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Tagline material? The Rogue Dunk_Tank, a Game of Comms story
  • You are an embarrassment. I've never seen someone who needs to touch some fucking grass so badly before

  • I swear the most annoying people are the ones that drop random bible verses in comments regardless of the topic at hand. Fuck off
  • "There she lusted after her lovers, whose genitals were like those of donkeys and whose emission was like that of horses." -Ezekiel 23:20

  • 79°F "Heat Wave"
  • Not to mention that just from person to person within the same climate there are significant differences, probably genetic at their core. Two people can be sitting in the exact same spot and one will be burning up and the other freezing cold and neither of them are "wrong"

  • Just some silly little guys

    Their Pokedex entry numbers spell out 1, 3, 1, 2 !acab-3

    Offbrand is now officially a worker cooperative
  • The only thing I've ever seen about Ludwig is that he both-sides'd the Palestinian genocide (and explicitly said its because he doesn't want to alienate his Zionist viewers) so that sucks, but this is cool as hell

  • I submitted my resignation yesterday.
  • We salute our troops rat-salute-2

    Congratulations comrade!

  • How do I become an alpha?
  • Go around and tell anyone and everyone you see that you're alpha. Make it your entire personality

  • We love our cishet Hexbears.
  • we love them just as much as regular people


    meow-hug trans-hammer-sickle rainbow-has

  • Rainbow Imperialism.
  • The glitter/texture on those skins seems like they'd look pretty dope, I wish they were in a better, non-MIC-aligned game

  • "I dream of society where I will be guillotined for being a cissy" - alt universe more based Proudhon anarchista-chad

  • Want to see H5N1 wastewater data?
  • Here is fine, cth is our general-purpose comm and it's not like we have a /c/h5n1 lol

  • You see, homegrown spyware is infused with Freedominum[TM] and Libertarium[TM], you insolent tankies wouldn't understand :smuglord:

    !smuglord !xi-gun

    If they wanna ban tiktok okay sure fine, let's ban all corporate social media platforms. At least tiktok isn't in bed with the NSA !snowden

    Also I gotta say, I know a disturbing number of people (ie. americans) who genuinely think the CPC is deeply invested in their personal data or what they do or believe. Like do these fuckers not realize the US govt can fuck up your shit infinitely more than the Chinese govt ever could?

    r/collapse is the most insidious fash cesspool on reddit and they're not even hiding it anymore
  • "Fascism is when the govt does stuff, and if it does a real lot of stuff, that's communism"

  • nmv fixed it
  • Reddit is probably the best online resource for that, crowdsourced solutions to obscure PC/software issues, and the worst resource for absolutely anything else. I call this the "techbro saturation principle"

  • misandry vs misogyny
  • I think it's fucking stupid to tie in "has a systemic and institutionalized backing" to the definition of a fucking word

    But that's how oppression is defined in serious, intersectional theory and has been for some time.

  • Reminder: dunk posts go in /c/the_dunk_tank and /c/cth is NOT for low-hanging-fruit that's removed from dunk_tank

    We've seen an uptick in people posting dunks in here that belong in dunk_tank, as well as low-hanging fruit that gets removed from or isn't allowed in dunk_tank anymore. For context, rule 8 of dunk_tank:

    >Rule 8: The subject of a post cannot be low hanging fruit, that is comments/posts made by a private person that have low amount of upvotes/likes/views. Comments/Posts made on other instances that are accessible from hexbear are an exception to this.

    There's a reason that dunks are cordoned off to their own comm, some users rightfully don't want to see reactionary nonsense all the time, even if we're making fun of the person who said it. /c/cth is a general-purpose comm but it's NOT for posting some random nobody asshole twitter user's bad takes, the absolute best course of action to take when you see that stuff out in the wild is to either directly shit on them yourself, or ignore them and don't give them more attention.

    From this point on I'm going to be more stringent about moderating this. I get it, it's fun to dunk on the libs and the blue checks and the !frothingfash and that's why we have a whole dedicated comm for that. Any post that's obviously meant to be "hey look at this piece of shit, let's laugh at how bad their opinions are, upbears to the left and emojis in chat" belongs in the_dunk_tank. And any super low-hanging fruit doesn't belong on this site, period (see TDT rule 8 above). We have better things to do with our time than give unearned attention, time and energy to low-follower-count nobodies yelling into the void.

    Thanks for your discretion comrades, stay sicko !sicko-jammin

    edit: as others have pointed out, /c/ is a good place for any and all dunking content not allowed here. Post that ragebait to our comrades at the 'grad, they'll make good use of it. Also, per rule 9 of TFT dunking on fediverse users is still explicitly allowed so it's still open season on those in our own backyard.

    Check out this shit ass poll

    "doing its best to avoid civilian causalities, even though there will be casualties" !kermit-pain

    "allow Hamas to continue running Gaza" !wat

    Incredible consent manufacturing by Harvard Harris, even with that batshit wording 43% of young people still said fuck that lmao

    Rodney Munch - It's Time To Take a Shit on the Company​’​s Dime


    How short does this list get when you remove all the outright lies, nothingburgers, half-measures, and money for pigs and troops?

    !biden-troll "Listen jack, I believe that a finalizing rule to expedite appliance efficiency standards is possible!" !biden-fall

    >First time in 20 years the US not involved in a war

    !he-laughed !idf-destroyer

    Who nominated this crap for GOTY?

    I'd bet my entire life savings (about $3) that a bunch of hogs made a concentrated effort to get the Blood Libel Game(TM) nominated. There's no chance it wins against BG or LC but its still bizarre to see

    also Starfield got a nom for "Most Innovative Gameplay" !michael-laugh

    Uh thanks but I'll pass

    "Those who buy the Landlord Sim game will not see the light of heaven" - Mao or someone idk

    Smartest Isn'treal supporter

    And wait there's more! !

    !sus-lovecraft this must be bait this must be bait this must be bait this must be bait

    nitter link
