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For real though, who do the Dems run after Biden?
  • At one point even Nancy Pelosi wanted single payer healthcare in the 90s, the dems can mold Newsom in their image

  • Doug Lain (formerly of Zero Books) is courting the PatSoc audience
  • CR was from before his time, right? It's an okay book, I enjoyed it and it got me back into reading political theory, but I've leafed through it since and it's very mid. The term Market Stalinism is extremely funny tho. Trotskyism and its consequences

  • Doug Lain (formerly of Zero Books) is courting the PatSoc audience
  • Lain sucks. I'm glad that when repeater bought zero back they didn't bring him along.

  • Where can I find vaguely mystical leftist essays like this?
  • I agree about emulation. It is also emerges out of the moment where Deleuze and Guattari-influenced Accelerationist theory was all the rage, and that was the context that I read it in.

    I read it much later than that, but I first came across a quote of it in an essay a bit over a decade ago and never forgot it. The book is quite poetic. Anyone not familiar with the CCRU (particularly Land) stuff and D&G would definitely struggle a bit because he freely uses that kind of terminology, but I feel like the writing is compelling enough that someone could still enjoy it without.

  • Where can I find vaguely mystical leftist essays like this?
  • I know like two other people who have read it. Its a book with a small intended audience.

    When I read it I would explain it to my partner and they would look at me like I was losing my mind lmao.

    Have you ever found anything like it? I feel like anyone trying to emulate it would fall flat because it was compelling partly because it was pretty novel at the time. The only thing close for me is just reading a thousand plateaus, which has a similar unhinged quality lol

  • Where can I find vaguely mystical leftist essays like this?
  • Ian Wright's essays can have a similar vibe too, and is explicitly about Marxism

  • Where can I find vaguely mystical leftist essays like this?
  • It can be a hard read at times because it's quite dense with esoteric theory. See my edit about Accelerando too, it's a fun read and packed with ideas.

    If you like the first chapter of Cyclonopedia, there is a book called XYZT written by the same author (not Reza, but someone else). I haven't read this yet, but will be soon. I've heard mixed opinions on it.

  • Where can I find vaguely mystical leftist essays like this?
  • Have you read Cyclonopedia? It's like the theory fiction book, and is quite a ride. It's like someone put post-structuralism and Persian mythology into a blender.

    A lot of the Warwick CCRU stuff reads the same way, including the worst of all Nick Land lol. Reza was loosely associated with them, but has gone his own way since.

    Less theory fiction, but has a similar vibe to the essay you posted is Accelerando by Charles Stross.

  • r/uplifting_news
  • We live in hell

  • Modern day Karl Kautsky's personal subreddit immediately starts emitting lethal levels of Hitler particles upon being told that it's bad to say racial slurs
  • This is still funny-clown-hammer posting.

    I did not want to click that.

    This is not just some cringe attempt to dehumanize them because of the war. Ukrainians were calling them orcs for years now even before the official invasion because.

    1. Saying Russians are responsible for fake separatism in Donbas had them banned on social media for hate speech because it mentions nationality. So they started using LOTR term.
    1. They come from the east.

    Literally "asiatic horde" logic

  • Hexbear lore: The "power dynamics" thread
  • What was the actual final straw for their permaban? I dont remember

  • NSFW
    The sacred courts 🙀
  • Had Biden tried posting in all caps, it may improve his approval rating

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 10th to June 16th, 2024 - Havana Derangement Syndrome - COTW: Cuba
  • NATO Secretary General Stoltenberg has already commented: "I don't think Putin's proposal on Ukraine is peaceful. NATO countries will continue to provide military support to Ukraine"

    The blood God demands more blood

  • Right Hegelianism
  • The bud and the flower are different, but like also the same bro. Like think about it. When the bud dissapears when it becomes a flower, it's like the flower refuted the bud, just like when the flower becomes a fruit dude. It seems like these things are kinda like false forms of each other, right? Like these stages aren't just different, but supplant one another because they are incompatible. But like this activity just makes them different moments of an organic unity. They don't just contradict one another, cause one is as necessary as the other. This equal necessity is what makes the life of the whole.

    You could say this in stoner voice on tictok and sell some merch lol

  • Boeing Starliner Stuck on Space Station as More Leaks Discovered
  • Who the fuck thought that letting the company that can barely keep planes in the air should be allowed to send humans to space?

  • lmao Ansarallah hit some ukrainian cargo ships
  • Well Yemen just lost their chance for a celebrity guest star who repeatedly asks your government for arms

  • Right Hegelianism
  • All my homies hate Fitche

    Fichte, [crowd boos], yeah, you know. Fichte, he's bad folks, don't read him. People come up to me everyday and ask "Trump, when does the synthesis happen?", they really do, and I have to tell them. Look, stop using the thesis-antithesis-synthesis talk, it's wrong. I tell them, read the phenomenology of spirit, and show me where Hegel says that? Guess what? You won't find it. Baron even knows this, Baron knows Hegel better than Hegel scholars. They don't even read him because he isn't woke. Can you believe it? Our big German boy, who gave us the tools to understand the world, they wont even read him. When you re-elect me, we are putting Hegel back into the schools. [crown cheers and chants "HEGEL"]

  • Enjoying things I don't enjoy is reactionary and toxic
  • This is correct, but I did not enjoy this post. So you are actually reactionary

  • Balatro mobile maker GitHub - blake502/balatro-mobile-maker: Create a mobile Balatro app from your Steam version of Balatro

    Create a mobile Balatro app from your Steam version of Balatro - blake502/balatro-mobile-maker

    GitHub - blake502/balatro-mobile-maker: Create a mobile Balatro app from your Steam version of Balatro

    If you don't know already, you can make balatro into an android or iOS app. Works flawlessly on Android.

    ‘A deranged fringe movement’: what is Maga communism, the online ideology platformed by Tucker Carlson? ‘A deranged fringe movement’: what is Maga communism, the online ideology platformed by Tucker Carlson?

    Two young men are promoting a grab-bag ideology celebrating ‘honor’ and condemning ‘global elites’ – and winning powerful friends on the right

    ‘A deranged fringe movement’: what is Maga communism, the online ideology platformed by Tucker Carlson?

    I wish Haz and Hinkle would just go the fuck away

    Siralim Ultimate getting a new update Siralim Ultimate - Siralim Ultimate has resumed development! - Steam News

    We're re-opening the backer shop, adding new game modes, and much more!

    Siralim Ultimate - Siralim Ultimate has resumed development! - Steam News

    Very surprised that the dev is going to add more content. There is already an overload of stuff.

    I assume 0.1% if you even know what this game is. It's like Pokemon and diablo combined. The graphics seem rough, but eventually you get over it and it looks okay. The entire game is about making broken teams of creatures to the point you just win battles before your first turn even happens. Then you make another team because auto winning is boring. Half of my time playing has probably been theory crafting with a spreadsheet. So if your into that, this is for you.

    If any of you start playing, let me know, no one I know plays this. Just beware that the writing is awful.

    If I had the money I'd pay to have a hexbear creature added to the game as a joke lol

    Piketty read Marx and Lenin Challenge


    What happened in 1991 Mr Piketty?



    We live in the dumbest reality

    BREAKING: Xi Presses Communism Button


    We need this as an emoji, but I don't have time to make it rn.

    Pamphlets' YouTube has been terminated

    > This account has been terminated for violating YouTube or Google's Terms of Service.


    Big loss for the shitposting community. I really hope someone saved the bloomer Xi video, and the "infinite money at the national reserve" video.

    Cost of living raise

    Commies always asking for cost of living adjustments to their wage, but once a hardworking, salt of the earth lumberjack wants one, its a problem. This is because of woke.

    Parsani Parsani [love/loves, comrade/them]

    Communism is really the most minimal demand.


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