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Need to create a company to put on my resume

I’ve been out of work since last year, and I need to create a company so I can list on my resume, just so I can show recruiters I’ve done things.

What’s the Marxist view of the field of Sales and Sales people?

I want to go into sales because they seem to earn a shit ton of money.

Are sales folks proles? Labor aristocracy?

Would I be a class traitor for selling something and earning, like, 10x more than the artist/engineer/ laborer who makes that thing?

Why does it seem like redditors, even those on antiwork, are so comfortable financially and in their careers?

You’ll see people on anti-work posting stories about their bosses taking advantage of them and the responses are almost always, ‘quit your, get a new one and double your wage/salary’.

‘Bro your job and your boss suck, just quit and get a new one with 2x pay’

Or ‘I hate my line of work, what should I do’

A:‘Just get a job at a fortune 500 and transition into a different role’

Or ‘just go back to school bro’

I’m studyied engineering and this theme hits even closer to home to people like me.

‘Oh you earn 50k as an engineer? Weird, the entry level pay of people in my company and everyone I know ever is 120 Million’

The general sentiment on reddit and places like antiwork is one of anger, frustration with our economic system, or general despair. But the frustrations always seem to be ‘I am living paycheck to pay check in a big city earning 200k’ and not ‘I have a PHD and I’m struggling to find a job that pays above minimum wage’, which is more of I’ve encountered. Why does everyone seem so fucking comfortable?

Imagine being afraid of the ‘friend zone’
  • And lastly, I'll say this, it's completely disingenuous to remain "friends" with someone after you've been friendzoned if you initially had romantic feelings for them and those romantic feelings still persist. Unless your feelings magically also changed to platonic ones, then there's a relational imbalance that will always linger. It's better to just say "hey I like you in a more romantic way and even though you want to be friends, perhaps it's better that we don't hang out."

    Interesting, can you expand on this and why you shouldn’t be friends with someone you’re attracted to? Like, do you think ‘platonic’ and ‘romantic’ are binary conditions?

    I’m not aaying you’re wrong but I’m interested in why you think it’s strictly disingenuous. I completely agree with the rest of what you said btw

  • Locked
    Imagine being afraid of the ‘friend zone’
  • Yeah, agreed about the misogyny.

    Also, as I think about it, what if it partially stems from people politely rejecting others, after a date, by telling them they just want to be friends when they don’t actually mean it?

    I’ve had that shit happen to before and it kind of blows. Went on a date with a cool, attractive girl in a new city where I didn’t know anyone, and she let me know afterwards that she thinks I’m cool but just wants to be friends. I was like ‘fuck yeah, I don’t give a shit’ but we never spoke after that :( Don’t say it if you don’t mean it, but then again maybe I should have put in more effort into staying in contact with her.

  • Locked
    Imagine being afraid of the ‘friend zone’
  • Yeah see, even if I was deeply interested in a romantic relationship with that person, I’d never take it to the next level and stay within boundaries out of fear of not losing them.

    Is that conceited?

  • Imagine being afraid of the ‘friend zone’

    Oh no, my miserable life that’s devoid of any connection and anyone altogether otherwise *at least contains a friend.

    What the fuck man, is this a real concern average people have that I’m way too fucking alienated to understand

    I have a job interview for a role I have no idea about and I need to solve a case study…is there a way for me to hire someone to do this?

    It’s for Energy and Business analysis, involves some engineering, modelling, solar energy knowledge.

    I know about upwork…any other resources?

    Is it illegal to create a fake job offer letter for a pay raise or to obtain housing or a new job?

    I’ve got a potential employer who I’m trying to strong arm into giving me an offer letter by telling them this other company also wants me. Is it illegal if I create a fake document to show them?

    Computer nerds, stop calling yourselves engineers

    I just lost my job as a civil engineer and I’ve been trying to find resources, forums, staffing agencies, etc to help land me a job and all of what’s out there online talks about faang, leetcode, programming bullshit, etc. Call yourselves Computer scientists, programmers, hogs, i don’t care, please for the love just stop dominating all the ‘engineering’ discourse.

    (CW: racism) If you want to know how bad South Africa is doing, read the comments to see rich white people defending having borderline personal slaves 🥶
  • I'm not looking to fight but since having kids of my own I've learnt that you get domestic maids whose job is cleaning and then you get nannies whose job is child care. Nannies are paid more and often get sent on courses such as first aid and baby stimulation. Their hours are different and many become part of the family and live in. Yes, many are badly treated but many aren't and if we took away this South African culture then millions would loose their only source of income. You can't judge a situation based on a single encounter.

    kill yourself

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