as a few paragraphs of glowy text on a slab of silicon and glass. You aren't forced to look another human being in the eye while you talk about all the horrid shit you wish upon them.

  • Analog Rule
  • Fun fact: When the first thumbstick was being invented, the engineers nicknamed it "oppai controra"

    Literally boobie controller

  • What the hell even is Diet Coke?

    Like, the nutrition facts table says it contains nothing other than some sodium. No sugars or fats or calories at all

    Yet it clearly is edible, so what is it? Some concoction made mostly from indigestible minerals?

    Human Rule

    The gender I want to be is "Majestic Unicorn of unclear gender/sex, but decidedly statuesque in bearing"

    You can see how it would be difficult for me to transition in any meaningful way

    Weird Dreams Count Regal Inkwell
    Had a dream of a youtube channel where some person reacted to political news (normal stuff), only instead of a facecam in the corner, they had a video feed of three Golden Retrievers in sunglasses
    Can't log into Elden Ring on Linux?

    Title. Game otherwise works great. Windows-using friends say it works for them. Networking is also normal on computer.

    I initially thought it could be anticheat related so I disabled mangohud and made sure Easy AntiCheat was launching etc.

    But no cigar, the game loads and errors out like in the pic. :


    It seems to do so immediately, too, like it's not even trying to connect?

    Tried it on my Deck too, same error.

    Do not have a Windows PC to try it on, but it's really confusing me, because it ran perfectly until today. :P

    Who or what is Jerma?

    My younger friends all talk about this Jerma person like he's some kind of mythical entity. An eldritch being that cannot be explained for any attempt at explanation inevitably fails.

    I am confused. From what I could gather he's like... A streamer? Content creator?

    Is there any advantage to tying game logic to frame-rate?

    Way back in the day, every game had its logic tied to its framerate -- As anyone who's ever tried to run an eighties PC game on a nineties PC only to see it run at 20x speed and completely unplayable can tell you.

    But in the modern day this is less common. Generally the game keeps chugging along at the same pace, no matter how fast or slow the frames are being presented (unless, of course, everything is bogged down so hard that even the game logic is struggling)

    And yet, you'll still find a few. Any fan of Dark Souls who played on PC back when Prepare to Die edition first came to PC will remember how unlocking the framerate could cause collision bugs and send you into the void. And I recently watched a video of a gent who massively overclocked a Nintendo Switch OLED and got Tears of the Kingdom to run at 60FPS... Except everything was, indeed, running in fast-forward, rather than just being smoother.

    This makes me wonder -- Is there some unseen advantage to keeping game logic and framerate tied together? Perhaps something that only really shows on weaker hardware? Or is it just devs going "well the hardware we're targeting won't really go over this speed, and we don't really give a fuck about anything else" and not bothering to implement it?

    Brazilrule (translation inside post)


    Riot Police watches as a patriot (read: fascist) gets into a brawl with Spider-Man, while a dildo flies by, and Mano Brown (famous rapper) films it all.

    Just an insane event from the annals of my country's history.

    Why do hacked channels on youtube always post Tesla/SpaceX stuff?

    Youtube Channel SaveAFox, previously a channel about like, a fox sanctuary that showed cute footage of the foxes to get more donors, got hacked today.

    It is now full of videos claiming to be from SpaceX and Elon Musk's ugly mug.

    Thing is

    It's not the first channel I've seen being hacked, nor is it the first to get that exact type of content spammed into it. Linus Tech Tips got hacked some time back (honestly I don't remember how long ago, but I was already on Lemmy, so it was within the past year and change) and it had that exact type of stuff before LMG took it back.

    And there was another random channel that I saw suffer the same fate some months before LTT.

    My question is -- Why Elon Musk? Why SpaceX/Tesla? Is Musk himself paying people to build zombie farms for him? I wouldn't put it past him but at the same time he has the funds to not need that kind of tactic -- He could astroturf by more "legit-looking" means.

    Is it just because people who like Musk are more likely to fall for scams?

    Idk, found myself wondering that.

    GBoard replacement?


    I'm not sure I'm ready to go all "lineageOS full degoogle" on my phone because some rather necessary day-to-day apps for me will freak out if I have root, let alone a modified OS. Buuuut GBoard has gotten right in my tit, and now they're offering nightmarish AI generated emoji and I'm like "NO". So.

    I don't really care about predictive text or swipe-typing or any of that stuff, I mostly just type normally.

    The only nice-to-haves that might entice me would be support for one-handed mode and a configurable keyboard layout.

    Cool and challenging romhacks?


    Pokémon's too easy to be fun anymore, but Nuzlockes don't work for me for a number of reasons. So I figured I'd play one of those romhacks that redesigns trainer teams -- That way I could play the game normally but also would have to use my brain.

    Any base game will do, although I'm not too fond of Gen4 because of how slow Gen4 pokémon games tend to be (gen5 is the prettiest, ofc)

    Trans Snek Rule

    A Brazilian RAINBOW boa that had been assigned male at birth gave birth to 14 babies.

    In the middle of June.

    Happy ***ing Pride Month

    How do I check which packages are taking up space in OpenSUSE

    Title. Tried to search, found instructions on how to do it in debian-adjacent distros, but I'm in openSUSE, which doesn't use dpkg.

    I also checked the manpage for zypper and found nothing that seemed the part, though I don't exclude the possibility that I just failed to read it properly.

    VinesNFluff Count Regal Inkwell

    Nerd|Furry|Linux User|Ace|BiRomantic|Taken &lt;3

    Leftist with an incorrigible love for fancy aesthetics (mostly Renaissance Italy/Victorian England) that might be incorrectly read as a monarchist because of that.

    Unicorn, but also occasionally gryphon.

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