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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 yr. ago

  • This is not true.

    It's not about cancer, it's about senescence. Mammals' and many other animals' only way to adapt to an ever changing enviroment, is: remix genes + mutations + epigenetic factors. And hope for the best.

    In order for parents to not compete with their offspring for food or sex, they have to die. Which can simply be a limited lifespan by cells getting sloppy in their maintenance, or by choosing to starve yourself to death.

    If you get injured badly, you have failed to survive. It is more energy and evolutionarily speaking to let you die, than expend energy on your recovery. Energy is limited in every enviroment. Depression and lethargy are interesting aspects to self-elimination (not suicide) as well.

    Senesence is also why cancer is far more common in older people than in children. Our repair functions stop doing their job well as part of senescence. Increasing the chance and speeding up the development of tumors.

  • DAO was very inclusive. It went as far as implementing implicit bias in NPCs. It allowed you to experience racism the way it's experienced usually. Which sometimes led to wondering whether or not an NPC hated your elf for being an elf, or just hated everybody. Where a kid, not knowing better asks if you're really an elf. And explains that his dad said that elves were mean, but your character was nicer than anyone in the refugee camp. Context behind it is that the boy belonged to a family of farmers and may have run into hostile Dalish elves. Or simply bigotry. You never get to know.

    It was no stranger to sexism either, and gave a fascinating perspective from female characters who took advantage of it. Both Morrigan and Liliana. One being aware, and the other less so. And another female companion was literally a walking rock. Who honestly didn't care about her being a woman before she became a golem. There was gender non-comformity there before and after she turned into a walking statue. Before people heard of GNC. But she did worry about if the crystals made her look fat. A good jab at feminine insecurities in a light hearted way.

    It poked fun at Alistair for being an immature man. Which through experiences would change in the story. He'd either stay the same, or learn how harsh life can be and that people look after themselves first. That no one owed him anything. He had to let go of the knightly stories, and grow up to take the lead.

    It was not above describing and talking about awful treatment of women either. Not that they were all victims and life sucked, but some men in power took women they wanted for fun. As the targets were elves and therefore not protected by law enforcement either. Rape is a theme not-lightly touched up on in one of the origin stories. While also describing women fighting back and failing/winning depending on the gender of the PC.

    DA Veilguard didn't fail due to incusivity. If failed to greed.