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  • Court rules automakers can record and intercept owner text messages
  • I honestly don’t know. True or not, though, it’s an interesting idea!

  • Court rules automakers can record and intercept owner text messages
  • Yeah. What the hell were the plaintiffs supposed to do? How do you get proof of something like this? Break into an exec’s office? Hack an auto manufacturer’s network?

    Oh, wait a sec. Evidence that’s acquired illegally generally isn’t admissible. So even those ridiculous plans wouldn’t work. I guess the best we can do is wait until the harm is done, and then hope there’s a sloppy enough paper trail to unequivocally prove exactly who did it.

    Apparently, that’s MUCH better than using some common sense.

    An auto manufacturer, who has no business snooping on your texts in the first place, should not have permission to keep copies of them. Ever. It’s an absurdly obvious question. The plaintiffs shouldn’t have to prove they’ve been harmed. The auto manufacturers should have to prove that their intentions benefit all customers, AND that those benefits outweigh the risks.

    And no, advertising that’s specifically targeted at my perceived needs and interests doesn’t count as a “benefit”. Sorry not sorry.

  • Court rules automakers can record and intercept owner text messages
  • I’m going to assume this judge hasn’t been unduly influenced.

    This looks like a classic case of following the letter of the law, while ignoring the spirit of the law. The law seems like it’s intended to punish harmful violations of privacy. No reasonable person can conclude that the sale of tens (or hundreds) of thousands of people’s private data is entirely harmless, but that’s what this judge did.

    US courts often take “reasonable” assumptions into account when making judgments or issuing sentences. Just because the plaintiffs couldn’t actually prove specific damage is no reason to assume it didn’t/won’t happen.

  • UN Special Rapporteur Calls Out Walmart, Amazon, DoorDash as Creating Poverty by Not Paying Living Wages
  • Okay. Now, we need to call out our legislators for allowing them to not pay living wages.

    These corporations don’t give a damn about being shamed by the UN.

  • Conflating Jewish and Pro-Israel Is Wrong and Misleading
  • This is one of my biggest sources of frustration when listening to opinions on the issue - people conflating criticism/praise of a government with criticism/praise of a religion.

  • WhatsApp’s AI shows gun-wielding children when prompted with ‘Palestine’
  • To me, it should only “matter” for technical reasons - to help find the root of the problem and fix it at the source. If your roof is leaking, then fix the roof. Don’t become an expert on where to place the buckets.

    You’re right, though. It doesn’t matter in terms of excusing or justifying anything. It shouldn’t have been allowed to happen in the first place.

  • WhatsApp’s AI shows gun-wielding children when prompted with ‘Palestine’
  • Something as simple and obvious as this makes me wonder what other hidden biases are just waiting to be discovered.

  • Dies for your sins
  • Hey, you gotta understand religion if you want to effectively argue against it, so thanks! Clarification is always welcome! I don’t see any trolling here.

  • Can we get a status update?
  • I missed this! Thank you very much!

  • Removed
    Twitter's mayhem year
  • I have no idea who those two guys in the background are, but I feel sorry for them anyway just because they’re there.

  • Can we get a status update?
  • I wasn’t expecting the devs to respond that quickly 😂

  • 2 way communication is key
  • Both people are being sexist - the person who made this initial statement, and the person who replied. I’m not really helping by calling them sexist, though. The important questions are “why does this stereotype exist? How do I prevent/fix it?”

  • Can we get a status update?

    I just read a post that said “don’t worry, we haven’t just abandoned Memmy”, which is great…but that post is two months old. What’s going on?

    2 way communication is key
  • This is such a classic communication problem. I’d like to hear how to overcome it.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Lmao it is now my goal to use the phrase “language salty enough to cure pork”.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • The Founder Pounder series could be interesting. With horny shape shifters, the depravity is limited only by your imagination!

  • States sue Meta claiming its social platforms are addictive and harm children's mental health
  • Interesting (and disturbing) contrast. I haven’t done any programming, so I appreciate the perspective!

  • Why is 60fps a big deal for games?

    My background is in telecommunications (the technical side of video production), so I know that 30fps is (or was?) considered the standard for a lot of video. TV and movies don’t seem choppy when I watch them, so why does doubling the frame rate seem to matter so much when it comes to games? Reviewers mention it constantly, and I don’t understand why.

    “Submit Logs” doesn’t seem to work on iPad

    I almost exclusively use Memmy on my iPad, so I didn’t notice this for a while.

    Sometimes I get the “submit logs” screen. I dutifully click the link to submit the logs. I thought I was helping. Then, the other day, Memmy crashed when I was using it on my phone instead of my iPad. I clicked “submit logs” as usual… and my phone actually seemed like it was doing something. I’ve never noticed that on my iPad.

    That made me wonder - is the Submit Logs feature on iPad just much more subtle, or is it actually broken?

    I’ll be happy to provide specifics about my hardware/software upon request.

    Europe is cracking down on Big Tech. This is what will change when you sign on Europe is cracking down on Big Tech. This is what will change when you sign on

    Starting Friday, Europeans will see their online life change. People in the 27-nation European Union can alter some of what shows up when they search, scroll and share on the biggest social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram and Facebook and other tech giants like Google and Amazon.

    Europe is cracking down on Big Tech. This is what will change when you sign on

    I read this wondering if there would be something strange, or an overreaction. There’s nothing like that at all. It’s basically just a law that forces tech companies to respect people and their right to privacy. Most of it is common sense stuff that you think they should do without having to be told.

    Then you remember that there’s money involved, and people think ethics are too expensive.

    Why does it seem like viruses/malware etc are so much less common on Apple products?

    I used to write it up to market share. Decades ago, it seemed like every other day someone wrote an article about how Apple was doomed. I figured it just wasn’t efficient to mess with Apple stuff when you could mess with Windows.

    That’s not as much of an issue anymore, but is it still the main reason? Is there a technical issue as well?

    What’s with all the porn in Random today?

    The spammers have broken in and started posting links to sites I’ve never heard of. I must have blocked a dozen users today.

    12 meta magnetosphere
    Do edits show up quickly in federated instances?

    I frequently notice typos, grammatical errors, poor wording, etc. in my comments shortly after posting, so I edit them. Do those edits get shared among servers as quickly as the initial post did?

    Is Kbin support coming?

    Sorry, I know this question has been asked and answered a thousand times, but I’ve read about so many apps lately that I don’t remember which has plans for what.

    Will Memmy eventually be compatible with Kbin?

    General “thank you” for posting accessible links

    I just read a story on the Wall Street Journal. I don’t subscribe to the WSJ, and ordinarily would have been stopped by a paywall - however, @trashhalo was kind enough to post a readable archived link. I’ve run into this before, appreciated it each time, and hope it becomes standard practice when dealing with paywalled articles.

    That’s all. Thanks, everyone!

    HappyMeatbag magnetosphere
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