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EU attempt to sneak through new encryption-eroding law slammed by Signal, politicians
  • As someone who doesn't know much about China aside from the high competitiveness of their academic environment, I'm curious as to what sort of issues your friends face due to surveillance? Does it affect their day to day lives? Or does it just foster an atmosphere of "be careful what you say"?

  • If you don't work IT, retail, or food service what do you do for work?
  • It depends on the class and the school. Some of them are a wonder to work with, especially if you try to make the lessons fun and turn them into games. Others make you want to pull out your hair.

    But all in all, the worst thing, to me at least, is admin. They stick their noses into what they shouldn't and ignore the actual issues. In my experience, they can either be people who give 200% and are overworked to the point of burnout or they are power-hungry tyrants.

  • I mean it.
  • I think non-militarized cops, so most non-American ones, are not that bad and are generally more decent people than militarized cops. It's amazing how much better policing can be when cops don't carry guns with them all the time

  • If you didn't have to work, how would you spend your time?
  • I think many people say stuff like that, and indeed they would for a few months, but after a while people would look for stuff to do, and they tend to turn towards volunteering. That fulfills both daily structure and socialization. Do you think that's something you would eventually do in that case as well?

  • Are there any EV cars without any "technology"?
  • Yup, it is. Unfortunately, I had to endure that for close to a year (I will be assigned somewhere else this summer) and me and my colleagues had to carpool. Public transport would have been the best, but for that route the bus only goes twice a day.

    Nevertheless, e-bikes are great if your commute isn't that long!

  • Are there any EV cars without any "technology"?
  • While an amazing option for city commutes, mine is close to 100km daily. I have no idea if it's possible to use an e-bike for that, but it would certainly take up even more of my limited free time to do so.

  • Tips to reduce Enshittification of Internet
  • It's 100% happening outside as well though invasive ad placements, restriction of access to pleasant environments and underfunding of public services and property, like parks and such. It just takes much longer

  • A bit late
  • Imo this doesn't impact the men who would do such a thing in the slightest. You're just making the ones who have empathy feel bad, those who would rape are just getting their egos stoked by this fad: "Look at me, I'm more dangerous than a bear! That means I'm badass"

  • Oh Yeah
  • People should be allowed to believe what they will, but never allowed to use their religion as an argument for why a certain policy must or must not be enacted. Separation of church and state is key

  • After announcing increased prices, Spotify to Pay Songwriters About $150 Million Less Next Year
  • No, the solution would be for every app to be able to licence the music without any exclusivity, making them compete over the features their apps and services have instead of on the music itself. Video streaming is an oligopoly right now, which can be just as bad as a monopoly.

  • After announcing increased prices, Spotify to Pay Songwriters About $150 Million Less Next Year
  • If a friend asks me to help with something, I don't removed and moan about my unpaid labour. Fuck that, they're my friends and I wouldn't take the money even if offered. That's just what friends do. The same applies to if I wanted to do something nice for them, like sending them a cool mixtape I made. That's how you build communities! Focusing on payment like you do reduces everything to capitalism but with even less empathy and humanity.

  • What song from your country should be heard by more people?

    There are so many great song in my mother tongue that virtually nobody aside from the relatively few speakers could realistically even come into contact with. I'm certain all of you non-English speakers here can relate! I linked one of my favourite songs, what are yours?

    Legacy: Life among the Ruins 2e

    Hey y'all! I've been thinking about starting a group of Legacy. For those who don't know, the system is a Powered by the Apocalypse game set in a Post-Apocalyptic setting of any kind (I was thinking a zombie apocalypse) where the players take control of factions. You shepherd your community through the ages and you also take control of significant characters from them to solve various threats to your community. You take decisions at both the faction and personal level, and you both cooperate and compete with the other players for resources.

    My timezone is EEST. If you're interested, leave a comment or a DM and I'll be in touch!

    Any TTRPG focused public tracker?

    In the old days of a few years ago, I used The Trove to find all I needed. Is there any replacement? I'm specifically looking for niche ttrpgs.

    Can anyone recommend me a Pokemon Fangame?

    Preferably one that's not a rom hack, though I dig those too. I'm looking for something a bit harder than the originals and maybe a bit more mature, but still fair and whimsical. I'd like a game with pokemon from as many gens as possible, and fakemons are fine too.

    cute dogs, cats, and other animals LoreleiSankTheShip
    Meet Parmesan. This weirdo likes to sit in the sink when I go to the toilet.

    She also has a little plush fish that she always brings to me for safekeeping!

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