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  • oh my god please do it, please make hillary lose twice, i would laugh so fucking hard.

  • NSFW
    New DNC Presidential Candidate Announced!
  • This bit is evergreen

  • CD Project devs want to "call out" big problems like homelessness and the wealth gap in Cyberpunk 2077 sequel
  • so in 20 years when its released, we'll have a lukewarm statement on homelessness being "not nice" in a videogame marketed by sexualized trans bodies. awesome, thanks bros

  • We got like 4 hours left to talk.
  • wait, what? what is happening

  • Shadows of the Erdtree First Impressions Post
  • I just started Elden Ring like a month ago and just can't get into it. I feel like its lacking the magic of BB and DS. I specifically waited because I wanted to upgrade my pc and then wait for the dlc and now i'm glad I did cuz pirating it saved me money.

  • Slurs becoming normalized in 2024?
  • i have definitely seen "gay" and the f-slur come back, but a large percentage of the time its been by fellow lgbtq peeps, so i dunno? I don't really use them, but I don't see why we cant.

    Haven't seen an acceptance of whitey using the n word without pushback, and casual racism against Indian men has always been "acceptable" here in amerikkka, so i dunno.

  • Gamers: wtf i love China now
  • Birdemic 2 was great though

  • Nato in talks to put nuclear weapons on standby
  • bro i just got not depressed, can we hold off on ending the world for like a minute

  • Putin has secretly turned every black American online into Russian disinformation agents and that's why Biden might lose the election
  • I mean, there definitely were like a couple bots reposting the same comments on twitter, but that's always been the case for anything and everything.

    I wish I could remember the figure, but basically the entirety of the Mueller Report came down to "yeah, we found russian meddling. They spent about 2000$ on facebook ads" and libs were like "SEE?! The russians are AtTaCkInG"

  • Nick Fuentes and Sneako got bodied by a bouncer last night at a bar in Detroit. Sneako lost three teeth when the bouncer did the fuckin mortal kombat jump punch into his face.
  • I saw this video last night but didn't realize Fuentes was with him. Shame he didn't get fucked up too.

    No idea who this sneako guy is but I've only ever heard his name associated with being a piece of shit. Looks like the rumors were true.

  • [Playstation Lifestyle] Lollipop Chainsaw RePOP Trailer Reveals Release Date for Remaster of Cult Classic
  • I remember reading back when this came out that it was pretty good for an overly horny hack and slash

  • Alex Jones agrees to liquidates assets Alex Jones agrees to liquidate his assets to pay Sandy Hook families, in move that would end his ownership of Infowars | CNN Business

    Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones on Thursday moved to liquidate his personal assets, agreeing to demands from the families of Sandy Hook victims whom he owes more than $1.5 billion in damages over his lies about the 2012 school massacre.

    Alex Jones agrees to liquidate his assets to pay Sandy Hook families, in move that would end his ownership of Infowars | CNN Business

    Couldn't have happened to a better guy.

    Alex Jones agrees to liquidates assets Alex Jones agrees to liquidate his assets to pay Sandy Hook families, in move that would end his ownership of Infowars | CNN Business

    Right-wing conspiracy theorist Alex Jones on Thursday moved to liquidate his personal assets, agreeing to demands from the families of Sandy Hook victims whom he owes more than $1.5 billion in damages over his lies about the 2012 school massacre.

    Alex Jones agrees to liquidate his assets to pay Sandy Hook families, in move that would end his ownership of Infowars | CNN Business

    Couldn't have happened to a better guy.

    Norway, Ireland and Spain recognize Palestinian state; Israel condemns move

    I dont want to get too high on copium but is this the fall of Isreal and the West I've been hearing so much about?

    Anyone have the link to that time we were namedropped in the "online violent rhetoric" study thing?

    This definitely happened, right? I haven't been sleeping correctly for a while but I'm pretty sure this wasn't a fever dream

    Just got Horizon: Forbidden West on pc

    Its very pretty but these games suck. Boring narrative, watered down by needless open world shit, uninspired crafting, platforming that is straight up not good, and why the FUCK is everything so hard to see? Its gorgeous, but its sensory overload. There are so many effects and splashes of color they forgot to make the game fuckin readable.

    2024 Predictions

    Half-Life 3 announced. America collapses before its released in 2031
