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Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • This got me thinking... The major players either have nukes or ways to defend themselves against them, and I don't imagine it's easy/cheap to replace intercepted nukes.

    What would a contemporary use of nukes even look like? Targeting your opponent's colonies? Scaring people from neighbouring countries into becoming refugees?

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 24th to June 30th, 2024 - Waiting for War - COTW: Lebanon
  • This got me thinking... the way we imagine future nuclear strikes is just repeats of America's terrorist attack on Japan. The point was scaring the soviets out of liberating Japan, but the situation is completely different now. The major players either have nukes or ways to defend themselves against them, and I don't imagine it's easy to replace intercepted nukes.

    The scary thought I had was that the "modern" use of nukes would be to vaporize your enemy's colonies (third world countries) instead of the main target itself, thus derailing their economy instead. The psychological side of the nukes would also raise a wave of refugees, regardless of the destruction itself, which could be another way of destabilizing a neighbouring country.

  • Another day, another apartheid defense league banger
  • 9/11

    how ordinary Americans could look the other way as innocent middle easterns get murdered by their government?

  • You mean it was never about saving Ukraine from Vladolf Putler's unprovoked Aggression?
  • How do you analyze the current massacre of Gaza through these lens? Considering the timing (same time as Ukraine war, Niger's coup, Iran's coup attempt etc) and the attention it's getting from the imperial core? I remember back in october somebody pointing out the "coincidence" of a land rich with gas fields getting attacked not long after Nordsk's explosion

  • Explaining why fascism is bad to a German: so imagine a muslim, (bonus Musk being a nazi)
  • I knows it's obvious for anyone here, but he knows what he is doing. Musk willingly promotes fascism and nazism

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 3rd to June 9th, 2024 - Morena Reigns More - COTW: Mexico
  • Reading the history of the decolonization struggle around the world emphasizes just how devastating the fall of the USSR was for humanity.

    It also puts into perspective how recent the specific shitty situation we're in is, and that something different is possible.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • Genuine questions, I'm still a baby Marxist.

    by selling their goods and services (built with the help of China) to the US!

    ... which flood american markets with cheap, quality products and drowns America's own productive capacity, right? Isn't that precisely how america lost its means of production? American capital is even trying to prevent this on the electric vehicle sphere.

    I understand that production and consumption are moments of a whole, so the dependence goes both ways - you can't keep producing unless someone is buying. I also understand that all this is somewhat secondary to the problem underlying the whole thing:

    If you don’t accumulate dollars, you can’t import food and fuel

    Do the major food/fuel-producing countries have dominance over their own production and commerce? Where do their dollars go next?

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 20th to May 26th, 2024 - Never Break TrueAnon's Rules For Life - COTW: Azerbaijan
  • Another major news source that gets their info from our news mega. It keeps happening, folks!!!

  • How to get a clue where on the curve of Dunning-Kruger effect you are?
  • Depending on the actual thing you're considering, it's putting the knowledge into practice and having a clear way of evaluating whether you're failing

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 13th to May 19th, 2024 - The Blazing Furnace - COTW: Vietnam
  • China’s manipulation of Taiwan’s understandable fears of abandonment

    "China is just like my ex" is not an analysis I was expecting to see today, although expected from a dying empire

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 29th to May 5th, 2024 - Césaire's Boomerang - COTW: United States
  • The American empire collapsed overnight!!!

    It wasn't a revolution or anything, it kinda just did that

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 29th to May 5th, 2024 - Césaire's Boomerang - COTW: United States
  • Reminder for Americans:

    It shouldn't even be needed to point it out, but read Lenin and the documents of the 3rd international , get the fuck out there, organize and agitate. Talk to people about Marxism (covertly if you have to, that's why you must study and have the ideas clear in your head), get them to organize too. Go to events, call friends to join, take the microphone, get other people on the microphone too.

    Don't let this opportunity fizzle out, you libs

  • I hate when my employees complete all their work to a high standard!!
  • It's amazing how the slimyness moving just behind the text seems confusing and hard to grasp until you've read Marx, then you just see the nature of the exploitation everyfuckingwhere

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 8th to April 14th, 2024 - First Iran-Israel War Megathread
  • Libs will simultaneously believe that secret Russian spies got him in jail then killed him, and that he wrote a memoir while under arrest and it survived and got to get published

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 8th to April 14th, 2024 - First Iran-Israel War Megathread
  • Heart pounding as I reload Hexbear and check how many new comments there are in the news mega

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from April 8th to April 14th, 2024 - First Iran-Israel War Megathread
  • Imperialism took it's toll (i.e. parasitism and decomposition).

    Obligatory read lenin, he figured out this exact phenomenon over 100 years ago

  • HAN: CDC confirm first human infection of bird flu in the US
  • I agree with teapot.

    the supply of JYNNEOS available for distribution through the end of this year is estimated to only be sufficient to immunize half of the individuals at highest risk for monkeypox


    More specifically, ACAM2000 may not be appropriate now for a potentially immunocompromised population.

    "Population" just means "group of people with this particularity" in epidemiology, not "the american population." Nothing in the text you shared suggests america is immunocompromised

  • :international-community: or :the-world:

    I couldn't find it anywhere, so I guess it isn't an emoji yet for some reason
