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Am I posting in /c/mutual_aid too often? In general am I annoying?

Like every other post is one of mine and, things have been rough, but I feel like I’m sucking the air out of the room and just pissing everyone off. I’ve been trying not to post there—which literally means I’m back to barely eating, and back to experiencing the brain fog and shit that I once naively believed was over. It’s like fucking Flowers for Algernon lol.

  • You're in pain. Go easy on yourself.

  • As someone who often feels guilty asking for any kind of financial assistance, I'd encourage you to really know that mutual aid is a system of trust. Comrades here support you and care about you because we know that we are a part of a system that is fucking all of us over. Some of us may have ended up getting by better than others, and it sucks because these circumstances aren't all about "pulling yourself up by your bootstraps" like many chuds want to claim they are. Through mutual aid assistance, I recently got my monthly rent covered, and I'm forever thankful for all who contributed. It, psychologically speaking, makes sense that a system like capitalism will make you feel like shit and annoying because capitalism, capitalists, and their supporters all want to make you think that you going through economically disparaging times is YOUR fault and you failing to be as financially well-off is an indicator of something wrong with YOU. It's not, and capitalism has gotten us to a point where it's hard to even get to a place to start building a functional life if you weren't already at least somewhat financially stable to begin with. It's horrid to me, and it seems to be horrid to everyone who's been willing to support you too.

  • You're not annoying nor are you pissing everyone off. and the mutual aid com there to help! post there as much as you need to. you are in an extremely rough situation.

  • Nah, we have annoying posters, but you're not one of them

  • Bruh. You're homeless in America which is a fucking dire place to be homeless in and I see you post with requests for like $10 here and $20 there.

    I say this without intending to shit on anyone else who posts in that comm but there are some posts on there where people need a hand to make it through to the next paycheck. Poverty of any kind is shit and it's all distressing but there's a big difference between being at the "Welp, looks like I'm eating beans and rice for the next week" level of need and the "I think my body is going into ketosis because I haven't had enough to eat" level of need.

    It's okay to ask for help when you need it.

    If you can muster the brain power, I would strongly recommend signing yourself up with LiberaPay because if you use that platform then you'll be able to get donations from anywhere in the world and it would give people the option to set up a recurring donation to you so that they're able to throw a bit of change your way on a consistent basis that suits their flow of income rather than relying on the chances that they'll see your post and act on it.

  • No, of course not. Capitalism is merciless and of course life is rough. We help keep us safe.

  • Your posts don't bother me at all comrade stalin-heart

  • You are cool and good

  • I guess it's awkward or maybe rude to ask, but do you have a paypal or something I can send to from Canada? Our currency is dogshit but I can spare some.

    You're not annoying though, I like reading your posts.

  • You are not annoying, please continue!

  • You're not annoying I'm annoying

  • No, you are not annoying.

  • Mutual aid exists to help. If you need help, then you're the target demographic. Simple as that.

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