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the final boss after you clear Donald Knuth
  • The formal definitions of Booleans were proposed by Boole.

  • CrowdStrike offers a $10 apology gift card to say sorry for outage | Some of the people said that when they went to redeem the offer, they got an error message saying the voucher had been canceled
  • Citation needed.

    I've seen reports of hospitals delaying non-essential and elective surgeries, but no reports of emergency care being impacted

  • The overworked IT person who just happened to quit his job on 18 July 2024
  • Ah yes, the realisation that everything dependable and solid in the world is just a monument to hubris, built on foundations of sand

  • We're disabled, Daniel
  • Encourage people like this to take up mountain biking or skateboarding or something - find out how much of a pain in the ass it is trying to get around on crutches for 8 weeks or so, then use the tiniest scrap of empathy to imagine what it would be like to have that be your permanent experience

  • Linguistics
  • Because you have to know the rules and conventions to be able to break them effectively - if you don't know that "theirself" is not grammatically correct, then your sentence reads as sincere rather than sarcastic

  • Major IT outage affecting banks, airlines, media outlets across the world
  • Agreed, this will probably kill them over the next few years unless they can really magic up something.

    They probably don't get sued - their contracts will have indemnity clauses against exactly this kind of thing, so unless they seriously misrepresented what their product does, this probably isn't a contract breach.

    If you are running crowdstrike, it's probably because you have some regulatory obligations and an auditor to appease - you aren't going to be able to just turn it off overnight, but I'm sure there are going to be some pretty awkward meetings when it comes to contract renewals in the next year, and I can't imagine them seeing much growth

  • Major IT outage affecting banks, airlines, media outlets across the world
  • Big chunk of New Zealands banks apparently run it, cos 3 of the big ones can't do credit card transactions right now

  • Tech Giants Withholding Products Because EU Regulation like GDPR
    • Apple reversed log standing design policy to put a USB C charger in the iPhone because not selling iPhones in Europe was not a financially viable option.

    • Apple won't launch their AI features in Europe because changing to comply with regulations is too hard

    These features aren't that important then I guess?

  • Deleted
    How to watch my plex media when work wifi just blocked plex?
  • Don't do this. This is going to trip alarms on any half decent IDS, and your net admins are busy enough without having to write up a report to go to the HR people deciding if they are going to fire you for breaking the computer use policy

  • NSFW
  • His politics are about what you'd imagine to look at him - senior MP in the centre-right National party, a "slash and burn the public sector and privatise everything cos free market something something" type - but yeah, he probably came out of that whole incident ahead from now he responded to it

  • PSA: GoDaddy gated their own API. DDNS users warned
  • I moved just about everything to Route53 for registration - I run my own DNS so I don't need to pay for that, and it's ~40% cheaper than Gandi for better service.

    Now I just need to move my .nz domain (R53 supports .{co,net,org}.nz, but not .nz itself?) and the 2 .xyz domains that are "premium" for some reason so R53 won't touch

  • Bello! Am I Tortoiseshell?
  • Tortoiseshell is a colouration, not a breed - you get long hair tortoiseshell cats, same way you get long hair tabbys.

    Fun fact: due to the way the genetics works out, male tortoiseshell cats are incredibly rare - less than 1 in 100,000 iirc

  • Attempted assassination of Theodore Roosevelt
  • The comparison being drawn is not a favorable one

  • How Long Should Hardware/Software Support Last?
  • Don't disagree with you, but yeah - good luck with that

  • How Long Should Hardware/Software Support Last?
  • As long as someone is willing and able to maintain it.

    It's open source. All the work is either done by volunteers or by corporate sponsors. If it's worth it for you to keep a GPU from the 90s running on modern kernels and you can submit patches to keep up with API changes, then no reason to remove it. The problem isn't that the hardware is old, it's that people don't have the time to do the maintenance

  • No common rube
  • opens task manager

    sees a system uptime of 4 years

    I'll lose my tabs!

  • Any similar experiences?
  • My 18 month old really likes Bluey (and tbh so do I) but I'm a little bit scared for when she starts expecting me to buy into games as hard as Bandit does

  • How batshit insane are the rich in 2024? Here's a Bloomberg article on the estate law aspects of cryonically freezing your head and trying to keep all your money
  • Trust fund kids: talk to your parents about cryogenic freezing before someone else does and convinces them to blow your inheritance on SciFi technobabble

  • KDE 6 fingerprint unlock

    The KDE 6 announcement says that

    > On prior versions you chose between either password or fingerprint authentication for the lockscreen. In Plasma 6, both are supported at the same time.

    I've updated my Neon install, what do I need to do to enable this? I've set up a fingerprint through the user settings, but when the screen is locked I still have to use my password to unlock - there isn't a prompt, and touching the reader doesn't seem to do anything

    Edit: follow up on an old post in case someone stumbles across it - I needed to install libpam-fprintd

    Tool to manage CLI tools

    I'm trying to find a thing, and I'm not turning up anything in my web searches so I figure I'd ask the cool people for help.

    I've got several projects, tracked in Git, that rely on having a set of command line tools installed to work on locally - as an example, one requires Helm, Helmfile, sops, several Helm plugins, Pluto, Kubeval and the Kubernetes CLI. Because I don't hate future me, I want to ensure that I'm installing specific versions of these tools rather than just grabbing whatever happens to be the latest version. I also want to ensure that my CI runner grabs the same versions, so I can be reasonably sure that what I've tried locally will actually work when I go to deploy it.

    My current solution to this is a big ol' Bash script, which works, but is kind of a pain to maintain. What I'm trying to find is a tool where I:

    • Can write a definition, ideally somewhere shared between projects, of what it means to "install tool X"
    • Include a file in my project that lists the tools and versions I want
    • Run the tool on my machine and let it go grab the platform- and architecture- specific binaries from wherever, and install them somewhere that I can add to my $PATH for this specific project
    • Run the tool in CI and do the same - if it can cache stuff then awesome

    Linux support is a must, other platforms would be nice as well.

    Basically I'm looking for Pythons' pip + virtualenv workflow, but for prebuilt tools like helm, terraform, sops, etc. Anyone know of anything? I've looked at homebrew (seems to want to install system-wide), and VSCode dev containers (doesn't solve the CI need, and I'd still need to solve installing the tools myself)

    Austrian supermarkets engaged in shady price manipulation Mario Zechner (

    Today was ... interesting. If you followed me for the past months over on the shitbird site, you might have seen a bunch of angry German words, lots of graphs, and the occassional news paper, radio, or TV snippet with yours truely. Let me explain. In Austria, inflation is way above the EU average. ...

    A whole bunch of this sounds really familiar for some reason...

    RegalPotoo RegalPotoo
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