Then we talk magic mirrors, they have evil rocks in them that get in our rivers and we donât contain well. That aside, we show tradition to our ancestors by making much of them with slavery.
Sure, because mining uranium is total helaty and no problem at all.
No worries. I heard it a more common problem then one would think.
If 21 % can't read (are Illiterate) then it makes sense that 79 % can read (are literate). So yes, nationwide and in the US are the same thing.
Besides that, I agree. No sources is a no go and no moderated comments is a fucking biohazard.
From this response and the others given here I think you should have better said "... this is MY roleplaying game". I don't think I would enjoy this attitude as a player.
That beeing said, you do yours. As long as you are having fun and you have players that enjoy your style of DMing, that's all fine.
Not everybodies playstyle is compatible, and that is a good thing, because different people enjoy different things. I'm saying this because I want to make clear that I'm not trying to make a personal attack here.
That's a very low bar.
I'll show myfself out.
Du vergisst dabei meiner Meinung nach, dass die Konkurrenz im diesem Fall breiter gefächert war.
"Zu wenig Investitionen, zu viel BĂźrokratie, zu hohe Standortkosten â die deutsche Wirtschaft steckt fest. Sie verliert in Europa und international den Anschluss": So fasste DIHK-HauptgeschäftsfĂźhrer Martin Wansleben die Ergebnisse der neuen DIHK-Konjunkturumfrage bei deren Vorstellung in Berlin zus...
Mich wßrde interessieren, was eure Gedanken hierzu sind. Ich kann mir vorstellen, dass die CDU das in den nächsten Wochen im Wahlkampf intensiv nutzen wird.
Also true if Eddy from Steven King's Dark Tower was Australien
Dabei das VermÜgenssteuer etc grundsätzlich sinnvoll sind.
Ich finde nur nicht, dass sie auch zusätzlich zu ein weiterhin bestehenden spitzensteuersatz ab 65.000 sinnvoll sind. Der Staat darf gerne sowohl bei den reichen Deutschen die in Lohnarbeit stehen, als auch bei den reichen deutschen die Ăźber groĂe VermĂśgen verfĂźgen und daraus Gewinne generieren mitverdienen. FĂźr mich ist das kein entweder oder.
Ich finde das eine ist nicht abhängig vom anderen. Ich finde es fair, wen die oberen 20 % mehr Steuer zahlen als die unteren 80%.
Beim Rest stimme ich dir zu, VermĂśgenssteuer, Erbschaftssteuer und Kapitalertragssteuer waren sinnvolle MaĂnahmen.
Seit wann wird Einkommenssteuer auf den Nettolohn erhoben?
Wird sie natßrlich nicht. Ich zeige ja nur, was 65.000 brutto bedeutet, im Verhältnis. Die Website macht den Vergleich mit Netto Gehältern, daher habe ich es auf Netto umgerechnet. Und im Verhältnis ist man damit schon sehr eindeutig deutlich reicher als die meisten Deutschen.
AuĂerdem sind deine Zahlen zum Haushaltseinkommen, die Einkommenssteuer wird jedoch auf jedes einzelne Einkommen berechnet
Darum habe ich auch nur eine Person eingestellt.
Ja, ich war da auch ßberrascht. Finde die Website aber super um eine realistische Idee zu bekommen, was ein Gehalt im Verhältnis ist.
65000 Euro Brutto im Jahr sind ca. 39.369,60 Euro Netto in Steuerklasse 1
39.369.60 ⏠: 12 = 3280.79 âŹ
Mit 65.000 liegt man schon ziemlich im oberen Bereich.
Mit 85.000 im Jahr:
Und da du doppelt so hoch (130.000 im Jahr) Vorschlägst:
Im not a native English speaker and I thought "lost my legs" was an idome of some sort, especially because you wrote it in the same sentence as beeing a single father.
But no. You lost your legs. Litarly.
In regards to the rest of your post, absolutely 100 % on your side. I met my wife 2 years ago and it is the most beautiful relationship I ever had, mainly because we treat each other with the same amount of respect.
Shut the fuck up, you take that back right now bitch.
Come to Lemmy, where the left can still be found in all its unhinged glory. We have Eat-the-Rich-Mondays, Threaten-a-Tankie-Thursdays and Wine-about-Windows-Wednesdays.
Absolutely. I try to counter it by beeing aware and checking M opinions against facts where possible. But I am sure there are many topics where I don't fully succeed or I haven't caught myself doing it yet.
I honestly don't see how I am or was screaming at you and u apologise if it came across as such. You are stating your opinion, which you indeed are entitled too. I am stating why I disagree. I am not attacking you as a person, or trying to belittle you for it. I simply don't think it beneficial (for the left) to hold the view you have stated without evidence.
Trump is a con man and a liar, absolutely. But for pulling of something on this scale it needs way, way more than one person. And all of them would have to hold tight, no leaks what so ever. That just doesn't sound realistic to me. I do hold the view hat we should base our opinions in fact, not speculation. I don't mean this as an attack. Ist just my view.
I am also not accusing you or anyone of beeing in cult.
I said it before to another person here, I'll say it again: I understand how you, how we all are angry, hurt, devasted even after this election. I share those emotions very much.
I still don't think we should copy the behaviour of the other side. I know you feel justified in your option. So do they. That doesn't make it more or less true though. Cult like would leave no room for discussion what so ever tough. I think we have that room, and are engaging in it right now. I think indeed the very fact that we are able to exchange opinions on this shows how this is very much not a cult.
Ich kann auch was zu Mädchen sagen, die ins männliche Geschlecht wechseln wollen, ist aber ein eigenes Thema und viel seltener, daher nicht mein Schwerpunkt hier.
Die erste ĂźberprĂźfbare Aussage die du raushaust, die nicht nur Geschwurbel ist (wie der Rest) und direkt einfach BlĂśdsinn.
Of the 1.3 million adults who identify as transgender, 38.5% (515,200) are transgender women, 35.9% (480,000) are transgender men, and 25.6% (341,800) reported they are gender nonconforming.
This is a (slightly older) article about Nuclear Energy and climate change. It's a hottly debated topic in climate communities, so I thought some of you would enjoy to read it.
Another article that brings up some more points against nuclear power can be found here.
I'd be interested what you ppl think of the matter.