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JFK Airport. I'm not taking their advice.
  • Signs are supposed to work for dense people or it's a bad sign. I know the things you said and you know the things you said but the sign is for people that don't know those things and for them it's a shit sign.

  • Journalist shot by Minneapolis police during 2020 protests dying from injuries
  • By not being a trained nurse. Being wrong is pretty easy, you just have to not know things.

    My perception was that if you get something like a stroke, the initial damage is horrendous and that usually don't heal. Any improvement is the brain offloading the lost functions to other parts of the brain. But once the damage is done and doctors and nurses stopped the source of the damage, I figured the brain would just remain where it was.

  • Journalist shot by Minneapolis police during 2020 protests dying from injuries
  • First of all, yes. The type of lawyer that work for insurance companies are the kind of person that would argue that everyone dies and a dead human has the same number of atom as an alive one.

    My point is however a bit more human and practical. There are people that get dementia in their 40s without first having brain damage. There is no way of telling 100% if hers was a preexisting condition or not because most people don't do brain scans before being brain damaged and if the system can avoid paying the common man money they absolutely will.

    Especially since the police has given thousands of people brain damage and concussions and paying everyone that gets dementia money would be very expensive so the justice system at large would not allow it.

  • Journalist shot by Minneapolis police during 2020 protests dying from injuries
  • The defense will also claim that there is no way to prove that the dementia wouldn't have occured regardless and they would be technically correct. The thing that needs to happen is to remove rubber bullets from the police arsenal.

  • Journalist shot by Minneapolis police during 2020 protests dying from injuries
  • I would have liked some more info on how the brain injury is slowly killing her. My perception of what a brain injury could be is clearly wrong because I have been under the impression that the brain is pretty sturdy as long as the initial injury doesn't kill you.

  • What does the world think of India?
  • My general impression is that India are really good at scientific innovation and so on but only because the incredible inequality allows India to channel its resources so that it can be on par with other countries a fraction it's size.

    If they did the work required to lift the poor regions out of poverty, and sometimes just straight up feudalism, the country would become a proper superpower with far reaching cultural impact but right now India seem to slide further into Hindu nationalism so now it's more of a worry for everyone else if India became another dictatorship like china.

  • Locked
    Oregon man who drugged daughter's friends with insomnia medication at sleepover gets prison term
  • Did you read the article how he did it? He was explicitly testing them to see if they were waking up from the movement or not in the most cartoonish ways possible.

    The way you rationalize things is how children gets raped.

  • Kristi Noem Still Has No Regrets for Killing Puppy
  • Of course she doesn't. Her voters didn't particularly like that she killed a dog but they really hate weakness and changing her mind or regretting actions is a sign of weakness in their mind

  • How do you know what a streaming service have available if all of them need you to subscribe before showing you.
  • This seems to be the best solution. It lets you select country and it even has all the local apps indexed.

    Searching by language was locked behind a subscription which infuriated me but I guess subscribing to a service so that you can know what service you should subscribe to seems about right for 2024.

  • How do you know what a streaming service have available if all of them need you to subscribe before showing you.

    I know piracy will be 90% of the answer here and I agree but I am watching with people that insist on legal viewing.

    What Relative Humidity do you keep for your PLA and how do you achieve that.

    I watched a 3D printing youtuber say that Adam Savage said 20% but 10% is what he uses.

    I have never seen my sunlu dryer show anything bellow 23% even after days of use and I have no idea how to achieve 10 without cooking the filament.

    I want to set up a selfhosted RSS reader but feel a bit lost

    I was setting up a RSS reader with a bunch of webcomics but I immediately ran into the problem of some being on Instagram and I would like to have some way to handle that without having to use instagram. After some googling I found a bunch of links to abandoned or broken projects with documentation I did not understand.

    Any help or suggestions would be appreciated. I am quite the beginner tough, I have a truenas running on an old computer and a raspberry pi in a desk drawer so that the general competence I am working with.

    Is tags on broken for anyone else?

    When I click a tag on a thing I get what I think is their 404 page. At least I think it is because they decided to to make it all cute rather than provide information

    how close to the table edge is it socially acceptable to place a full glass of water?

    The question assumes that you are in mixed company and not just by yourself at your home.

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