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Out of Office
  • I used to fantasize about doing this.

    When it got to a point that I was making careful plans for how to effectively remove all traces of my existence before walking into the sea or something, I realized that it was probably not a good thing that I was fixating on this "fantasy" and how attractive it was becoming, so I went to a nice little family mental health clinic in walking distance.

    I was diagnosed with depression, PTSD and general anxiety disorder. A few years and a few rounds of therapy and medication later and I'm... still struggling. But at least I'm not planning my exit. There's a lot to live for, but you can't see it when your brain starts running away with your mental narratives. Don't ruminate, don't fantasize. Get some help and do something new with your lives.

  • Evidence
  • The works of Roger Penrose have shown that it's conceivable or potentially even provable that at the very largest scales of time and space, there is no meaningful difference between the accelerating "cold" end of our universe and the collossal expansion that began the universe as we know it, and in fact those two states are perpetually cycling, birthing new universes from the explosion of old ones. This is based on the idea that when there is no more physical mass in the universe, you can look at the universe from a reference frame that only looks at the geometry of the energy expanding through space and it's identical to the beginning states.

    I would recommend PBS Spacetime youtube channel for a lot better explanations of conformal cyclic cosmology than my feeble mind can try to relate.

  • Evidence
  • How do you think all the stuff managed to get there in the first place?

    You're still thinking like a meat-monkey. There are stranger states out there than one can imagine, and that's not hyperbole. There was no causality before expansion, because there was no meaningful interactions or spacetime in which interactions can occur.

    You're always going to have a hard time imagining this, because again, you are a human. We all are, none of us can imagine states of the universe without time and space.

  • New Study: At Least 15% of All Reddit Content is Corporate Trolls Trying to Manipulate Public Opinion
  • I’m going to immediately distrust the motives.

    Additionally, the data is self-reported surveys with questions like "Have you ever been contacted by someone from a company or corporation?" and... yeah? This part shouldn't be surprising to any platform that allows private messages. And "Have you ever seen someone promoting a product?" and most people are going to either shrug or already have a strong opinion, it's not very scientific for actual data on the actual traffic from bots and corporate shills, more how the human users feel about the platform.

    I would much rather see an independent investigation from a technical point-of-view, which tracks the comments and timing of user comments to determine how many are actually bots just quietly gaining karma with innocuous comments, or how many are just programmed to go to certain subreddits at certain times to push a narrative.

  • Anon dislikes reddit
  • You are so cool for being able to point out political ideology you don't like, you're cool.

    edit: I also love how I just said "nazis and sexists" and this clown goes "Oh yeah, the left is bad too!" Bruh, doesn't that say something right there that you assumed it was a political attack?

  • Anon dislikes reddit
  • The public voting system is massively flawed when it comes to websites and sharing content. Since anyone who really wants visibility can just pay any number of services to boost their posts and comments, you have no idea what's real and you have no idea what the general public actually supports.

    For the average person who doesn't think about what's going on behind the scenes, it looks like an accurate representation of society's interests and leanings. This is probably why we have a sharp uptick of far-right assholes and why so many young guys are turning towards sexist, racist figures online. The very same people who also proudly talk about how good they are at manipulating people. Hmmn.

  • Anon dislikes reddit
  • So far a lot of the people I've interacted here have been more dense than reddit, I mean, a lot of the people here have been banned from reddit after all.

    I mean, so was I. But it was for quoting someone's use of a slur so they couldn't edit it, then evading that bullshit ban. Apparently when you actively call out nazis and sexist assholes the powers that be will find a way to make you regret it.

  • Fuck this guy.
  • The average middle-class capitalist moron view of economics is when you get rich the government fires up it's money machine and delivers you sacks of cash. The only thing keeping us all from getting our own sacks is momentary inconveniences and they too will be rich one day just as soon as they [fill in a thousand blanks.]

    A billionaire has deprived vast numbers of people of something. You do not hold onto a billion dollars in your hand without the knowledge that some... or most of that would have paid for medical procedures, some of that would have been baby formula, medicine, overdue rent payments, gas to get to work for a struggling family, heat and water bills and so on. But you have found ways to skim that money from enough people that few notice. Because you don't miss something that was intercepted before it made it to you.

    You simply cannot ethically hoard money.

  • Soon on Meta
  • So it's boomers surrounded by bots that praise them and share things with them and reward them when they do good. Got it.

    This is all just preparing us for when we put artificial nurses and other robots in charge of taking care of our delusional elderly.

  • App development
  • Yeah that sounds so much like post-hoc justification that I'm seriously surprised that it's being swallowed by anyone.

    I mean, great if it DOES help with such a terrible problem, it's just I have seen this thing being talked about before and it's NEVER been discussed in terms of helping trafficking victims. This is the first I've heard of it. Almost every time you see this kind of narrative being discussed it's either 99% of the time a bunch of sweaty incels online whinging about how women aren't really pretty and just want to trap guys or some other dom/sub kink fantasy nonsense to validate their depression and self-loathing, OR about 1% of the time it's an actual empowering discussion talking about unfair hollywood beauty standards.

  • Heatwave is no joke...
  • CO2 doesn’t store energy (well, it does a little, but not so much that it makes any difference).

    Carbon dioxide, for example, absorbs energy at a variety of wavelengths between 2,000 and 15,000 nanometers — a range that overlaps with that of infrared energy. As CO2 soaks up this infrared energy, it vibrates and re-emits the infrared energy back in all directions. About half of that energy goes out into space, and about half of it returns to Earth as heat, contributing to the ‘greenhouse effect.’

    I understand there's many dimensions and factors involved in the entire process, but it's not a wrong interpretation to say it stores more energy, even if it's just borrowing it for a moment. It acts like both a heat sink and a thermal blanket. While I'm not a climatologist, I have a pretty good grasp of physics so I'm guessing we're just talking about pedantic or technical differences in description of the process... something that again, average layperson does NOT need to hear about, people can barely understand scientific concepts as it is.

    The slinky model makes good sense and it's not wrong, it was described to me BY a scientist in RL, so I will keep using it.

    edit: I genuinely wish the scientific community could embrace being "not perfect" for like, just a week or something.

  • Heatwave is no joke...
  • Not really.

    Yes really.

    You're right, it's a thermal blanket but it also absorbs and holds more heat energy more efficiently than other molecules because infrared radiation can actually be absorbed by CO2, this isn't a fringe interpretation, but I do get that there are alternative interpretations of the processes. I just don't care to try to explain the nuance and details to average laypersons.

  • Well?
  • I rejected these actions when my country did it. I reject it when other countries do it.

    It's not hard to oppose killing. I'm not even a pacifist nor do I believe all wars are inherently unjustified, but I can clearly see when a state just wants to kill people for the sake of exerting dominance and control. It's not hard to see, and it's not hard to oppose.

    The opposition doesn't have the greatest impact per individual, but it also doesn't do any harm to you or your life. It won't be held against you by anyone, you won't have to change all your ideals about anything. Just oppose killing, oppose death being inflicted punitively against populations. Do no harm, right? It's NOT a complicated issue in reality. The people who keep crying "it's complicated!" are just trying to justify what they want, and what they want is death.

    I am getting really tired of seeing so many people celebrating the deaths of innocent people.

  • Well?
  • The render can't possibly lie. If we had just sent someone in there to shoot the barrels while the bad guys were standing next to them, we wouldn't be in this situation to begin with.

  • Heatwave is no joke...
  • I try to explain to people in simplified ways, it's pure pedantry at best or totally confusing at worst to the average person if the heat that CO2 is storing is coming from the sun directly, or the heat being reflected back into space, either way the mechanical idea is the same, that CO2 stores energy.

  • Heatwave is no joke...
  • I haven't read about gaseous forms of plastics in the air specifically, so it's probably not as much of a major problem as the larger greenhouse gasses, like yes, chemicals that have many more "springy balls" like Methane that are being released as the climate warms, increasing the rate at which the globe heats. The permafrost and arctic ice has massive amounts of trapped methane that is currently being released in large explosions turning areas of the arctic circle into moonscapes of craters.

  • The mask ban shit is unreal.
  • I hope our history books in the future really lean hard into how stupid the population was this century.

    Haha, just kidding, I know there likely won't be any history books or people. lol.

  • Well?
  • If the infrastructure wasn’t intentionally sabotaged by Hamas there would be less suffering.

    Sure, but if the entire city wasn't bombed to rubble then there would be a LOT less suffering. Calling for ending the destruction of a whole community of people, including mostly civilians and children, shouldn't get horrible people like you coming out of the woodwork to push back on calls for mercy and compassion for people who have done nothing to deserve what's being done to them.

    People like you break my heart. I will tell my friends and family about you personally. I want you to know that. I will tell them tonight how I was just seeing a bad person online who supports the mindless murder of civilians. Some random person who had to type out their defense and justification for inflicting suffering on innocent people. You are an example so thank you, I can screen-shot this and compile this along with others who support genocide and suffering of people for their skin color and ethnicity, and maybe your little comment here will make it into a history book someday.

    What side of history do you think you'll land on anyway? I would offer you a lot of historical examples of similar situations and the people who had takes like yours.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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