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GTK Apps might come to Android
  • Well, you can disable window controls in gnome and KDE afaik if you want. Then you'll only have the various app-specific buttons that are necessary for functionality.

    If you're looking for every app to have a vim-like interface or something, well, that seems a bit unrelated to CSDs.

  • Why I think people should consider using different pronouns in different spaces
  • Hmmm, I honestly thought this was going to explore the topic of people that are in the closet about their gender identity. Or maybe, plural people. I find this video more confusing than anything.

    I think the way you describe it is perhaps too abstract for me to understand the points you're making.

    I find this passage rather distressing however "Pronouns reference the framework you expect someone to use to process your words". I find that language scary sounding. It feels like specifying someone's pronouns is forcing an ideology or status on someone and I just don't think that's true at all.

    I also don't think saying gender has "dedicated pronouns" is really accurate. Neopronouns exist and they still confer meaning to the person so I don't think it's a defined set. Different languages also have different pronoun systems which complicate creating a specific set.

    I find the third argument kind of odd. I think that displaying pronouns in general has the same effect you're describing without the need for different pronouns in different spaces. The same thing is true for things like a role bot or other tools to allow people to display their pronouns.

  • GTK Apps might come to Android
  • Honestly, I don't really understand the hate that client-side decorations get. I find that they're generally pretty useful and good.

    I think a lot of it comes from people who want to 'rice' and theme their desktops but I personally think that dream has sailed. The kind of theming people want on Linux systems is simply not possible without massive amounts of work and downgrades to accessibility, security and usability.

  • GTK Apps might come to Android
  • Maybe I'm misunderstanding but for clarification, the fact they're drawn by the client actually means they can always be the same across different environments. This is in opposition to server-side decorations which are drawn by the desktop environment and should match the environment as a result. That said, server-side decorations are largely much less extensible than client side ones.

  • Locked Removed
    Mod banned me because apparently they're incompetent
  • Unsurprisingly, coming back on an alt to call moderators incompetent is going to be reason for a ban.

    If you want to actually discuss a ban, use with your account name.

  • Israel Bombs Yet Another UN School in Gaza as It Enters Month 10 of Genocide
  • This will be your only warning. Do not make bad faith comments like this. It's entirely fine to bring new information and to correct people, it is not okay to insult people like this.

  • SerenityOS and LadyBirds: Because These Things Shouldn't Hide in Closed Git Conversations - ░ Nova Online
  • Right, I might've been more confused with your previous to last paragraph because using she/her pronoun as 'default' was and is a genuine feminist practice in French where gender neutrality is more difficult.

    Anyhow, I would recommend not arguing your points like that - it just kinda smells like bad faith argumentation.

    By calling reverse discrimination a far-right trope, I presume you mean complaints about reverse discrimination?

    Yes, that would be correct. It's the basis of the Great replacement theory.

  • SerenityOS and LadyBirds: Because These Things Shouldn't Hide in Closed Git Conversations - ░ Nova Online
  • Your last two paragraphs, especially the last one, feel eerily close to reverse-ism.

    "Reverse-ism" usually refers to "reverse discrimination". It's a big trope in far-right circles and ties directly to the "Great replacement" theory.

    It's unclear what your intentions were when you said this but it felt weird.

  • SerenityOS and LadyBirds: Because These Things Shouldn't Hide in Closed Git Conversations - ░ Nova Online
  • It's worth understanding that "agenda" has a negative connotation. In this context, it's used as a dogwhistle against women and queer people.

  • Ladybird web browser now funded by GitHub co-founder, promises ‘no code’ from rivals
  • Because they hate/don’t want to learn rust and think Java is a superior language

    You know, that's not what I've read. It's worth mentioning that it doesn't just use Java.

  • Here's why proportional representation is important.
  • What I find infuriating is that this same meme also happened at the provincial level in Quebec in 2018.

  • Here's why proportional representation is important.
  • I mean, even if you're a labour fan, I can't imagine needing to do a coalition with the liberal democrats and greens would hurt. That said, I don't know much about UK politics.

  • Ladybird web browser now funded by GitHub co-founder, promises ‘no code’ from rivals
  • Don't call people "incredibly fucking stupid". Be(e) nice.

  • SerenityOS and LadyBirds: Because These Things Shouldn't Hide in Closed Git Conversations - ░ Nova Online
  • This reads eerily close to reverse-ism. Please don't do that.

  • Ladybird web browser now funded by GitHub co-founder, promises ‘no code’ from rivals
  • I explicitly chose that term because it’s not considered subjective by anyone, but especially not by the people who think gender-neutrality is somehow NOT political.

    All words are subjective. "Non-technical" is not really the magic word you think it is. Could you clearly define it? I can't personally.

  • Ladybird web browser now funded by GitHub co-founder, promises ‘no code’ from rivals
  • Do you think they’d stop being bad people if they couldn’t make an honest living? Would it be better or worse if they were on the street? Do you think they might resort to criminality also?

    I don't think anyone deserves living in the street. I don't think they will stop being bad people whether or not I support them. It seems you're trying to move the goal post.

    Do you feel better knowing they aren’t getting your money? Even at the cost of them ever doing anything good for anyone?

    I feel better that they aren't getting my money because they cannot be empowered to hurt the people I care about. I think they can do good things without my support. This seems like a weird thing to say.

    Also, this is clearly sealioning. It's really not a good way to make conversation.

  • Ladybird web browser now funded by GitHub co-founder, promises ‘no code’ from rivals
  • I mean, to be fair, Skia appears to be good - Firefox and LibreOffice also use it for example. I believe GNOME Web will also use Skia in GNOME 47. It certainly seems that people are moving away from Cairo and into Skia. For what reason? I don't know.

  • Ladybird web browser now funded by GitHub co-founder, promises ‘no code’ from rivals
  • I don't support bad people. Those bad people can change and become good people. Until then, why would I support and pay those that hurt my friends?

  • Ladybird web browser now funded by GitHub co-founder, promises ‘no code’ from rivals
  • What I got was that there would be no Google or Mozilla specific code/libraries, but FOSS libraries for common media formats would be included so that the project can reach a wider audience.

    AFAIK They use Skia, the rendering library made by Google so this does not appear true either.

  • Test Lionir [he/him]
    Josh Simmons is now Managing Director of the Foundation! Welcoming Josh Simmons as Managing Director of the Foundation!

    Matrix, the open protocol for secure decentralised communications

    Welcoming Josh Simmons as Managing Director of the Foundation!

    Previously held positions on the Open Source Initiative board.

    Passion and destruction - a collective exploration

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    I've been thinking about how passion and destruction are interlinked. I've also thought that for creation to exist, destruction must proceed it.

    I've had quite the difficulty to try and make sense of these feelings. I thought I'd try to explain and explore this idea with other people.

    So here I am - Let's start from the premise above.

    Have you used other forum software? Which ones did you like?

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    The rules for bots The rules for bots

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    After some discussions in !chat, we came up with the conclusion we should adopt rules surrounding bots.

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    What do you use to accomplish that? App? Paper? A chat room?

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    Wholesome Games Celebration
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    Non-Canonical employees removed from LXD maintainership Christian Brauner 🦊🐺 (

    Apparently I'm not a maintainer of #LXD anymore and neither is So it seems from now on it's Canonical employees only. I'd like to point out that before Canonical moved LXD into maintainership was completely independent of the company. If you went to ...

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    Source :

    Logo was changed, Beehaw~!

    We hope this logo will look more friendly to people 💖

    Thanks again to for their great work!


    Princess Mononoke production hell at Ghibli

    (Edited title to more accurate represent the content)

    Lionir Lionir [he/him]

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