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To all you outside of the US...

    The thing that's pissing me off though is that the centrist party decided it would rather demonize the left than the alt right, I suppose they know they already lost and are trying to get as many votes off of those they know might vote for them (some socialists).

  • To all you outside of the US...
  • As a french person we have bigger fishes to fry lmao 😂 (I might live in a fascist state soon™)

  • Think of the children!
  • Not free I agree but I prefer getting taxed a lot and have those services rather than not.

    The way I see it, if we tax for example fuel, well the price of fuel rises for the customers, so customers buy less fuel, then fuel companies lower the price so their stuff gets bought and now your fuel is around the same price as before, but you have free healthcare.

  • Flathub has passed 2 billion downloads
  • FOSS keeps winning it's Insane!

  • Flathub has passed 2 billion downloads
  • I'll add upon what others have said here, for me the main downside is the size they take on disk since they don't really share dependencies (they do but not as efficiently as native or nix packages) so they take a lot of room and take a while to update. Otherwise they're amazing IMO and you should use them! :)

  • Flathub has passed 2 billion downloads
  • Sure yeah but its what we have. I'm personally rooting for nixpkgs but they might be too complicated to setup for the average Joe.

  • Debian used to be so good. What happened!?
  • I don't have issues yet on stable 12.5 but I plan to switch to nixos eventually.

  • If you were offered knowledge of exactly when and how you'll die, would you take it? Why or why not?
  • Yeah but my point was not drinking a huge amount, just enough not to have too much water or too little, like a glass of water every hour or something.

  • Minecraft Rule
  • But is it FOSP?

  • Minecraft Rule
  • Wait is this image FOSS or nah?

  • druletectives
  • need

  • If you were offered knowledge of exactly when and how you'll die, would you take it? Why or why not?
  • I don't know, if such a thing existed it would imply that free will doesn't exist, if you knew you would die in 10 hours of dehydration, what happens if you drank a bunch of water regularly?

    In that scenario you can't die of dehydration but you're going to die of dehydration forcibly. So what's going to happen?

    I can't process if I would do it or not because I don't know what it would imply!

  • Rule and Circuses
  • yeah but no one wants an actual solution they want their system more than they care if that system is good in the long run, and also, rich people control the media preventing us from actually coming together and doing shit about fuck.

    I dont have a solution but the system is broken and we should work to fix it

  • My dispair shall destroy them, atom by atom
  • I'm not tending to the microplastics in my balls, they turned me into a woman and it's much better! blobcat, googly, partyfaster

  • How's your week been?
  • constant affirmation of my imaginary masculinity, yuck.

    Yuck! Relatable, I hope you get to show them the real you soon (or not, do it when you're ready!)

  • How's your week been?

    Went to the HRT appointment yesterday and am getting bloodwork thursday to move that along :)

    I'm very excited for you, you'll see it's amazing! 🤩 It's slow but it's like magic!

  • How's your week been?
  • No you're a legend! 💜

    I used Pokemon go to see how much I walked this week :

    Am I healthy now?

  • How's your week been?
  • I protested every day against the far right, I'm also dysphoric because I can't seem to see myself as a woman in the mirror for some reason this week.

  • With the recent issues of transgender people in sports, why don’t we move some sports over to a weight-class system?
  • It's the same line of thinking as transphobes...

    No it's not? You're saying things that don't make sense, if you're assigned female at birth you have ovaries (assuming no intersex condition) if you're assigned male at birth you have testicules (assuming same thing)

    The ovaries produce estrogen (in three different forms E2 is the most important) And progesterone. The testicules produce testosterone and testosterone can decay into dihydrotestosterone (DHT)

    If an individual has more estrogen they will have a female phenotype (essentially they will look like a woman have breasts soft skin etc...)

    If an individual has more Testosterone and DHT they will have a male phenotype. ( More strength, stronger jaw, more body hair, going bald in a lot of cases)

    I'm a Trans woman, the point of hormone replacement therapy is to take my testosterone away and give me estrogen instead, after a while (and possibly some surgeries for bone structure) I'll look like a woman, because that's what hormones do. In the same vein since I don't have T in my blood anymore I am losing strength, and my body hair is getting thinner (although if it could hurry up a bit!) there's nothing transphobic about acknowledging that happens, it's literally the desired effect!

    If you're still confused about NB people just know that some do take cross sex hormones to achieve a more androgynous look.

  • How important is prolactin?

    Hello everyone, I just got my test results back and everything seems to be good, although I'm slightly concerned that my prolactin is too low, it's at 9ng/mL.

    I looked up prolactin online and it seems it regulates breast growth and pregnancy, could low prolactin levels slow my breast growth?

    MicrondeMMMMMMM Chloë (she/her)

    Hello Internet!

    !blobhaj, progress, flag, intersex, left

    Welcome to my Lemmy page!

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