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  • I think it's the limit for what most people can see as jittery motion. You may be able to differentiate between higher FPS settings, but above 24 hertz most people shouldn't be able to see discrete steps.

    That's at least how I've come to understand it

  • The rule of the anti-woke grift
  • Or gets stuck in a loop

  • Choose your fighter
  • 11

  • MIT develops recyclable 3D-printed glass blocks for construction
  • I have a lot of questions. Why 3D print if everything is just going to be the same shape? And how do pieces shaped like 8ts snap together?

  • How to deal with the current heat wave
  • Okay, thanks I don't want anyone plugging my ventilation holes

  • Google outlines plans to help you sort real images from fake
  • Is this system trust based, just hoping that all software start tagging images with AI tags? Can't those tags just be removed then, if you want something to not be tagged as AI?

  • It'll be magical
  • And netflix are gonna make a series about ya

  • As a non-techie, where/how can I find out if software is safe?
  • Also, check the number of contributors to a project. All of those people do (probably) trust the project and have also (probably) read at least parts of the source code for it

  • Posting the shopping cart theory because people had questions in a separate thread
  • It's the opposite here in Sweden, in some larger supermarkets you did need a coin but in no smaller shops

    Anyways that's all gone now since no one carries coins anymore

  • Big af but sideways
  • John dillerman (a Danish TV show for kids, look it up)

  • I’m in on because make the global for crypto I want to biggest impact good
  • What's up with the message to start with? How is he making the world better by investing in crypto

  • Seconds
  • Can I get a conversation table?

  • Reading habits in Europe
  • That's true but (at least here in Sweden and among my friends and classmates) I think most people read at least occasionally. Personally, however I'm in the +10 category by a long shot

  • United States fast food chains in Europe
  • I doubt the accuracy of this map. I have never seen a dominos in Sweden and I've seen a few dunkin donuts so the map is, at least not fully accurate. Also didn't McDonald's shut down in Russia?

    Could you please post a source for this map?

  • An informative martial arts infographic
  • Don't you guys not Kung fu fight on boats in the ocean??? I thought everyone did that!

  • Mom can we have linux?
  • What in the whole dam world is linex forte stabilni slozeni 2?

  • [Edited]Do you noticed when someone write or work with the left hand?
  • That's extremely noticeable with left handed people trying to draw on whiteboards

  • Do you know alternative scripts for your language? If so, can you talk about them?
  • I don't know, but I would've think so. Part of the reason is that almost no one actually learns to read this stuff fluently without using the key and going letter by letter. So getting any significant sample of people to test it on would probably be hard

    I can't read (or write) it without the key, however I'm quite fast if I get to do it. I have thought of trying to learn it completely, mainly to see how hard it would be and what I'd learn (apart from, you know, learning brädgårdschiffer) from learning a "new" alfabet. I'd be interested to see how I view it in comparison to regular Latin script. I speak somewhere between 2 and 4 languages depending on how you count and I've found every new one interesting and insightful to learn so it would be fun to see if learning to read a new script fluently would be anywhere near as insightful. Ultimately I'd like to learn Korean or Chinese but that be a major challenge and take a lot of time (also, I could probably not squeeze it in to my formal education with the path I'm going to take so I'd have to do it in my free time)

  • Do you know alternative scripts for your language? If so, can you talk about them?
  • Yeah, sure you can just substitute out the letters or write them out as is. And thanks for the image, i always get problems with images proxyed through ddg and then my instance

  • We should count in base four

    We have basic words for the numbers zero to three, so why not use them to count?

    • None (0)
    • Single (1)
    • pair (2)
    • Multiple (3+ but we'll use it as three)

    So with those "digits" we can construct some numbers:

    1. Single
    2. pair
    3. Multiple
    4. Single nothing
    5. Single single
    6. Single pair
    7. Single multiple
    8. Pair of nothing
    9. Pair of singels
    10. Pair of pairs

    And of course we can construct bigger numbers like: 42 = 4²×2+4¹×2+4⁰×2 = pair of pairs of pairs 128 = 4³×2 = pair of absolute complete nothinges For this last one I just use some adjectives to repeat the "nothing" as it looks really weird with multiple nothing in a row.

    > The distance between Stockholm and Gothenburg is a single multiple of none multiple multiples

    > Could I have a single multiple of bananas please?


    I saw this on the street today and found it very funny

    Do you believe the that you have a soul?

    And do believe that I, this random guy on the internet has a soul

    I personally don't believe that I anyone else has a soul. From my standup I don't se any reason to believe that our consciousness and our so called "soul" would be any more then something our brain is making up.

    We should make more random friendly comments here on Lemmy

    Like just commenting a friendly joke, a compliment or something like that

    A single atom

    This is revolutionising!!! This is the first time scientists have managed to separate out a single atom, encapsulated in a vacuum. This will allow amazing new technologies like, ehm small stuf mabey? This is Amazing!

    What are some things that windows can't do, but Linux can?

    I saw the opposite question asked here and thought it would be interesting to flip it on its head.

    I can start. Linux can make arbitrary files executebel and windows (at the time I used it) could definitely not do that. ```sh printf "# /bin/bash\necho 'Hello world'" > HW.bash chmod +x ./HW.bash ./HW.bash

    prints hello world

    ``` ^ something like that is just not possible on windows

    What does .: come from / what does it mean?

    I've seen .: used two times now, and I really wonder what is? The first time I saw it was in an extract from the Swedish dictionary SAOL in NE. They used it something like this so: > History.: since year x

    More lately I saw it used in this comment by like so: > What make bikes so expensive? > >R.: The willing of people to buy them.


    What is this? Were does it come from? Should I use it?


    Edit: thanks for all the answers :). It turns out it was actually used for abbreviation in the dictionary, they wrote "hist." instead of "historia".

    Markdown editor bug

    When I click on the link button in boost it creates an link using the markdown image syntax, aka ![name](URL). An proper markdown link is formatted using [name](URL)

    Hjalamanger Hjalmar

    15 årig scout, tycker om nyheter, politik och datorer (FOSS)

    Posts 21
    Comments 358