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  • nah, give me academia vs working with clients. I hated that shit so much.

  • Surveillance "Personalized Pricing" To Gouge Customers All of Their Money.
  • It does matter because:

    1. it makes my brain happy to come up with ways to beat it

    2. beating the algorithm will reduce prices for the shopper (loss leaders will be used heavily for this I'm sure)

    3. if enough people are cheating the system, it breaks the algorithm for everyone

  • Surveillance "Personalized Pricing" To Gouge Customers All of Their Money.
  • Well this is disgusting, but at least it looks incredibly easy to game. Lie about your job, make big purchases on weeks you aren't paid, buy generic when possible, trade coupons with friends, spoof GPS and geoIP data to look like you're in a poorer location. And that's just off the top of my head. Once again the big internet money making strategy is taking advantage of the uninformed and the elderly.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 10th to June 16th, 2024 - Havana Derangement Syndrome - COTW: Cuba
  • said one senior European diplomat. “We might be stupid..."

    Finally! a politician that tells the truth

  • AI Appears to Rapidly Be Approaching Brick Wall Where It Can't Get Smarter
  • I was reading an article about how ChatGPT will sometimes go on existential rants and I figure it's probably because so much of the training data is now generated by LLMs and posted on the internet. probably a glut of people posting "I asked chatGPT what it was like to be a robot" and things of that nature.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 10th to June 16th, 2024 - Havana Derangement Syndrome - COTW: Cuba
  • Adm. Samuel Paparo

    You ever read a name and instantly know that in 20 years you'll be hearing about how his terrible ideas got a bunch of people killed?

  • mouse recommendations
  • +1 for steelseries, for basically any peripheral

  • There is a hunger that can be met only by the cheapest and gaudiest of wraps
  • At first I thought it was a copper wrap and I thought it was kind of fun to make it look like a weaker and cheaper metal, but no. Much worse.

  • Joe Biden’s Campaign Disses Donald Trump Using Kendrick Lamar ‘Euphoria’ Lyrics
  • I'm not sure. Kendrick isn't a communist (which is kind of crazy because Tupac was and Kendrick looks up to Tupac quite a bit) so I don't know if he has the education on Palestine to be able to make that connection. I also know he sympathizes with the black Israelite movement so whatever opinion Kendrick gives is probably bad whether it supports Israel or not.

  • Joe Biden’s Campaign Disses Donald Trump Using Kendrick Lamar ‘Euphoria’ Lyrics
  • Kendrick demolished drake, but he is not your savior

    In all seriousness when he does touch on foreign policy, which is rare, it's usually usually standard liberal nonsense so he can keep his opinion to himself.

  • worldbuilding
  • This is shocking close to my novel...

  • Nintendo forces Garry's Mod to delete 20 years of content — Garry confirms Nintendo is behind Steam Workshop purge
  • Figure the next console will be announced soon, so Ninty needs to piss off their fanbase beforehand

  • Edward Snowden: "The NSA is just 𝗗𝗔𝗬𝗦 from taking over the internet, and it's not on the front page of any newspaper--because no one has noticed."
  • I feel like this is something where I used to hear about the EFF raise hell about it. What happened to them?

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from March 18th to March 24th, 2024 - Ra Ra Rasputin - COTW: Russia
  • Sweater weather is one of the horniest songs I can think of, not that it's super explicit, but it's just dripping with sexual tension.

  • The state of American politics in 2024

  • Watto Wall ✂️ Watto wall

    60 seconds · Clipped by Knil Adlez · Original video "[Vinesauce] Watto - Star Wars Episode 1 Games" by Vinesauce: The Full Sauce

    ✂️ Watto wall
    Drew Barrymore Opens GM Assembly Plant Amid Impending Autoworker Strike Drew Barrymore Opens GM Assembly Plant Amid Impending Autoworker Strike

    NEW YORK—Claiming that she would “own this choice,” actor, producer, and talk show host Drew Barrymore announced the opening of her new General Motors assembly plant Thursday amid the impending autoworkers strike. “While I know it’s not what everyone wants, this factory is bigger than just me, so we...

    Drew Barrymore Opens GM Assembly Plant Amid Impending Autoworker Strike
    The Google Pixel 7 pro has a horrible camera

    I recently got a Google Pixel 7 pro because my previous phone was glitching out and it was a headache. I didn't buy the phone for the camera, I have a mirrorless that I use when I want to take a picture, I got it for the battery life and to not have Samsung bloatware.

    But still every once in a while I want to take a quick pic and send it on signal or Snapchat or something, and every time it comes out way too saturated and way too sharpened. All the ads I saw for this phone was for camera features like the magic eraser thing and the night vision, but they're all just covering for what is the worst camera sensor that they could possibly find. You can't control the exposure, you can't get the raw image, It is a horrible experience to take a picture with this phone every single time.

    If you want a smartphone to be able to take good pictures. First of all, don't. Get a camera. Second of all, steer clear of the pixel phones.
