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if not for bear website I just wouldnt have a social life at all
  • hexbear is generally nice to have, meanwhile the rest of the internet just feels very hostile. this website is probably the only place im social at to, since like in real life I have a lot of trouble speaking due to having trouble speaking/speech issues. and that is very isolating at times. also it just nice to just vent on here about stuff.

  • Greece set to officially introduce the 6 day work week starting July 1
  • yea, especially to the detriment of the worker as well to either an early death or tons of health complications from overwork.

  • Greece set to officially introduce the 6 day work week starting July 1
  • except it one of the ways capitalists use to extract surplus. increasing the working day or in this increasing working hours, is a way to increase extracting surplus value, mainly absolute surplus value.

  • Putin's Full Speech: BRICS, NATO Expansion and Ukraine Peace Talk Conditions | Moon of Alabama
  • Okay! Well just remember every time you go saying that phrase, you're pretty much saying fascist shit. Especially considering how OUN and Bandera were Nazi collaborators and liked to say that phrase. While at it, go read every atrocity Bandera and his ilk committed to! Just to point something else out to.

    It was at the Warsaw trial that the OUN first started using the slogan “Slava Ukraini” publicly in combination with the Roman (Nazi) salute. Vira Svientsitska was the first to shout the slogan with salute in court as she was being dragged from the courtroom for refusing to testify in Polish. Bandera and Mykola Lebed would shout the slogan at their sentencing.


    Maybe do some reading, like from that link! Or go double down on willful ignorance.

  • Locked
    Why are Palestinian protests filled with feds?
  • Would you rather just like, let those trying to villianize Hamas be successful? When Hamas are doing heroic things and doing things like fighting against genocide and being a major force against everything Israel doing? Like why should any ground be given to those who want to condemn Hamas? Fuck anyone trying to condemn Hamas

  • Locked
    Why are Palestinian protests filled with feds?
  • No, what kind of take is this? People shouldn't concede ground to those trying to villianize Hamas, when Hamas is fighting against genocide. If anything Hamas needs more support

  • its bat appreciation day, post your favorite bats
  • aw, white striped freetail bats are so cute! and oh I can imagine fruitbats being noisy. esp. since they're bigger than regular bats since they're like megabats? but there also like the great flying fox? It's neat their also around you as well!

  • its bat appreciation day, post your favorite bats
  • It's neat you hear them at least! There's like hardly any bats where I'm at so it would be surprising to ever see or hear one. I'm sure they're around here, somewhere

  • its bat appreciation day, post your favorite bats
  • The orange/black/painted bat belongs to Vesper bats which are all really adorable and they tend to be small to! but not as small at the bumblebee bat, since the bumblebee bat the world smallest bat

  • its bat appreciation day, post your favorite bats
  • Its either painted bats or kitti's hog-nosed bat/bumblebee bat that are my favorite

  • Do you believe that people in high power leadership roles should meet certain criteria? If so, which criteria?
  • They should have shown to have done stuff, like actually helping people or like doing things in the past that helped communities. Instead of just useless talk.

  • What did you learn recently? Serious or jokey.
  • I learned about technical and organic composition of capital. Since I never heard of that before until like a few days ago, it's really new to me

  • Locked Removed
    Do you believe parapsychological powers exist? Premonitions, telepathy, etc.
  • It would be cool if some of that was real, but I don't have much reason to believe in some of it? But it would be cool if there was more to life. I really hate the idea that were all just like biological machine because it feels dehumanizing to reduce the entire human experience to that, and is really missing the trees for the forest or forest for the trees? I'm overthinking that phrase. Anyways like there a lot to being human and to being alive then just organ brain stuff.

  • Am I posting in /c/mutual_aid too often? In general am I annoying?
  • You're not annoying nor are you pissing everyone off. and the mutual aid com there to help! post there as much as you need to. you are in an extremely rough situation.

  • Radlibs trying to lay the blame for that soldier's self immolation at the feet of "tankies"
  • It's seriously angering me how like, what he did is just being brushed off as "mental illness"

  • Kolibri Kolibri [she/her]

    Death to America


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