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1 yr. ago

  • The BBC has rightfully criticised russian state owned media in the past for doing similar things but now its doing the same

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    The BBC edited out sections from the Transformers: Earthspark show to censor references to queer people in the show

  • A good book I liked about it was Trans Liberation: Beyond Pink or Blue by Leslie Feinberg, available here in pdf form:

    It was written in the 90s so some of the terms are sort of dated but it holds true with what a lot of the modern trans experience continues to be

  • a new political office who’s sole purpose is to determine if trans people should have rights or not.

    We already have that smh:

    A Council of Europe report[6][7] in September 2021 criticised the Minister for Equalities, stating that rhetoric from the minister is in contradiction with international human rights standards and has contributed to a sharp increase in transphobic crimes since 2015.

  • They're basically reassuring her that they're still transphobic enough for her to support after she went against them to endorse the Communist Party of Britain because one of their candidates put out a really transphobic statement for their election (but then CPB disavowed their member's statement in a really limp wristed way to try and maintain the facade that they're still the social centrists in between the former party RFB and CPGB-ML so she took back her endorsement)

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (

    JK Rowling agrees to meeting with Labour about gender transition policy

  • This comm looks like it'll be cool I'm laughably bad at stuff like this so it'd help

  • Knowing how transphobic Streeting is the "simplification" of the process will probably be banning it all together

    Also how labour is literally getting policy advice from JK Rowling:

  • iirc from growing up in a church school and all the Bible study bits I did growing up, there's a bit in the bible where jesus says that if someone tries to kidnap and enslave someone they should pay a fine to the parents in addition to the punishment they'd receive from the law which some people twist around into trying to imply that jesus was saying kidnapping and enslaving people is ok as long as you pay a fine to the parents.

  • They're making fun of how Brexit was pushed on a platform of getting rid of overstrict EU regulations and bureaucracy (as well as a lot of overt racism) but it turned out a load of it was just homegrown British bureaucracy that had nothing to do with the EU but UKIP voters kept complaining that anything they didn't like about Britain was the fault of the EU anyway

  • What's the point in memes where it's putting something that's just uncontroversially true and not really that complex of an idea next to a twink wojack

    Edit: just read the comments smh. My bad OP you're entirely in the right for this, apparently the basic idea that the dominant ideology reproduces itself is too complicated for people to get, also someone calling you a tankie for this lol

  • go to this web address: and then put in either or as your homeserver. the page should look like this once you've done that:

    once you've set up an account try clicking through the link to the chat i sent you again

  • Have you made a matrix account?

  • i found some links for you and edited my earlier comment

  • i saw something a few weeks ago about some company in china that recently patented a potential cure for diabetes that removed the need for insulin so it might be referring to that. i'll try and find an article about it

    edit: here's some stuff about it

    idk about hte claim that people are trying to fight it (though tbh as soon as it looks like it might be viable on a large scale they probably will tbh)

  • There's a blahaj matrix chat, lemme just find the link to it

    Edit: here's the link

  • femcelmemes Femcel Memes

    me fr

  • In future I'd advise using the term cis woman instead of biological woman because biological woman has a history of being used as a transphobic term by TERFs to delegitimise trans people, especially in the UK.

  • One thing I've seen used for CPGB-ML (an ML party so notable for their transphobia that JK Rowling has repeatedly endorsed them and their members and even the MLs in Britain largely range from looking down on to openly hating them) are the phrases tailism and right deviationism being applied to them

    As a general trend in Britain the term tankie (at least in my experience) is used less by the far left because it originated here and has had more time to be misused to the point that most of us remember stuff like Jeremy Corbyn being called a "tankie trot" by Boris Johnson and stuff like that

  • I literally just use the web browser bcs I'm spiritually a boomer despite physically being a zoomer

  • I mod the comm and it has been removed now o7

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Dune Memes

    "what he saw was a time nexus within this cave, a boiling of possibilities focused here, wherein the most minute action ... moved a gigantic lever across the known universe to change the trolley path"

    garfieldism The Church of Garfieldism

    Garfield has transcended the urge to purposely have a bad time on the internet

    garfieldism The Church of Garfieldism

    Average T4T transfem gf x transmasc bf couple

    random Random

    The Moral Economy of the Shire (basically, its not ancom, its pseudo-feudalism)

    femcelmemes Femcel Memes

    me :3

    garfieldism The Church of Garfieldism

    literally burst out laughing reading this to my partner lol

    garfieldism The Church of Garfieldism

    garfield knows whats up

    garfieldism The Church of Garfieldism

    holy shit im so jealous

    worldnews World News

    Biden administration signals it will support push to hit ICC with sanctions

    politics politics

    Biden administration signals it will support push to sanction ICC

    femcelmemes Femcel Memes

    let me have my sloppp 😭

    femcelmemes Femcel Memes

    too real smh

    femcelmemes Femcel Memes

    So true :3

    garfieldism The Church of Garfieldism

    my partner sent me this :3

    femcelmemes Femcel Memes

    Me fr frfr

    femcelmemes Femcel Memes

    Idk what to title this

    garfieldism The Church of Garfieldism

    The Demon of Babylon Disguises Himself With the Coat of the Righteous