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I can smell whenever my neighbors are smoking meth and I won’t do anything about it BECAUSE IM A DECENT FUCKING PERSON!
  • I really feel like this is going too far on the contrarian end.

    Yes foster care and care homes are bad, but I don't think one should pretend that a child growing up in a dual meth-parent household is growing up in a safe and healthy environment.

    The kid could be a lot better off with a grandparent, aunt, or uncle. The shit part is you don't know until things are in motion.

    That child is not in a good position and i think pretending like they are is the "own the chuds" equivalent to burning your shoes because a gay person wore a similar pair.

  • Valorant on PS5 won’t support gyro aiming, to ensure Xbox players aren’t at a disadvantage
  • I think there was a tony hawk down hill game that made extensive use of them for leaning.

  • Bowing to Special Interest Pressure, NY Governor Hochul “Indefinitely Delaying” Congestion Pricing
  • Depends. At least one has a company truck that probably has tolls paid for, but the boss wont even pay for new tires so who knows.

    The others are more or less contractors and take their own ride in and pay for the tolls.

  • Bowing to Special Interest Pressure, NY Governor Hochul “Indefinitely Delaying” Congestion Pricing
  • I know several gen-x and millennial working class folks who need to drive into Manhattan with their tools to do jobs in Manhattan. Offices don't just materialize and sadly its hard to bring ladders and boxes of power tools on the subway.

  • Casey Jones the union scab
  • I think you're taking this a little far

  • Deleted
    Should I buy this '83 Toyota Tercel for $1,500
  • Hell yeah.

    But I second the "get some tools" sentiment.

  • How Can This Country Possibly Be Electing Trump Again?
  • The purpose of a system is what it does.

  • Web publishers brace for carnage as Google adds AI answers
  • New angle: force a courts hand to create a precedent for disregarding copyright to break copyright law

  • The invisible hand of the Free Market Is the US state department
  • Reminds me of the chicken tax. Less state dept, more economic warfare on a rising japan. Sorry americans, no small pickups, only child squishers.

  • Removed
    Overshoot: Cognitive obsolescence and the population conundrum [PDF]
  • Politically acceptable technical ‘solutions’

    Come on man this whistle woke my cremated dog up

  • NSFW
    Guess how much chicken wings cost at the Miami Grand Prix.
  • I can't even hate on the dumb sub billionaire. You know elon will never get in one of his own rockets.

  • NSFW
    Guess how much chicken wings cost at the Miami Grand Prix.
  • They're in there. 1 in 1000 ultra rich car guys will actually be really into the cars themselves rather than the status symbol.

    Some that come to mind are the guys that will endlessly restore, race, crash, repeat vintage racecars. They'll get in turn-of-the-century deathtraps, slam into a wall, and basically go "ah i guess we're restorin' again" in a crossover episode of the ship of thesius and Sisyphus.

    The only rich guys I sorta respect are the kind that will put themselves into harms way for their interests.

  • Opinions on KDE Plasma 6
  • I had only used kde once before like 7 years ago and I wasn't a huge fan. I wanted to try it again and I honestly really like it over gnome. I usually go tiling but felt lazy with a new laptop. The trackpad gestures are really solid.

  • NetworkManager makes me want to pull my hair out
  • nmcli is quite nice actually. My only real issue with NM is keeping track of what it's doing behind the scenes.

  • NetworkManager makes me want to pull my hair out
  • So I want and have ip forwarding, and I only want to make a firewall whitelist between two of the interfaces.

    I've uninstalled iptables, nftables isn't running, NM has the firewall backend disabled, and ip forwarding is on.

    This should result in traffic moving between the interfaces, yet traffic is moving between two of the interfaces, and blocked between two of the interfaces. It just doesn't make sense.

  • NetworkManager makes me want to pull my hair out
  • Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm using NM for managing the AP and managed connections, not so much the bare connecting to wifi things.

    The only real alternative to NM in this situation is a handful of delicate config files for iwconfig and dnsmasq.

  • NetworkManager makes me want to pull my hair out

    I'm trying to set up a somewhat weird network configuration, three interfaces on a pi, an adhoc AP, a wireless lan, and a USB modem.

    I want clients of the USB device to talk to clients of the AP, I want clients of the AP to talk to other clients and a single host on the wireless network.

    Sorta simple right? Just a couple firewall rules? Well NetworkManager is a land of logical defaults that do not like to be adjusted. I had it working where the AP clients could not reach out to the internet, but could reach the USB clients. NetworkManager automagic'd a NFTables ruleset that doesn't appreciate being changed.

    Okay so I'll tell NM to not use a firewall backed in the conf, firewall-backend=none, easy.

    But once NM is restarted, the networking is behaving like the firewall is still active, despite NFtables and iptables reporting no rulesets, as NM has taken its ball and gone home.

    I can't even figure out a baseline of "what the fuck is going on" because the level of opaque NM automagic happening behind the scenes. I just poke at it and hope something happens. Half the NetworkManager behavior is hidden in dev blog posts that you need to sift through, the official documentation just basically gives the bare minimum info for a feature.

    Once upon a time, saying anything critical about the system and using the term "capitalism" would mark you as a radical
  • I started watching the most recent BoyBoy video on the whistle blower and I don't know what brought me here, I was feeling extremely doomer.

    But I feel the same, I really needed some good news in this sea of hopelessness.

  • A lot of software wont be distributed with a PPA to add.

    Additionally, debs are useful for offline installations, with apt you're able to recursively download a package and all of it's dependencies as deb files, then transfer those over to the offline machine and install in bulk.

    That being said I've never had great luck with the software center, it's always felt broken. I'll typically just dpkg -I <pkg>.

  • Just got Horizon: Forbidden West on pc
  • I liked the story of lost tech and the overall geoengineering effort run amok. I honestly enjoyed the game more than BotW which had weirdly similar vibes. The second one was feeling less coherent though, I haven't finished it yet. I enjoy uncovering the mysteries, which means I don't think I could replay it.

  • Least racist resident of Raytheon Acres Disturbed by the panhandlers in on 29-Fairfax using children

    Yesterday I saw the typical gypsy/Romanian female looking pan handler on route 29, nothing new. Yesterday, there was a little girl out there...

    Disturbed by the panhandlers in on 29-Fairfax using children


    I'm afraid quoting it will hit slur filters but the open sentence is just so !brainworms

    >Yesterday I saw the typical gypsy/Romanian female looking pan handler on route 29, nothing new.

    neurodiverse Shinji_Ikari [he/him]
    I hate seeing the disparity between what I know I'm capable of and what I'm actually able to do.

    I've got a degree in engineering. I love engineering, programming, electronics, CAD and physical prototype design. I love identifying problems and figuring out requirements and designing something to solve it. I know I'm really good at it, but I can only really perform what feels like 20% of the time.

    I'll get into some hyper focus for some problem, learn some complex technology, solve the problem, then not be able to look at tech for weeks. This is cool for hobby stuff but man I gotta work too.

    I find it nearly impossible to work on things which I don't find personally interesting which isn't good because most "work" isn't interesting whatsoever. I envy people who are able to just go "ah time to do this boring thing" and they just fucking do it. It genuinely feels impossible to just start.

    I'm medicated for ADHD but it feels like it only works like 20-30% of the time. The rest of the time my eyes just lose focus and I stare blankly at a screen waiting for hours to pass.

    I don't know how to make this work for me either. I know theoretically I could be a prototype engineer, the type of freelance generalist who gets an idea out and disappears but I don't know how to network sufficiently enough to do that. I've got a good job right now, but COL is so high and full remote isn't possible so I'll always be living in a small apartment or be in so much debt I'll never be able to retire.

    I want to do more hardware stuff but that's so rarely a remote type job and offices just hurt my soul with how uncomfortable I am all day long. I could probably make a living as a software engineer but I don't know if I'd be able to keep up any kind of pace long term that would let me keep my job.

    I almost want to take a stab at doing youtube videos and see if I can make a handful of neat projects that get me a sponsor. enough to score a house in a rundown rustbelt town and be able to fuck off and work at my own pace without the impending doom of rent or mortgage staring me down.

    I drink plenty of water, jog when its warm, use a pomodoro timer when I remember. I learned the fundamentals of Rust in a weekend, designed and manufactured a run of PCBs in under 3 months. I just can't keep that momentum going, even if I try to slow down.

    thanks for letting me rant. Its not lost on me how privileged I am in this scenario. I'm quite lucky and comfortable but it terrifies me how even someone doing well like myself can't see an exit off this awful ride.

    What kind of problems would you like to see technology solve?

    It's so easy shitting on techbro VC nonsense that only separates us from our humanity to sell adspace. What actual problems do you want technology to solve?

    African refugee: This is a really daunting task, Engineering students: your fault, if not your fault then black women have it easy. Engineering is the only semblance of hope i have of leaving the third world, and its ruining my love for the field.

    I have just come to fully realise how utterly and incredibly fucked i am. I dont know what to do, and i feel so, so hopeless. I love engineering,...

    Engineering is the only semblance of hope i have of leaving the third world, and its ruining my love for the field.

    Engineering majors need like 4 years of pure humanities classes to fix what's wrong in their mind. This whole thread is so cruel to op.

    A friend of mine is going through a serious psychological episode and I'm not sure how to help.

    long story short, he has a history of it. They've historically resolved after some medical care and medicine adjustment. Its really hard to tell what's happening this time. I think a medication change and some trauma triggered it but it's gotten to the point where he's continuously flinging slurs, hateful comments, and doing some (probably) illegal and heinous shit.

    I'm really not sure what to do. I don't want to call the cops but idt it matters because he's gotten several welfare checks already. He's saying everyone is bullying him when in reality, he's the one doing the bullying.

    He was already hospitalized, to basically no effect. I know there's not much I can do but it really sucks watching this guy be a wrecking ball through his life, family, and friends.

    I really don't want him to get hurt, but I don't want him to hurt others even more. Some advice would be helpful.
