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Why do you choose to continue living?
  • I've got alot of people I've promised that I won't off myself. Those promises were mainly what got me through the dark times.

    I set up a plan a while back now. Once I hit an age where I feel pain all the time, I'll start evaluating whether I'm getting enough enjoyment out of life to continue. If I decide it's time, I start getting my affairs in order. Getting closure with folks, having some good final talks with folks, giving the advice I can, documenting that I know that I haven't documented yet, distributing my things, etc.

    At the end of it, if I still feel like going, I'll get my N2 tank and respirator and find a nice place to sit.

    I've given myself 30 years for my first raincheck. Might push it up if things get real bad, but it's pretty alright ATM so I don't think I will RN.

  • NSFW Removed
    The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Best On-Demand Food Delivery App
  • Here's my delivery app for ya: SMS

    You text your buddy, they buy the groceries, you pay em for gas & groceries and alittle extra for the trouble, and you have em over for dinner.

    None of these exploitive business models RN.

  • Have you seen someone die in front of you?
  • Saw the aftermath of a pretty bad motorcycle accident, with the rider receiving CPR. It was confirmed later by the news that they didn't make it. I was stuck at a light and able to see the scene for a few solid minutes, but it really didn't impact me heavily. Honestly it felt even less relevant than footage I'd seen before since I was having to actually drive and my attention couldn't be put entirely on the accident.

    In contrast, I was there for a friend putting their dog down. The amount of emotion everyone was going through was much more pronounced - you could physically feel the sadness around you.

    Seeing death always has an uneasy aspect to it, but I think the real impact comes from social ceremony. We choose to feel pain over it as a way to heal, I think.

  • Locked
    Dance Dance Revolution
  • The election will pan out how it'll pan out. I'm voting for Biden so I can give my friends the best chance we can get them.

    I am not just voting, though, and you shouldn't stop at voting either.

    Start working towards unionizing your workplace if you can. Join the IWW for training and networking (literally any worker can join).

    Join and support any kind of solidarity network in your town you can (tenant unions, volunteer security details, food distributors, etc.) Hell, start one with your friends if there isn't one.

    Participate in protests and public shows of solidarity. Don't back down.

    Help the homeless. They've completely lost their voices and are constantly under attack by NIMBYs and cops, and it's likely that many people you know right now will be in their position in the future, especially if Trump's Elected.

    Right now, 'the revolution' would never come. US citizens are atomized and divided, by highways, suburban sprawl, parking lots, hostile architecture, and the constant crushing weight of capitalist responsibilities. We've got to rebuilt the networks of solidarity we had during the union wars. That's the best way forward to a better US. Unionize, uplift your fellow workers, and keep pushing against the oppressors.

  • Airport security be like part 2
  • Apparently new x-ray systems are now able to differentiate the density of water from other more dangerous chemicals, which has made so some airport customs do in fact allow water bottles through.

    Video talking about it

  • Israeli Scientists Are Shunned by Universities Over the Gaza War
  • I'm assuming they mean they're shunning Zionist scientists? I would guess that there are pro-Palestine scientists out there who have Israeli citizenship.

    Edit:article is subscription-walled but from what I read it's specifically that scientists at Israeli institutions are getting dropped in protest.

  • Men’s mental health matters too ❤️
  • One thing I think should definitely be put out there more loudly is that Alexithymia(emotional blindness) is likely very common among dudes. I'm mostly going off personal experience, and how I've had issues identifying my emotions, and how I've heard some dudes I've talked to straight up just say they think they don't feel things. I suspect potentially most dudes don't understand how to detect emotions outside of very intense sadness, anger, etc. and I think that they need that communicated and a path they can maybe follow.

  • Thought up a fusion between Kaktovik and Cistercian Numerals, thought I'd share

    I kind of had this epiphany while talking with some friends about different interesting numeral systems and their various advantages and disadvantages. I ended up thinking this system up while I was in the shower, went back to my desk and knocked it out in an hour or so. It takes aspects of the Kaktovik numeral system invented by the Inupiaq tribe, and combines them with some aspects of the Cistercian numerals.

    I think that this numeral system fusion can look very wizard-y, and be easy to write and do math with.

    I've abbreviated it as b10CK, which I think is pretty clean.

    Books _NoName_
    Public Domain Book Recommendations

    I'm currently trying to get better at reading and am doing that by accumulating a library of public domain books, since they're free and easily available.

    • If you have a specific work you love that was published pre-1928, or is currently not under copyright, feel free to comment it down below.

    • if you have any authors you think are worth reading, also post them below.

    I'm currently reading Jack London's "War of the Classes", and I have "Carmilla" by Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, and "The Picture of Dorian Gray" by Oscar Wilde downloaded for later.

    Fairphone maximum lifespan?

    I got a Fairphone 4 after security updates were discontinued on my Samsung Galaxy S9 and I figured out it couldn't be flashed with a new OS (it was a fantastic phone while it lasted- was honestly Underutilizing its overall power. Got 5 years out of it).

    TLDR : read the last paragraph

    I am honestly taken aback by the transparency in regards to the FP4's construction. The repair manual gives the part number, quantity, and purpose of every single component on the PCBs. You get the full schematics as well.

    Obviously I can replace any major part/board until support stops (they're saying they'll support it for 3 more years minimum), but I imagine that I could stock up a couple spare parts and treat the device well and get much longer from the hardware. As for support for the OS, I got the phone through Murena who put their own custom OS on it, but I imagine I could flash a new OS onto it without much problem.

    The things I am thinking about are past that point. If replacement parts no longer get sold and something fails on one of the boards, I don't know the feasibility of finding a replacement component. Like, I imagine getting a matching capacitor wouldn't be an issue, but can you even find a replacement snapdragon or WiFi chip? And while we're talking about hot-air soldering on replacement parts: do PCBs have a duty lifespan? Is it more likely that my screen'll just die long before anything else?

    Basically, assuming I treat this phone right and don't break anything in a drop, how long can I glide this fella out? what's the shorest lifespan parts that'll fail first - and what kind of lifetime can I suspect? What are parts I could consider replacing with a similar part? (I own a 3d printer and do diverse material fabricating as a hobby).

    Better than new!

    Just got done installing the new shell from JSAUX! Had some pains to go through that I want to let you folks know about.

    First and foremost, if you have the 512GB steam deck that comes stock with an anti glare screen, DO NOT pry from the side that JSAUX shows in their video. Pry from the other side. They are using the standard screen in that video.

    For reference, if you look at the 512GB steam deck screen, and go to part only, and look at the rear-side image, there is a "buffer space" on the left side (opposite the ribbon cable) of the screen for prying under the adhesive (for whatever reason they have the screen upside down in the image). On the 64/256GB steam deck screen, the buffer space is on the right side, with the ribbon cable. If you try prying under the right side of the anti-glare screen, you immediately run into the ribbon cable and are likely to damage it. I just barely had to buy a brand new screen to finish this project because of this. ! !

    Second thing. When trying to pry the screen off the adhesive, it is very easy to completely slide your spudger directly in between the shell and the screen. You should reference where the positioning triangles are on your empty shell, and pry at one of those locations. It greatly simplifies removing the screen. !

    Lastly, when removing the triggers, do as shown in the video carefully. The hall effect sensors (tiny little chip on the board under the trigger magnet) used by each trigger on the board are very exposed. if you force one of the triggers off, you can easily knock that hall effect sensor off. I only noticed the little chip sitting on my desk during reassembly. I managed to hand solder the little guy back on and it ain't a pretty job but it works.

    Hopefully this hard-knock wisdom helps some of y'all avoid my mistakes.

    Pertinent Philosophy around firearms

    People commonly quote Marx communicating that the possession of firearms must not be infringed, but I'd like more general principles and justifications than an appeal to Marx.

    I've done some reading but when I cannot I just think about things on my own, maybe bounce ideas off a friend.

    Word Vomit Contained inside

    The view that I've come to currently is that violence (defined in this case as the obstruction or frustration of another's plans and ambitions) is a core universal tool which all living things employ. Language and cooperation were evolutionary evolved as a complement to violence (communication and cooperation allowed group violence which greatly improved survival odds). However, in cases where communication/cooperation with an outgroup breaks down, violence in some form will be fallen back on.

    What's more, between two non-cooperative groups, if one group can obtain what they want through violence without losing more than they gain, they'll quite often choose that option as it is enticing.

    Because of this natural progression, force-on-force is almost inevitable. To prevent being trodden upon by others, it is wise for a community to arm itself and train, thus greatly raising the cost of confrontations, hopefully beyond what others are willing to pay.

    I would like to hear more from folks though, maybe just wise words on operation, maybe some sources to check out in my free time. Anything to better build my understanding is welcome.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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