The most important AI product in the history (boost productivity by 100%).
The most important AI product in the history (boost productivity by 100%).
The most important AI product in the history (boost productivity by 100%).
Isn't that what streamers are for?
Why would you pay a man in the middle if you can just fill your streaming platform with AI generated content? The maschine works 24/7, produces the content that works best and only starts a shitstorm if you want it.
I will never understand streamers... Then again, I don't understand sports people, either.
Parasocial relationships are hell of a drug
That's a joke... so far, but this is not:
Yep, Sony's solution to not being able to make an affordable machine / game combo that can do 4k60fps is to augment ai frame generation with ai predictive player input.
So, basically, if/when this gets implemented, everyone will literally be playing with ai assisted aimbots and auto triggering movement macros, you know, hacks.
Because real rendering is too hard, because actual optimization is too hard... so... ai generate fake frames, which cause input lag, so then just ai generate player input, to compensate for the lag which is basically a result of UE5's nanite and lumen being horrendously unoptimized and unperformant.
Makes perfect sense. Why bother with root cause analysis when AI!!!!!
You will own nothing and be happy.
You will watch the game play itself and be happy.
Drink verification can to continue enjoying this experience.
Now I'm able to blame dark souls deaths on AI. "The prediction dodged too early, it's not my fault". What a fucking joke
You could have already done that
The boss AI and the boss are almost the same thing
How can you even predict player input?
Even when trying to do the exact same thing, you cant
you can predict, but you can't be right all the time. the more constrained the inputs are and the more you observe the behavior, the better you can get at the predicting. and this thing just has to predict the extremely near future.
It's not exactly predicting player input, the idea is to correct input lag (say, because the processor is under heavy load) by making microadjustments in the timing so that an action happens when the player intended it to happen, instead of missing (ex:) a jump to another platform because you had been correcting for lag and, when the lag stopped, you speculatively had hit the button few frames early. This system would theoretically correct for that discrepancy, so the user input would happen when the user intended for it to happen.
It's... not the worst application for AI I've ever seen, but that's really not saying much. It seems like you could implement this with ~150 lines of assembly instead of a full ML model, but what do I know...
Great news for Elon
He tested the AI extensively
Oh boy I can’t wait until his robotic taxis make my uber job obsolete. I sure hate driving around, talking to people, and listening to music all day.
Getting AI to play a game that was coded by AI, using AI textures and music, using AI upscaling and AI frame generation on my Copilot+ PC, so that I can use AI to create a YouTube video from the footage which can then be stolen by an AI web crawler and used to train AI models to create more AI content
And you won't even have to have sex anymore. You and your partner will just set up your AI powered sex toys to fuck each other so you're free to go to work.
Ahhh… I remember when Abraham Lincoln predicted this true Circle of Life.
That almost makes sense.
I recently tried one of those god-awful "idle clicker" style games, and my first thought was: "This is such a grind... I could write software to automate this." Then I realized that Factorio is right there.
Some of the idle clicker games are fun as a little timewaster I spend two minutes a day on, but they're exclusively mobile games for me. I have a billion better options if I'm actually at my computer.
For the low price of $69.420/month
That last zero in the price is critical.
That's your average gacha game. And even some actual games did it, like Disgaea - ruining the whole series.
We don't talk about disgaea 6 anymore. 7 fixed that.
But can it be toxic ?
It will be toxic.
Depends on the training dataset, but where would you even find gamers being toxic?
I do love those games where you have to set rules and let the game play for you (anybody play Stone Story?). A game based on training AI and giving AI instructions on how to play it and watching what happens sounds interesting. Who’s gonna make this for me?
That's how I want city building games to be lol. Let me just setup roads and maybe utility buildings and see how that goes. Don't want to handle budget and shit.
Zachtronics already made this game, called Exapunks
It's not quite AI, but the game loop gives you a puzzle board in which you program little bots to solve the puzzle. You're then ranked by time and cycles required.
Some of these puzzles get diabolical, too. It's a good game.
That’s looks pretty cool. Similar vibes to some story.
Just saying, James Rolfe did an Angry Video Game Nerd two part episode with this very premise last month.
Yep came here to see if anyone had mentioned it LOL.
Cool, maybe I'll finally finish dark souls 3's first 10 meters of the map.
I think some people might actually need something like this. "You've been playing video games for 36 hours straight, please go take a shower. I will handle this for you until you're out."
Old School Runescape players: "How much does that cost again?"
What we need is a gaming AI that predicts what games you might play and preemptively downloads those giant patches while removing games you wouldn't play when disk space gets low.
Or better yet, cartridges.
INB4 the Angry Video Game Nerd already does -- Ah, crap.
You don't need AI to have auto-play MMOs and gachas. They even are on mobile!
Unironicly I do enjoy playing a video game and asking the ai about shit tho. Eg. What does this item do etc etc
TBH: Some games are really a stupid grindfest. I'm avoiding some games because grinding for hundreds of hours to get to the interesting parts is stupid and I don't have the time for that. An AI that grinds for me would really be great.
My brother in Christ... you just invented the AutoRPG.