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The discourse around this is frankly unhinged

Even if you disagree with them, Trotskyists are not tankies, simple Marxists aren't tankies, leftists curious and exploring different theories aren't tankies, and ffs anarchists like myself are not tankies.

I feel like "tankie" indicated a very specific worldview at one time, but it's been used lately a lot to mean things like "doesn't agree with nations supporting oppression and inequity up to and including genocide" -- which is drastically at odds with how I've seen the term used in the past, no?

  • Why is there a red-scare on Lemmy? I'm admittedly a bit of a suspicious person, but the concern about .ml and the suggestion to defederate seems manufactured. I struggle to believe a bunch of "liberals" on .world are so butthurt by the meanies on .ml that they need to censor them completely. It just seems astroturfed.

    • Ive personally noticed a really big influx of liberals and liberal bullshit on my feed this past like month or so, and it does seem centered around .world. personally my guess is they someome got an influx of users and theyre all scared of "the radical left" when they discovered .ml

    • I've most recently seen a .ml praising the Taliban in an lgbtq+ community. They're not good people (or their instance draws, tolerates, and encourages those kinds of people). I don't really want that sort of crap spilling into other instances. Alas, has not defederated from them. When instances do defederate from them, it's not censorship, it's just not pulling data from their communities or users. Users are welcome to make an account on .ml if they want to see the things on there. Do you understand the difference? If not, I can explain it a little more with some better examples if you let me know the sticking points.

      • I get what you're saying, and I've personally experienced some of what you're talking about regarding. ml, but I just want to add that it is a large instance, and I'd not assume that everyone on .ml is bad. I feel the same about the rampant liberalism on .world, but like .ml there are a lot of users who join just because it's a large popular instance without investigating further, so I try to remind myself that it's just a handful of users causing most of the problems. The majority of users on .ml and .world are probably just fine.

      • Do you understand the difference?

        Yes, but you don't. You're promoting cutting off an entire group of viewpoints all on the flimsy justification that there are some shitty people and trolls on .ml (just block the bad users on your own ffs).

        Defederating will create echo chambers across the fediverse where dissenting voices aren't heard by people who really need to consider a contrary opinion. That's censorship. Sure technically each individual user could go make a new account wherever they please, but that's an extra step and it's easier to police any dissent that trickles in. Don't tell me that's not censorship, I'm not stupid.

        It's nice the fediverse doesn't have centralized control, (otherwise the tankies that built it would have banned everyone), but this place will ultimately produce nothing useful for society since it's devolving into isolated echochambers where people go to get intellectually jerked off when they feel sorry for themselves.

      • I’ve most recently seen a .ml praising the Taliban in an lgbtq+ community.

        Do you have a link to that?

      • I've seen the most trolls, fascists, and even some Nazis (although I think they were really just trolls) come out of .world. Should we defederate from them too? If not, what's the difference?

    • I have a .world exclusive alt for when I feel like swimming through a sea of memes and I've seen this tankie drama building since the initial Reddit diaspora. I think it has come to a head thanks to an increasing number of very vocal, very prolific users frequently posting about it.

      They're often upset, sometimes legitimately because a mod was being heavy handed with comment removal, sometimes because they were being an asshole and received a ban. They can't just accept it and move on. No, they must have revenge! Because access to content was removed, everyone must defederate from whichever instance... thereby removing access to all the content themselves. Much of it doesn't make sense. A hefty dallop of idealogical purity á la Exiting the Vampire Castle is in there too.

      Now both the aggrieved and vicariously aggrieved are using "tankie" to describe anyone they don't like, especially actual leftists whose ideas challenge their center to center-right worldviews. With a rallying cry to get behind, a poorly defined common enemy, and a lot of idiotic theatrics, their movement is gaining some traction. I don't even know if it's the majority of .world users, but it's enough where browsing by all has resulted in my feed getting shitted up with lib drama.

    • tbh i don't think lemmy is big and relevant enough to have targeted astroturfing campaigns like this.

      a bad actor could be watching, but i doubt it would be worth it to run interference just yet.

  • The way I've heard "tankie" defined is blind defense of anyone waving a red flag, no matter what they do. I do think there might be a very limited use-case for that because you do occasionally get like edgy teens like that, but I'd argue that it doesn't apply even to all - or even most - Marxist-Leninists.

    If the USSR was so perfect, then why did it collapse? How is it possible to reconcile blind defense of Stalin with blind defense of Kruschev, who hated Stalin? Or Deng who criticized Mao, or the whole Sino-Soviet split, and so on. Even if you tried to, you couldn't really blindly defend everyone calling themselves a communist because there have been too many disagreements and failures.

    It would be pretty easy to trip someone up if they were really just blindly defending anyone who calls themselves a communist, but the people accusing people of being tankies never do. If anything, they seem to strongly resist any sort of nuanced discussion of the successes and failures of self-described socialist projects. I'm sure there's someone out there who would call you a tankie if for example you acknowledged that Cuba's literacy program was successful and a good thing, regardless of anything else you think about Cuba. It really seems like it's less about "blindly defending," and more about "not blindly condemning."

  • I get what you're saying but Lenin & Trotsky(and those who come after) didn't exactly have 'clean hands' and if MLs/trotskyist acknowledge this it begs the question what reforms to their ideology do they think would prevent these horrors?

    • On that note, as an anarchist I don't have the answers to some of the potential pitfalls of abolishing states, and I think it's a mistake to demand instant answers to these questions. An important lesson I've learned is it's ok and good to admit we don't have answers to everything, while still being able to recognize the harm and inequity inherent to market capitalism.

      There are Trotskyists in this community, and perhaps someday they'll make a post, but I'm not going to demand it from them since this is sorta supposed to be a respite from such things.

      • I always say that capitalism is treated as a default, and its failings as “facts of life”. Judging socialism or anarchism by their few short, sabotaged instances without giving people a few hundred years to refine i the systems isn't a fair comparison.

      • Fair

    • As an ML, I believe that the best course of action is defined by material conditions, such that there is no universal set of policies that is best for every country. Countries like the USSR and the PRC came into being with extreme poverty, little industry, and surrounded by enemies, and some of the measures that they took were necessary for their survival and development, and would not be necessary for other countries with different conditions. But other measures weren't necessary at all.

      Both countries eventually transitioned from a more militant leader to a calmer, more civilian government. In both cases, it would've been better if it happened faster. But there are also plenty of governments around the world that did not take such strict measures to protect themselves and were defeated as a result, often with devastating consequences, and navigating that is a challenging question for everyone, not just for MLs.

      There are plenty of countries that did not take strict measures to ensure their security and fell to CIA coups, sometimes resulting in fascists coming to power and committing mass slaughter while securing their power for decades. Mohammad Mossadegh of Iran, for instance, was a true believer in democratic ideals, and the result was that he did nothing as the CIA infiltrated the country and ousted him, which led to decades of the shah's secret police hunting down and exterminating the Iranian left, which led to the situation there now.

      So, it's tough to say. On the whole, I believe that the revolutions in Russia and China did more good than harm. But the skillset you use to win and secure a revolution is not the skillset you need to manage a country during peacetime, and which of those is more important at a given time is driven by external factors.

  • I have genuinely only seen tankie used by anarchists and libertarian socialists generally. Didn't even know that liberals knew of the term. :/

    • Thanks to .world, a lot of liberals here now know it. The issue is many are using it like the American right uses woke: anything or anyone they don't like, generally because their political or social commentary challenges their assumptions and makes them uncomfortable.

      • That sucks. I'll have to watch my usage of this term, or at least use it in circumstances where it's clear that it's not meant to critique leftism. Surely there's gotta be some new term now, though? The term is quite old at this point, and comes from a very specific situation where it was clearly one authoritarian side, which was criticized from the left using the term tankie. I think someone ought to have come up with an apt term to describe authoritarian """communists""" today.

  • tankie is just a blanket term to define 'leftist i dislike' now.

    and its usually accompanied with a lot of strawmen like we are the most evil thing to ever walk the earth for an unspecified reason, and how we are fighting for things we aren't.

    this very instance has a lot of it, so do a few more.