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Why do people here really not like Trotskyists?
  • The problem with your criticism of China is; no matter how mild, by merely having it you act as a fifth column for the left, even when what you say is true, sometimes you have to lie for the benefit of the left, we should not spread false information about working conditions in China, unless lying benefits the left. We have one singular goal as communists and thats the abolition of private property, while it may sound simple its a hard process and we recognize compromises need to be made in pursuit of that goal, my problem with Trotskyists is that they arent willing to overlook corruption in the pursuit of communism, its utopianism, thats bad. Its better to let corruption exist in leftist orgs and have that corruption be dealt with internally than to compromise the leftist org in the pursuit of fairness or justice or whatever the fuck else. Trotsky didnt deserve to die because he advocated permanent revolution or was mad about the spain thing, he deserved to die because he pissed off stalin and didnt play the social game.

  • 'No Conditions': Sen. John Fetterman Breaks With Joe Biden Over Israel Approach
  • Theres an alternate universe where dr oz won the senate race and the only muslim in the senate is simping for israel. It literally makes zero material difference who won that election, maybe oz would have offered some token gesture of concern for the people of palestine, it would mean nothing of course.

  • Every Debate Pervert: "Civility and kindness are always the best way to convince people of your point..."
  • When I showed my grandfather in hospice Hasan Piker on twitch he said “who is this loser, why does he want my money?” I could have said “Hasan is the voice of my generation; hes the face of the online left; Hasan is the physical embodiment of good in the world.” But I did not say those things, instead I BOPPED my grandfather in the head and told him to watch and listen and learn something from Hasan Piker. He started yelling for help so I BOPPED him again, he was bleeding from his nose now, eventually the nurse came in to ask whats wrong and my grandfather stared at me, then stared at the nurse, then back at me, and I just looked at him with the praxis blank stare I always have and he just gave up on asking for help and went back to watching Hasan Piker, I tipped the nurse 5$ and thanked them for their service as a worker and told them to spit in his yogurt then left the nursing home, knowing I created not just one, but TWO fans of Hasan Piker that day has given me the ideological fervor to keep going on serving Hasan and thus the interests of communism and workers. Sometimes I dream Hasan reads my comments on twitch; sometimes Hasan’s twitch streams are broadcasted on the Times Square billboards; sometimes I dream of Hasan descending on IOF and liberating Palestine single-handedly. All of these dreams are visions and its my job to make them true, all glory to Hasan, defeat the debate bro!

  • Please do not approach Hasan IRL and criticize him for breaking the boycotts he promotes, leftist thought leaders are allowed to be hypocrites and consume whatever treats they want.
  • By insulting me you insult the glory of hasan piker and have forever made yourself an enemy of the prophet of brocialism. You shall receive no treats when the revolution cums, you will die in a work camp shoveling shit from the pig poop balls pits, chat will laugh at you and your misfortune not just until your death but the death of your entire extended family through seven generations. When I said give your eyes and your capital to hasan piker I meant it, you cannot spell “communism” without “cult of personality”, Hasan Piker IS the leader of the left! Hasan Piker IS smartest person in human history! Hasan Piker IS your daddy! Hasan Piker IS the CEO OF COMMUNISM! Repent and buy a Hasan Piker sweater from his merch store using the promocode “communistsimpathizer” and browse from a wide selection of 100% chinese cotton products!


  • Please do not approach Hasan IRL and criticize him for breaking the boycotts he promotes, leftist thought leaders are allowed to be hypocrites and consume whatever treats they want.

    Im being serious. The left needs to embrace a “do as I say not as I do” attitude towards our leaders, with great power comes a large amount of treats and who are we to judge Hasan for not living up to the ideals that he sets out for us. In fact I think its good that he doesnt do what he says, it means you are willing to follow him, when he does not care about you, it shows one true ideological devotion to the cause. Please give your eyes and your capital to Hasan, he needs it more than you, and do not have original ideas or question him at all. Free thinkers will get banned in the twitch chat. And please, do not drink the Coca Cola even if dear leader is doing it. Inshallah Hasan is divine in nature!

    Critical support to the Japanese Communist Party
  • If the left took an absurdly anti-anime and anti-manga stance I feel like the people we alienate on the left would be outnumbered by the people joining us because of their intrinsic hate of anime. Lets characterize an entire art form as reactionary and see what happens, im willing to gamble with your treats.

  • There are three kinds of Earths in science fiction.

    Earth 1: dicks to Mars.

    Earth 2: being dicked by Mars.

    Earth 3: Earth and Mars consensually dicking each other.

    Dragon Dogma 2 is a horrible game

    The first one was so good. The sequel has dark souls 2 graphics but it doesnt improve on anything unlike dark souls 2. Every two minutes my party calls me gay. I cannot restart the game without spending real money. Theres no fast travel unless you spend real money on it. It crashes every five minutes. This game is horrible, legitimate contender for worst game of the year. Which is sad because a lot of work was put into it. Oh well, I guess gamers need to suffer and hexbear needs to gaslight me into buying this piece of shit.

    The year is 2024 and the twitch streamer high council decides to rip off three body problem and do the wallfacers irl.

    Hasan, Vaush, Keffals, and Destiny are given unlimited power and no one can question it. Hasan begins hoarding all the worlds luxury items and now calls himself the treatbearer, Vaush turns the entire state of Montana into his own personal horse ranch, Keffals immediately overdoses on ketamine and dies, and Destiny goes blind staring into the sun while looking for clout. These four brightest, the BEST of humanity, these godlike TWITCH STREAMERS will do WHATEVER it takes to achieve communism or something, do not question their motives or true intentions, for they remain hidden inside their mind to protect the revolution. Also Matt Christmans brain is put into a jar and sent on a rocket to alpha centari, but instead of the rocket successfully launching, it blows up and elon musk calls it a successful failure on twitter before never talking about it again. In 400 years the earth becomes a giant pancake due to global warming.

    I just saved everyone from having to read the book watch the tencent version watch the Netflix adaptation.

    You think militaries across the world would start implementing harsher punishments against soldiers bringing phones into warzones recording their warcrimes while fortnite dancing.

    But it seems like every fucking day there’s a new video of drones blowing up cars, snipers shooting kids, POW’s getting murdered. Generals should have known that letting cameras on a battlefield was a bad idea since Vietnam. Now personally I think it’s good this stuff is being documented, not like I want it to happen or want to see it but at least there’s evidence, but I’m thinking from a warmongers perspective, why would you want footage of war to be so wildly disseminated? How hard is it to take away a phone from a soldier? I don’t know how to feel about this, I just know it’s an incredibly wide security gap that no army is willing to plug.

    What’s the difference between Liu Cixin and JK Rowling?

    We won’t hear from Liu Cixin again after he says something incredibly reactionary on the internet.

    Unionizing internet moderators and my theory on how to do it.

    Across the internet on thousands of websites the (mostly) unpaid labor of (mostly) volunteer internet moderators is exploited by social media companies and the consequences of that have been bad for the moderators themselves, as well as social media users and websites as a whole. The internet could not function without moderator labor, it’s vital to ensure the suppression of hate speech and illegal material. The last time moderators tried to organize was with Reddit during the API changes and they were violently suppressed, Reddit had no issue finding scabs in its userbase to replace the mods that had their subs go dark, and Reddit threw in a small amount of compensation for the moderators that is not equal at all to the monetary value of the labor they have provided the site over the years. (Also Ghislaine Maxwell the sex trafficker is still unconfirmed to have been the powermod maxwellhill on several of Reddit’s biggest and influential subreddits, which I’m mentioning because moderator abuse is a symptom of there being no regulation in the system whatsoever.)

    Internet moderation is not exclusive to Reddit, we have all heard stories and even personally experienced the tyranny of a moderator before, but we must recognize that the problem lays not with the WORKERS who are the MODERATORS but the ADMINISTRATORS and OWNERS of the social media websites who are the real tyrants for allowing such awful behavior to exist on their own websites, they are lazy to hand out such vital controls to volunteers without vetting them or fairly compensating them. Most social media websites would not be profitable and would not exist without this form of exploitation, this lazy system is not good for the internet or for society, in the past it made sense for websites to hand out these privileges because there was no rules back then, but as the internet grew and became a less American-centric close knit community and more an amalgamation of every single human alive and dead who has ever used it, it’s apparent the old system is bad. We treat websites like property, the whole apparatus was developed for the military, the whole foundation the thing is built upon is a white male centric userbase and all the negatives that come along with it. Reform starts with the internet mods.

    How does one do a revolution on the internet? Do we go to the physical servers and seize them? Do we go a step further and go after the power supply? Who’s more important, the telecom companies, or the software companies? Our goal shouldn’t be to destroy the internet, it should be to understand it, and I understand that the moderators are the power brokers of political power on the net, they have interests and collusions and their own internal politics that range from single threads to subfourms to the whole site to multiple websites. Moderators are playing a game of intrigue when that’s not their job, their job is to remove objectionable content, they are censors not political actors, their politics should be decided for them by a union boss, if we can get moderators into a union then the left can use those moderators to exert our political will on the forces of capital like every other union ever.

    So what’s my plan to unionize mods? A campaign of elevating internet moderators to absurdly high levels of self importance until they start believing it themselves. We should encourage mods to abuse their power and conspire and seek to exploit their positions, we should make propaganda presenting mods in the soviet realistic style of art as like glorious workers to the point it looks mocking, but we should try to make them take it serious. We should use the power of irony and the existing connotations of moderator power and just roll with it, we should make the Reddit alien mascot the union logo because of its annoying connotations and lack of respect normal people have for it. In order to unionize mods we must lean into the stereotypes that mods are these powerhungry basement dwelling lowlifes who wear leftist causes like a tshirt because union leaders have stereotypes of being sleazy and maybe a little unashamed corruption is the secret in how to make a successful union.

    TLDR : accurate observation on how mods work, followed by cynical plan to unionize them by being intentionally an asshole, so people can say why that won’t work. (That’s the point, come up with some ideas ppl!)

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    LaForgeRayBans [he/him, they/them]

    I am the very embodiment of a funkopop

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