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Everything I don’t like is Socialist
  • Chinese companies are basically extensions of the government.

  • Absolutely nothing of note happened in China in June 1989, right?
  • B-But China is free and good...

  • Everything I don’t like is Socialist
  • Will people ever learn to not fight among themselves?

  • Google taught me it's OK to be evil
  • Any/Undecided.

  • Everything I don’t like is Socialist
  • Concentration of power with those "social services", making people pay higher taxes many times for unfair reasons. Socialism has all the power on the State with no or little room for individuals themselves to make their businesses and companies, companies that'll thrive will be friends with the king and create a monopoly in that country. Putting everything in the hands of the State is a recipe of disaster.

  • Everything I don’t like is Socialist
  • No, they're all violently discussing things, terribly defending your rights of saying your mind and defending more of those horrible things like stable families, no concentration of power and you having the control of your money instead of giving it all to the government in taxes. Meanwhile leftists are peacefully burning stuff, lovely degrading others' properties and making those magical explicit parades in public. No, only lefties are good. Right bad.

  • Everything I don’t like is Socialist
  • What makes countries where the State has high power fail then?

  • Everything I don’t like is Socialist
  • I guess that book would be written by someone who calls everyone who they disagree with a "right-wing extremist".

  • Google taught me it's OK to be evil
  • You like mental gymnastics.

  • Google taught me it's OK to be evil
  • We already live in a true capitalist society but it's fastly leaning to the the left. People were happier in the past and capitalism was full on its tracks and countries were more conservative.

  • Newest "anti-woke" tantrum: Right-wingers don't think kids of different races can be friends
  • From what I remember, those are the lefties that say if you're black you're forever oppressed and you're incapable of following your dreams cause of your race and that's why you should be babysitted and put above others, cause you're supposedly incapable cause you were born a different race.

  • Woke Adapter
  • Unless you're paying them.

  • What started as criticism over errors in recent YouTube videos has escalated into allegations of sexual harassment, prompting the company to hire an outside investigator.
  • Thanks. Though you don't need to tell oversensitive people to not be offended as they'll be offended anyways.

  • How to block only these texts?

    I wanna block "Sort by" and "Over time period" to make the page cleaner and look nicer.

    Google taught me it's OK to be evil
  • I really wish to know how people having total control over their lives is some evil capitalism conspiracy.

  • Google taught me it's OK to be evil
  • A company can only thrive above all others without good products is if it has support from the government or is a company owned by the government, right-wings want to reduce the State as much as possible while the left often wants to give the State more power. I don't know how you think people having control of their money instead of giving it to the government for them to do whatever they want is some conspiracy by the corporations but you must note that the last thing a big company wants is that the people have choices and control over their own money, they want people to be babysitted by the government and that they're their own choices. We act with the principle that anyone can be bad and the power can corrupt people so we work for the power to never be concentrated in the hand of one person or group.

  • Lebanon, Kuwait Poised to Ban ‘Barbie’ for Promoting Homosexuality
  • Funny name by the way (Lebanon).

  • Removed
    A good reminder that NFTs are shit
  • NFTs are not shit, they're just using it like shit.

  • Good browser scripts

    Does anyone know good scripts for use on your browser to enhance privacy or offer convenient tools?

    Services like WOT.

    Some people should know but I still have to explain. WOT is a service that basically rates websites if they're safe or not to use and is basically supposed to be another layer of protection, however, I believe WOT is not the best service and I've seen people complaining about it. If you try to search for similar services you'll probably be left disappointed cause it's not something people talk about and it's kinda hard to find terms for that kinda service. Does anyone know similar websites to WOT but more trustable?

    What's the most toxic game community you know of?

    The most toxic communities I know of are the Genshin community, Payday 2, FFXIV and source games communities in general.

    Team Fortress 2 Milk
    I've made a GMOD guide about binds that also apply to TF2. Steam Community :: Guide :: Advanced Binds

    This guide contains instructions on how to better utilize your keyboard keys with a simple binding method than can save much space of your keyboard....

    Steam Community :: Guide :: Advanced Binds

    Mastodon and free speech

    This post is not only to try finding the best Mastodon instance/server but I also wanted to express about the Mastodon instances. Most of Mastodon servers are apparently harsh about other instances that include things they don't like and are quite serious about getting those Internet points putting how the place isn't welcome for "bigotry" and is for everyone and so diverse, and I wouldn't have any problems with this if this wasn't frequently used by people who will try to shut you if they disagree enough with you and will try to present themselves as so virtuous. You'd expect that the free side of the Internet would have people that value freedom and should let anything that isn't a crime or something that prejudice the instance itself or whatever space they're in but it seems this vision is getting far from the reality with time.

    There's no alternative.

    Edit: This post has been certified as fact by the Reddit staff, anyone that disagrees will lose 189 × 10⁹ US social Internet credits.

    Music recognition Android applications.

    Yes, like Shazam. Only free and open-source applications, please.

    Imgur alternative

    What would be a good alternative to Imgur?

    Milk_SDF_Possum Milk
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