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Neighbors looking out for each other.
  • Sorry, no authority needs to worry about how people handle their lives until they commit a crime.

    So if a country's population is impoverished, lacking education, safe and sufficient food/water/housing, then it is none of the responsibility of its leaders? That is a ridiculous position.

  • Neighbors looking out for each other.
  • That's how you end up being a country with one of the highest incarceration rates.

    Making sure people have good lives, good jobs, good education, and are financially stable is how you prevent crime from happening in the first place.

    And rehabilitation will always be more effective at dealing with recidivism than outright punishment, punishment that invariably treats people as animals, fucks up their ability to socialize and trust others, etc.

  • Well?
  • From isreals point of view they are fighting a “just war”

    And from Germany's point of view, they were fighting a just war.

    It’s definitely as much Palestinians blocking peace as Isreal.

    Every single time a ceaswfire deal gets close hamas changes the deal at the last minute to something they know is unreasonable thereby taking negotiations back to step 1.

    This is factually incorrect. You have it backwards.

    Israel has been pulling this shit since forever:

    And they've been doing ethnically cleansing the whole time:

  • Well?
  • then Isreal loses nothing by destroying gaza

    So we're just going full mask off genocide? Get a grip.

    Palestinians have to realize that their situation isn’t getting better

    If you had any understanding of history, you'd know that has always been the case no matter what. Every decade, they've faced massacres, destruction of their homes, and ethnic cleansing.

    It has always been the case that their situation isn't getting better, it has always been getting worse. Israel going full genocidal mode after October 7th was inevitable. At least now the world is paying closer attention and pressuring Israel and public officials to shut it down.

    the only way to improve their situation is through diplomacy amwhich requires making concessions to reach a deal.

    Not possible when Israel has a policy of "we will kill you, or take your home, we will accept nothing else".

    Clearly you haven't been paying attention, because for he last several months Israel has constantly reiterated that regardless of what deals are made, the only condition for ending their attacks is the end of Hamas. But conveniently everybody who dies gets called Hamas. According to Israel, basically no civilians have been killed.

    You can't negotiate with genocidal maniacs. There is no middle ground when one side wants genocide, and the other just wants to live.

  • Well?
  • Or maybe, almost a century of colonization on Israel's part has left Palestinians with no choice but to defend themselves violently. Don't want terrorists? Maybe don't bomb civilians and civilian infrastructure. Because every bomb you drop on a residential building is going to end up creating more terrorists than you kill.

  • Choice posting
  • It’s not really true to say science shows that the foreskin is erogenous or even that circumcision affects sexual pleasure.

    "The glans of the circumcised penis is less sensitive to fine touch than the glans of the uncircumcised penis. The transitional region from the external to the internal prepuce is the most sensitive region of the uncircumcised penis and more sensitive than the most sensitive region of the circumcised penis. Circumcision ablates the most sensitive parts of the penis."

    "This study confirms the importance of the foreskin for penile sensitivity, overall sexual satisfaction, and penile functioning. Furthermore, this study shows that a higher percentage of circumcised men experience discomfort or pain and unusual sensations as compared with the uncircumcised population. Before circumcision without medical indication, adult men, and parents considering circumcision of their sons, should be informed of the importance of the foreskin in male sexuality. "


    Heads up, that source is written by Brian J. Morris, who is rather infamous having a circumcision fetish, and has a habit of peddling shitty studies meant to skew cultural acceptance of circumcision. Nine times out of ten, when people post pro-circumcision studies, they're from him. He is downright obsessed with it, constantly pumping out studies and publications solely about circumcision.

    Take this above link with a grain of salt, it is literally from intact wiki, but still.

    Here is a more educated breakdown:

  • The US needs to build 2 million houses to revive the American dream of homeownership
  • And Geordi would probably canonically agree, at least with the second bit. Just finished reading Picard the Last Best Hope, and Geordi had no problem taking over the ship yards of Mars to build a fleet to save Romulans.

  • The US needs to build 2 million houses to revive the American dream of homeownership
  • Even a small percentage is good. The situation is desperate.

    The fewer first time home owners that get out bid by corps the better. Doesn't matter if it is a drop in the bucket.

    And that's even before considering how it would help stop housing from being an investment vehicle.

  • Moon Walker - Regular People Piped

    An alternative privacy-friendly YouTube frontend which is efficient by design.

    Housing Crisis Olgratin_Magmatoe
    Commie Blocks Are Pretty Good, Actually [6:38] - Adam Something
    Housing Crisis Olgratin_Magmatoe
    The Housing Crisis is the Everything Crisis [42:44] - BritMonkey

    This one is a long one, but a high quality video that explains a lot. Definitely worth listening to in the background if you have the chance to add to your watch later playlist.

    PSA: Maybe don't buy these shitty extruders

    I spent entirely way too much time trying to get one of these style extruders on my Ender 3. Maybe I picked a knock off without realizing it, maybe mine was just defective, I'm not entirely sure.

    But it was ultimately the cause for my printer underextruding on certain layers. If you need a new extruder, go for something better than these cheap $20 ones and get an actually decent one.

    But on the bright side, my printer is finally fixed! It feels nice to be able to get back into the hobby again.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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