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  • The Lion don't miss.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from July 15th to July 21st, 2024 - It's Joever
  • Him not totally stepping down kinda sucks but he did say he'd be a one term president data-laughing

  • Is anyone else attracted to Menaker?
  • And also, Volcel Police. For OP

    EDIT: I said Volcel Police

  • NSFW
    Sometimes I think I want a relationship but then the dude starts flirting back and I get scared and back out.
  • Hey Com, that's what we're here for. Knowing that "I'm not alone" is that 1st step to clearing out the hurt.

    I tried dating again recently and I wasn't feeling it. I know in the back of my head I was comparing those other women to her. For now, I'm just gonna work on me and leave dating alone.

  • Israel strikes Yemen, opening a 2nd front
  • I know it's fake but....

    Really, Isn'treal over here making Yemen get out the car and pull a St. Louis on 'em.

  • NSFW
    Sometimes I think I want a relationship but then the dude starts flirting back and I get scared and back out.
  • it's downright devastating when you've been dating someone for months and then all of a sudden they say they love you and then disappear because "love" is a scary thing and they're afraid to love someone. I was pissed at her; even though I understood she was probably just dealing with some serious trauma she also really hurt and violated me.

    Are you me? Geez, same shit happened to me also. Only we had known each other and been friends for years prior to dating. Our big mouths tell each other ILY but that was the death blow for our relationship because she got scared too and disappeared. Like yours, she was also dealing with relationship trauma. I was pissed but said nothing because I too understood. But man, I live with that hurt too so I feel you on that.

  • Global IT outage disrupts airlines, banks, media, telecoms
  • That's the thing though. I work in the public sector. I can play truant but they rarely give out OT.

  • Global IT outage disrupts airlines, banks, media, telecoms
  • kitty-birthday-sad I needed the OT unfortunately.

    But not like this...

  • Global IT outage disrupts airlines, banks, media, telecoms
  • Lol, thank you based god that this shit happened on my days off!

    I know I'll walk into a shit storm on Monday but I don't care. I'm maxing and relaxing now



    Here I was shit talking, and my boss just called me and asked me to come in. Yes, I work in desktop support. Yes, I'm getting overtime for this. No, I am not happy! angery

  • Rest in piss, Lou Dobbs
  • We smokin that Dobbs pack tonight!

    packwatch rip-bozo packwatch

  • Featured
    Bulletins and News Discussion from July 15th to July 21st, 2024 - It's Joever
  • Yemen is claiming responsibility for the strike, which reportedly entered "Israeli" airspace from over the Mediterranean.

    isaac-pog lets-fucking-go

  • :meemaw-verynormal:
  • Can't see meemaw's face. I wanted to see if she had an iced out grill too. She was probably C-walkin in that pic.

  • President Joe Biden has tested positive for Covid-19
  • Your username is about to become the most epic own in history, IF comrade Covid does its job.

    So take my energy! ༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ

  • On sharing TikTok videos.
  • This whole thread is full of very useful information. I love it. Thank you! stalin-heart