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Brother printer questions

My partner and I are thinking about getting a Brother laser printer for home use in the near future. How difficult is it to get a newer model working in a Linux ecosystem? Are there any specific drivers we should look into installing, if a specific driver isn't available for the model we end up getting? Any advice for connecting it to our network?

EDIT: Thank you all for the feedback! It seems that generally you all have had decent experiences with Brother on Linux, depending on the distro, and that there are resources out there to help with any issues that might come up.

  • On another note, Brother laser printers are a really good buy. I have a used one that won't die and still on its original fuser assembly. Something like this from Amazon should work gangbusters. Just get an Asurion warranty just in case but Brothers are workhorses. And indeed the MFC-L2690DW does work with Linux.

  • I have two printers a HL-L2350DW b&w laser printer and a label printer. The laser printer is connected to our wifi and is detected in Fedora and Ubuntu without having to install additional drivers.

  • Printing with my black and white Brother laser printer "just works". 100%. Ubuntu 20 and 22 automatically found it on my home wifi, prints to it from multiple apps. No sweat.

    • I'm thinking about getting a Brother printer sometime myself, glad to hear that they are super good on Linux!

  • I got the HL-L2325DW last year. Connecting it to the WiFi using WPS was really easy. Making the desktop see it was a bit of trial and error, but it was partially thanks to the PDF viewer I was using, so I'd recommend printing from a well established viewer like Okular or the web browser, at least for the first use.

    I don't remember having to download any drivers manually from their website btw, I just chose it from the list when setting up a new printer. This process might change with the distro and desktop environment though, I'm using Kubuntu.

    In fact, if you're a bit lucky, the printer might even show up as a "discovered device" after you connect it to your network, even with a suggested driver and connection so you just need to press next.

  • I have a 20 year old B&W Brother laser and a 2 year old color Brother laser... both just work automatically in Linux without needing any setup, configuration, or drivers.

  • Checkout the Open Source brlaser driver and the list of printers it supports. I have a MFC–L2712DW and it works amazingly out of the box.