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r/Europe discovers that Ukrainians are not keen on going to the meat grinder
  • I heard from multiple liberals with no knowledge of Russia that Putin is trying to recreate the Russian Empire.

    From what period? Who knows? Will the pale of settlement be recreated, but maybe this time replacing Ukraine with an autonomous Jewish republic (interesting possibility that should've been done in the 30s, but I don't blame Soviet leadership for not wanting to be the ones that incite the holocaust)?

    Is this an empire that will include Siberia and the far east? What about the former Beasarabia region? Will it go to Russia or the Ottomans?

    Why, and why suddenly now? Who knows?

    Do liberals have any idea what they're talking about? We'll never know.

    Most importantly, do liberals have a massive amount of unexamined racism when it comes to Russians?

    It's amazing to witness. Over 100 years of US public policy, foreign and domestic, is entirely based on weakening Russia so it can be pillaged by the richest Westerners. We literally don't have health-care because we need the money for munitions used to threaten Russia. Countless US citizens die so we can menace Russia. Our domestic police state exists to suppress left wing movements that consciously or not take inspiration from Lenin and Russian worker organizing. Social conventions have developed that will lead to you being unemployed and ostracized if you too vigorously insist that maybe Russia = Bad fails to really explain anything.

    This is all made possible with deliberately cultivated racism, completely uncommented on by libs. Absolute idealism. No intellectual rigor at all. Just pure smugness.

  • The Peace Corps released this warning for black people volunteering in Ukraine
  • You see, a lot of countries don't have large black populations and haven't developed cultural conventions, laws, etc. around incorporating black populations into their societies. It's because these societies are inherently racist and definitely not because they didn't participate in the trans-Atlantic slave trade.

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    Bulletins and News Discussion from June 17th to June 23rd, 2024 - Macron's Gambit - COTW: France
  • I read elsewhere, and I can't vouch for the veracity of this info, the information used for targeting a beach full of civilians was provided by the US. The target was a beach full of civilians. At least 3 children were killed.

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  • he's at least living in reality

    I've lived in the US my whole life, so I find his recognition of reality to be somewhat refreshing, even if he is an asshole.

    Edit: Read further down in the thread. The asshole quip refers specifically to the transphobia. He's a capitalist, so there will always be a scapegoat for the inevitable contradictions, and it won't be the bourgeoisie.

  • Only 11% of Russians say sanctions have personally affected them or their family, poll shows
  • This isn't the staid, respectable, shock and awe military intervention of the west. We're talking about Russian barbarians.

    It actually just occurred to me that this is the classic projection we know and love from western journalists. The war in Ukraine actually is partial scale. They're clearly not treating Ukrainians like Afghanis or Iraqis.

  • If DPRK was as irrelevant as they told us, then what's all the panic about?
  • There will never be a stable, western-aligned government again. There's never gonna be a stable, eastern-aligned government either. The rightwing coups will never end. Ukraine is destroyed for the working class. The bourgeoisie might have one last chance to sell out and move to the US.

  • If DPRK was as irrelevant as they told us, then what's all the panic about?
  • It looks to me (I am not a reliable source) like Russia won the war immediately. There will never be a stable, western aligned government in Ukraine again. But there will be a huge buffer zone that keeps NATO far from anything Russia considers dangerous.

  • Chizh - Phantom / Чиж - Фантом

    Song about an American pilot shot down over Vietnam by a Soviet pilot.

    Liberalism in my CPUSA? Who could've seen this coming?

    John Bachtell, former national committee chairperson of CPUSA, continues the party's decades long tradition of making shit up to discredit the left's greatest accomplishments. Liberals hate that Stalin and the greater communist movement destroyed the independence of Ukraine's ruling class and brought an end to the centuries of antisemitic violence they used to preserve their power.

    SMDH my dickhead.

    Check this shit out

    I'm absolutely certain all of the algorithms are trying to drive me insane.

    Netflix has a new series called "How to Become a Tyrant." Based on the first 2 seconds of the preview (as far as I got) it looks unbearable. Yet, I am intensely curious. If any of you are brave enough/sufficiently reckless with your mental health, I'd love to hear what bullshit is being streamed into millions of homes.

    There has to be opportunities for spectacular dunks. Please entertain me.

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