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Nature notes that countries in which different political forces rule have slightly different political priorities regarding science.
  • Didn't read but will continue to uphold Marxism-leninism-Mao Zedong thought-Deng Xiaoping theory-Xi Jinping thought-Joe Biden action

  • Firefighters are infinitely more based than cops even if some are reactionary.
  • I consider that sexualization in spite of occupation as men being sexualized is exceptional

  • Firefighters are infinitely more based than cops even if some are reactionary.
  • I have never seen cops sexualized like firefighters are, for good reason

  • I'm just saying.
  • I've been saying this all along, GIVE BIDEN THE SUDAFED !! Or let Hunter take over already

  • Why I am no longer a communist
  • Comrade please accept the Teams invite to the struggle session we can work this out

  • Liberals adopting Tankie rhetoric on electoralism
  • Trump gave me not one but two checks, Biden still owes me $20,600. Cough it up old man

  • Time: "Marxism identified Jews as an enemy deserving liquidation."
  • We're reaching new heights of antisemitism here, good lord

  • Lomifo Lomifo
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