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Almost 2 months after it destroyed Baltimore’s Key Bridge, the Dali cargo ship has been moved
  • What I heard on the news is that the crew received replacement phones with no SIM cards. So… thanks for nothing, friends?

    Or do the crew have their own SIM cards or internet access on board?

  • If somebody spends the whole day watching fox or religious propaganda, gets worked up and all he can think of is owning a liberal or converting an unbeliever, is this person a victim or just gullible?
  • It happens with liberals, too. Having said that, people really do need to go outside, get away from the 24/7 media feed, talk to actual people, and apply some critical thinking on their own. None of us is the main character.

  • Do you use Firefox Sync? Why or why not?
  • I sync bookmarks between devices and sometimes send a tab from one device to another.

    EDIT: I trust Mozilla way more than Google.

  • Deleted
    Am I a coffee heathen?
  • I have done this when our drip coffee maker broke. I liked it, but my wife didn't. So we got a new coffee maker.

  • MTG Cites Antisemitic Fable Jews ‘Handed Over’ Jesus To Be Killed
  • This. Why don't these people understand that Jesus died for EVERYONE'S sins?
    WE ALL KILLED JESUS. Accept Him and repent.

  • Tarallo: A minimalistic trello alternative with no dependencies, only requiring PHP.
  • Just because someone else wrote it, doesn't mean it's a good implementation, or worth bringing its pile or dependencies into your project.

  • Americans, what are your plans if Trump wins in 2024?
  • I’ll sigh, shake my head, and think, “That figures”. And then I’ll go to work, like every other day.

  • Americans of Lemmy, what is your approach to next year's election?
  • The Republicans need a reboot

    That sums it up. I’m conservative, but the GOP is such a train wreck now I just can’t support them.

  • Can we take a moment to appreciate Chekov's hair in his early episodes?
  • I thought all the comments about “Bester” were about Bester from the Firefly episode “Out Of Gas”. Guess I need to check out Babylon 5.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • How about Mozilla’s VPN? Is it not just Mullvad under the hood? I ask because I use Mullvad, but I would also like to support Mozilla.

  • Jitsi meet...what are the advantages of self-hosted in this case?
  • During the pandemic, I stood up a Jitsi server on Linode and we ditched Zoom for our weekly family get-together calls. Sometimes the audio was not quite as good as Zoom.

    If you set up SSL with LetsEncrypt, your call is encrypted “in flight”, but is apparently unencrypted for some portion of its travel through your server.

    If it’s a one-on-one call, the two parties are connected directly and skips the server.

    I haven’t used it in a while, but end to end encryption was still experimental a couple years ago. It didn’t work on all devices. Something to look at.

    Jitsi Server works pretty well on a $5/mo Linode Nanode, so it’s worth trying. Especially if you get their $100 credit on sign up, you can try hosting it for free for a couple months. It’s available as one of their Marketplace apps, so it’s easy to set up.

    That sounds like a commercial. I’m not affiliated with Linode, except for being a satisfied customer.

  • Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant control room
  • Some of those panels and indicators seem to be lit. Is there power? Is some of that still working? I would have thought that whole thing would be powered down, including all its support mechanisms.

  • How to Short-Circuit the Outrage Machine
  • Microblogging doesn’t seem to me to be a good model for community engagement. Like you say, it’s a big room with people yelling, so it’s hard to understand more than a snippet of what one person is saying.

    Mastodon is better than Twitter/X, but I think that is mostly because more people on Mastodon are there with the intent to find more meaningful engagement. That advantage is decreasing as more of the Lowest Common Denominator signs on.

  • Brother printer questions
  • This. If the printer supports IPP Everywhere, you should be good to go.

    You also might check Brother’s web site to see if they have Linux drivers for the printer you’re looking at. Installing the drivers is a bit of a hassle, but once installed, they work great. But IPP Everywhere is easy and also works well.

  • What is your go-to Linux distro and why?
  • In general, Ubuntu is my go-to when I just want something that works and is reasonably stable. Just pick the spin with the Desktop Environment that you like. I'm using KDE Neon (I realize Neon isn't an Ubuntu flavor or spin) on my daily driver laptop, and Ubuntu MATE on my desktop. I also have an old netbook that usually gets Xubuntu, but currently has Fedora 37 XFCE as an experiment.

    It sure is nice that we have to option to distro-hop, either on bare metal or in a VM.

  • Electrician couple
  • No spark in their relationship? No potential? Maybe there was tension.

  • Name-Not-Applicable Name-Not-Applicable

    I'm just this guy, you know?

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