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Avowed's Creators On Why Romance Was Considered, But Ultimately Not Included And Skyrim Comparisons
  • Thank you! It seems like every developer or TV producer is shoehorning awkward sex scenes and romance into every piece of media being produced. It's like the people in charge don't realize porn exists, and think their viewers desperately need to be able to jerk off to whatever media they're consuming at any given time. It's pathetic. A creator should be able to create something without it turning into porn.

  • A cool guide of commonly believed myths
  • I don't think you understood most of those things correctly.

    The graphic says the circle size is based on Google search hits, not arbitrary.

    Evolution is a scientific theory, which is different than the layman's idea of a "theory".

    Bats are definitely not almost blind, like most nocturnal/crepuscular animals they have fairly good night vision.

    It didn't say sugar doesn't cause energy spikes, it says excessive consumption during childhood doesn't contribute to hyperactive disorders.

    Your knee-jerk reaction to this post is weird. It's okay that you didn't know some of these things. You don't have to try to tear it down because it made you feel dumb.

  • They're everywhere!!!
  • Semmelweis didn't discover microbes. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek first observed microbes in feces using the first microscope (the Leeuvenhoek microscope), which he also invented.

  • They're everywhere!!!
  • Maybe strikethrough the first part where you credit semmelweis with the discovery. And no, a convenient lie is never better than a complicated truth. It may seem harmless to you but you've just created misinformation and disseminated it to the public.

  • Got Played
  • "What I do sympathize with and would like to see reduced in harm is the consumerist culture that pressures people with less means into feeling like they have to have such things for fulfillment."

    We're saying the same exact thing. You just went on a long preachy monologue first to try to make yourself seem smarter/superior to others, while simultaneously being denigrative towards the people you're addressing, which is the exact thing you're preaching about not doing. Furthermore, you didn't even reply to the right person, I'm not the one who chose to disagree with someone only to then say the exact thing they just said.

    Everyone in this thread is just repeating the same thing I said yet somehow I'm the asshole. Get a grip, people.

  • Got Played
  • "If you meant to say something else"

    I did say something else. I don't know what comment you think you read.

    "That's not what you said originally" Yes it is.

    "We disagree with your original point/agree with your new point"

    It's the same point, and you clearly agree with it so what are you trying to accomplish here?

  • Got Played
  • I didn't say not to buy quality shoes, but those are $100 max, if someone spends more on a logo, they're a chump.

    When you're older than 15, your reading comprehension will improve and you'll be better able to understand what grownups mean with their words.

  • Got Played
  • Lmao no sympathy for anyone who buys expensive shoes. You're gonna cram your stinky feet in them then stomp around in the dirt. May as well buy designer toilet paper.

    Edit: alright then ya'll keep buying $600 shitkickers because they have a picture of a rich guy on the side or Limited Edition blorange-colored laces.

    Buy decent shoes that last well and provide good support. Anything else is stupid.

  • Things the guys who stole my phone have texted me to try to get me to unlock it - Gothamist
  • Why would anyone ever interact with the police unless it was absolutely required? They're not gonna care about your phone, and they might shoot your dog in the process.


    You should never ever ever purposefully attempt to interact with the police.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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