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I finally own a "Kleinsche Bottle" :D
  • Altavista was the cool kid Tell me you are old without telling me your age xD

    But back to topic. Yeah i get your point, even if I still think "But yeah we have 2023 and not floppy disks anymore..." and maybe i overreacted a lil bit about the question with a salty link reply...

    In the end i think you're right the World is full enough of shitty people, next time i try to reply a bit nice even if I am pissed off that it happened the 265916th time (i cannot promise But i will try ;))

    So for everybody who read the discussion Till here: Link Klein Bottle-729957

    I also recommend to print it with "two layer Support" because i had a lot of trouble that everything kept on the print bed even with really big beim setup.

  • I finally own a "Kleinsche Bottle" :D
  • Asshole? Maybe... No reason... Well even in reddit, the First Thing people always askin is "where did you got the stl" and i am being honestly sick of people askin where to find the stl when everybody knows sites like thangs, printables and at least THINGIVERSE! And Yeah you find the exact Same Model on all those sites when you type in "Klein Bottle" some of them in the picture.

    Nope, i obviously have a reason and i am allowed to be sick of people who dont even try to type three words.

    Maybe there is a nicer way to teach people that. And yeah maybe i need to learn that (in a harsh way) too. But if somebody is capable of using something like a 3D printer (which is kinda hard imho), i expect them to Know at least how to search.

  • mixed signrules
  • Ich habe mir geschworen, sollte ich jemals nen Praktikanten bekommen, werde ich den nie so behandeln!

    Achja als Schülerpraktikant darf man sich bei sowas bei seinem Lehrer beschweren, da es keine Betriebsnahe Vermittlung des Arbeitsplatzes ist, sondern reine "Beschäftigungstherapie die man gibt weil sie niemand machen will..."

  • First Print with a 0.8 Nozzle!

    yesterday my new nozzles arrived and i tried 0.8 Nozzles for the first time. damn that was a hassle!

    Its not much, but its honest work! :D

    i think i upload more pictures later because i really would appreciate tips / help (for example about the bridging) also the first thing i need to change is the infill, because this one is waaaay heavier than my bigger calicats on 0.4 mm nozzles!

    EDIT: changed the picture.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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