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Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • It really shouldn't be like this and I think it did permanent damage to me, I'm like a skittish indoor cat now. Been trying to enjoy the outside more but I don't think I'll ever be at that level. My parents made me so anxious and nervous with their paranoia and worries.

  • Old farts of Hexbear, is there something about younger people that you don't get? [no punching down!]
  • Yup, my gen x dad wouldn't even let me take a walk on our street just to get some exercise and fresh air, because he thought I would be kidnapped and SA'd. Kidnapping has never even happened in our town before.

    Meanwhile, teachers, cops, and even the fire chief were caught messing with minors or having CSAM on their computer. But I was "safe" at school! And "safe" at home with my abusive step mother. Gen x chud dads are really something else.

  • Why are so many books utterly and totally lacking in physical descriptions of characters?
  • Glad I'm not the only one who thinks this way. It seems to be so common to not have physical descriptions, that I was wondering if this was normal and I was the weird one for being so visual. There are some people with aphantasia, after all. I can see if they want you to use your imagination, but then you can't just suddenly mention something half way through the book that totally messes up my mental image! Ugh. Books are basically mental movies playing in my brain while I read. It's jarring to have to recast suddenly in the middle of the movie.

  • Elon has another secret child
  • Late-stage capitalism really has this neo-feudalistic feel, where the Kings and Lords (Musk etc) have a bunch of concubines with bastard children who have claims to the throne or whatever. Fuckin weird timeline.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 17th to June 23rd, 2024 - Macron's Gambit - COTW: France
  • Joe Biden has succeeded in creating more wealth for the rich than any of his predecessors has ever managed, and this is why he, not Trump, will have the full backing of the bourgeois class.

    So this is basically like, petit bourgeois (Trump) vs. mega bourgeois (Biden) right? Do you think Trump might actually go to jail for that reason? Because the mega bougies are more powerful? (or are they?) thinking-about-it

  • Sanitation worker as National People's Congress deputy. This is what an actual government by the people and for the people looks like.
  • For a garbage station, that looks very clean! They must have a good system for it.

    Sigh, my government could never...

  • Nato in talks to put nuclear weapons on standby
  • Capitalist fascist USA with its so-called "threat" from communist China and nukes... are we literally in the Fallout timeline? strangelove-wow

  • Back off I'll fuck you up headstrong to take on anyone



    hell yeah

  • If you're not using or somewhat into bicycles, why do you think that is?
  • This might sound silly but I tried it as a little kid and it was sooooo hard to push the pedals for whatever reason that it completely turned me off from the whole idea. And I was also only allowed to basically ride around in tiny circles in our driveway because all we have in our area is narrow roads with no sidewalks where people drive their dodge rams at 50mph around corners. And it's still like that where I live now so yeah.

  • Buddhist meme
  • Me being born

  • Removed Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Weird how they all seem to be quite aware that America is an empire and is fucking everything up and basically 1/3rd of the world hates us now, but then Scott Ritter is just like "And THATS why you need to vote "

    Like dude you know where we're at, right? Like they literally stole your passport. I don't get it.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 10th to June 16th, 2024 - Havana Derangement Syndrome - COTW: Cuba
  • Did anyone else have the idea drilled into their head during school that Communism created mass poverty and a failed state?

    I think basically everyone is, hence the "communism is when no food" meme. That's what they told me in school.

  • JUST IN: Hunter Biden convicted on all 3 charges at federal gun trial
  • So was the laptop thing real? I assumed it wasn't because I only ever heard QAnon types screaming about it. But that was when I was still in lib land.

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 10th to June 16th, 2024 - Havana Derangement Syndrome - COTW: Cuba
  • and the traveler maintains a full-time schedule that enhances contact with the Cuban people, supports civil society in Cuba, and promotes the Cuban people's independence from Cuban authorities, and that results in meaningful interaction between the traveler and Cuban individuals, the individual's travel qualifies for the general license.

    Lmao they make it sound like you're supposed to be some missionary of capitalism.

    Hello Cuban people!!! Have you heard the good news about the Free Market?? so-true

  • more than half a century of Holding Actions; what an achievement, stardust!
  • Has it always been like this, and each generation people like us notice it and others don't, or is this truly unprecedented?

  • How tf does one become ultraleft?
  • I think the unkind interpretation of ultras is that they're western government plants, which I'm sure at least some of them are.

    They definitely kept me from reaching my full communist awakening for a while. I was stuck in radlibville because these types would come out and bring up red scare propaganda or whatever mistakes they made and be like "SeE??? iT dOeSnT wOrK!!!!" so it kinda just made me feel like ????? I guess you can't do anything but vote then???? Idk (how convenient.... ) thonk

  • Locked
    Bulletins and News Discussion from May 27th to June 2nd, 2024 - The Virgin France vs the Chad Sahel - COTW: Chad
  • Aren't people already unhappy with him? This seems like a very very bad idea.

  • NSFW
    [CW: Various Heavy Subject Matter] My fears were... valid?
  • I'm sorry, so many of them are so so awful. :/

    My aunt believes that the rainbow flag somehow represents satanism and that LGBT is some "organization" that is involved in child abuse and stealing their blood for adrenochrome sadness-abysmal

    It's fucking hostile out there, comrade.

  • Video of a black guy who is anti "critical race theory" gets showered with upvotes in major TikTok clip subreddit

    The post is also sus because if you look at other discussions, there's 2 other uploads of the same video with the same exact title (I'm assuming 'hash truth' is supposed to be 'harsh'? if so then they made the same exact misspelling). But it's not the same account. Each one is a different username who uploaded it. Wtf.


    It's weird because you often see more left-leaning stuff in this sub, like pro-Palestine vids. But Reddit does lean reactionary, as we all know. !reddit-logo

    What do you think? Astroturfed or no?

    Also this dude's argument reminds me of what I read in Ibrahim X. Kendi's How To Be An Antiracist where he recalls, in his his youth, being convinced by white supremacist America to find fault in his own culture and blame it all on himself and his black peers, and trying to assimilate and distance himself from it, rather than seeking liberation.

    This tagline on my Jerboa app made me laugh

    It takes up the whole damn screen and it keeps going a bit more lmao

    Red_Eclipse Red_Eclipse [she/her]

    baby socialist, reformed lib, still learning

    Avatar description: glitched out Pluto but red

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