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It's not just vibes. Americans' perception of the economy has completely changed.
  • I think it is more writing to people for whom that is the case.

    The economy is shifting to a set of haves and have-nots. The problems that the haves deal with are tied a lot more to economic performance than have-nots.

    You also have a case where unemployment is still low, with a lot of the issue being tied to low minimum wages. Usually, the problems that have-nots have with the economy have been tied to unemployment. You can get a job in this economy, it just won't be well paying.

  • Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day?
  • Juneteenth is coalescing around a menu of barbeque and red colored foods. Fried chicken could be served, but it likely wouldn't be the main entree.

    It would be like a non-American serving Americans burgers and fries for Thanksgiving. Sure, Americans are known to like burgers, but that isn't the holiday is about.

  • Why not serve fried chicken on Juneteenth? How is it different from serving corned beef on St. Patrick’s day?
  • About a century ago, blackface was a form of comedy where white people would make their faces black and put on comedic shows. They would take some elements of black culture, like mimicking accents or saying they love fried chicken and watermelon, and make fun of black people for being idiots.

    Giving out fried chicken to an event like this feels like you don't really care about the event. Instead, it is a token gesture at best where the decision makers thought "well, black people like fried chicken, so give them that."

    Watermelon and other red food is served on Juneteenth. But, if watermelon is the only red food there, they likely didn't pick it because of cultural sensitivity to the holiday.

  • ‘Will I ever retire?’: millennials wonder what’s on the other side of middle age
  • For some, you get the Jack Walsh thinking that some employees are going to be statistically bad performers, so it is good to get rid of them.

    You also have other cases where lowering the time to train means you can expand faster since you don't need to find quality staff. The original McDonald's trained its staff to be able to be high output restaurants. The business model changed to needing less worker training to help fuel expansion.

    You also have the case where some managers believe some jobs only require a commodity level labor. At that point, there is no value in training.

  • The Internet is becoming genuinely unusable without an ad blocker
  • And how much time?

    How many hours does it take to fill admin roles? How many hours does it take to fill mod roles?

    What if you had to pay them?

    Lemmy is currently at a scale that it can be sustained by volunteers only. That will change as it grows.

  • Why was the American federal corrections system harder to escape compared to Colombia's?
  • Prison guards are generally better paid in the USA and American politicians are more sensitive to the consequences of escapes than Colombian politicians.

    Even with mafia infiltration of American prisons, it was usually only done to increase the quality of life for mafia affiliated peoplein prison as it would be too risky to try to break them out and get three attention of the public.

  • If the American embargo of Cuba ended, what do you think would happen to the USA and Cuba?

    This isn't meant to be a discussion on the morality of the embargo, but the affects of the embargo ending for both countries. These affects can be political, economic, or social.

    What if the Gaza Strip declared independence?

    The Gaza Strip seems very poorly served by the Palestinian Authority, let alone Israel. But, the area has relatively stable borders and it would likely have a stable government in Hamas. So, what if Gaza just declared independence as the government with sole control over the Gaza Strip?

    Would Gaza get recognized by other countries? Could it parlay the recognition into forcing a permanent peace with Israel as becoming a recognized country puts Israeli treatment of it into more known sections of international law?

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