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Tumblr: If you refuse to support the person carrying out a genocide of millions of people, "you have an incredible amount of privilege" and actually DON'T care about Palestine. Here's a helpful chart!
    1. Trans rights will keep getting better in blue states who give a shit and worse in red states regardless of who is president
    2. Last time I checked, Biden is doing nothing about abortion, again, blue states who give a shit will do what they do no matter who is president
    3. Yeah Trump is probably gonna be worse, but Biden isn't doing any meaningful reform
    4. See above
    5. No clue, so can't comment
    6. lmao
    7. LMAO
    8. Just kill me already
    9. Probably better than Trump, but I think the bar for that is 6ft underground
    10. What the fuck does this even mean? Also, like, no? Biden has completely ignored COVID.
    11. Sounds unlikely 12 and 13 are mutually exclusive. You can't militarily support a genocide while also being in favor of ending said genocide.
  • How many hexbears think there will actually be a popular revolution in the West in our time?
  • Probably not, things have to get so unbelievably bad for the value of a revolution to outweigh the value of doing nothing and letting capitalism continue (the lure that things might get better, right?). Things also have to be really bad in the place where you are too, because so long as the facade of normalcy exists (even if it is degraded), then people will naturally come to the conclusion that such things cannot happen to them, and that they shouldn't worry.

    For example, if the USA managed to provide fuel, electricity, internet, and treats (even if somewhat intermittently) right up until it collapsed, no significant portion of the population would want a revolution until after that all got taken away, and didn't have the promise of being returned.

  • Just got Horizon: Forbidden West on pc
  • I thought it was good after I turned the difficulty down to easy. I finished 2 playthroughs of the original on ultra-hard, so I dunno why but the combat was just not fun at all.

    Not sure why you had trouble seeing things, I thought everything was pretty clear, only 1 or 2 times where I got lost on where to go next.

    Honestly I went in hoping for more of the first game which is probably why I ended up disappointed in some aspects.

  • Quick reminder (I don’t care about genocide if it doesn’t affect me)
  • Yeah, I think I definitely agree with what you've said.

    I still assert that people seem to care more about the risk of LGBTQ+ people being killed "close to home" versus them actually being killed in foreign conflicts; however I suspect the reason is probably because the ones "close to home" are white.

  • Quick reminder (I don’t care about genocide if it doesn’t affect me)
  • I don't even think you need to believe in hierarchy of marginalized people, all you need is to not want to see killing happen at home because it's icky up close and all of a sudden it makes a lot of sense.

    Maybe I'm wrong but I came to this conclusion because it seems people don't care (or at least don't care as strongly) if LGBTQ+ people are killed in oversees conflicts, but care a lot about the idea it might happen in their country.

  • Knowing my husband's location was great. Then, I caught him in a lie and became obsessed with checking it constantly.
  • Assuming you aren't going hiking in some remote place where you could end up somewhere with shitty sky visibility (for GNSS satellites), it's pretty hard not to get a decent position. Even cheap GNSS receivers can get like 1.2m RMS positioning with just 1 band.

    I can really only speculate, but my running theory (and I must emphasize, I am really pulling this out of my ass), is that the location updating stuff doesn't trigger while your phone isn't being used (i.e. you leave your phone in your bag all day, it doesn't do much location updating, but if you are browsing Hexbear on it all day, it updates more frequently).

    The reason I think this is because I've noticed on days I've been really busy at work, my shared location doesn't seem to get updated as much (not that it matters given I'm in the same place). Honestly power settings and if apps can run in the background seems to be very inconsistent across different phones and I swear it doesn't work 90% of the time so I might just be seeing patterns that don't exist.

  • Knowing my husband's location was great. Then, I caught him in a lie and became obsessed with checking it constantly.
  • I have shared location on maps and it only reports back sometimes, like you might see that the last reported location is 20 minutes old or something. Also I don't think they only use GPS these days, I think its that, but also local wireless networks, and location data based on your daily habits (i.e. you go to work every day, so if we see your work wifi, you're probably at work). All of this put together doesn't really kill battery life anymore.

  • Wendy's already walking back their surge pricing comments. They were testing the waters.
  • Not that I disagree, but in my experience, the little displays that tell you what you're ordering (and how much it costs) are rarely used, and the worker on the other side often doesn't tell you how much it is until you get to the window to pay. So if you frequent a place often and already have a rough estimation of how much something is gonna cost (i.e. "I buy this meal at lunch every day" or whatever), and then you find out its twice as expensive, you run into the exact problem I've suggested.

    You're definitely right about it slowing everything down though, and most drive-throughs get clogged very easily.

  • Wendy's already walking back their surge pricing comments. They were testing the waters.
  • I mean, what do you do in a drive through when you get to the window to pay and it's like 3x more expensive than you expected? Just drive away? I'm sure that's what people would argue, while completely ignoring that it's a massive social taboo and 99% of people would just pay because of social pressure.

    Also, what happens if the place starts making the food after you order, but before you pay (so you can get your food more quickly and efficiently!). Have you committed theft, or defrauded the business by deciding not to pay? I mean probably not, but I'd hate to be the first person sued to test if it holds up in court.

  • The DPRK: where your white privilege means zilch
  • It's pretty shocking that they also tried to fly him straight back to the US instead of to a hospital in South Korea for treatment. Maybe things would've turned out differently if they'd done that?

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