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What do you guys think?
  • thanks for the suggestion

  • What do you guys think?

    i am 16 years old, been training mostly with bodyweight (pullups, pushups etc) and i just use a bacpack filled with books for bicep curls. So what do you guys think? also sorry for bad camera quality..

    Help needed with pull-ups
  • Thanks, that form advice was really helpful

  • Help needed with pull-ups
  • I rest for about 1-2 minutes, Maybe I need to rest more in between

  • Help needed with pull-ups

    I am kinda new to pull-ups and i am having a problem. So right now I can do 8 pull-ups in a row but if I try to do another set after some rest, I can only get 4 to 5 reps. Is there something I can change with my pull-up training?

    What habits do you have to protect your privacy?
  • Well, for twitter alternative there's Mastodon and for instagram there's pixelfed

  • Is this hosting service safe?

    Well, I am looking for a free Minetest server hosting service for me and my friends and i found this website. I just wanna know if this is safe or not.

    Elon Musk: "zuck is a cuck"
  • what the heck.

  • SmashTheState SmashTheState

    I like playing games making games and learning new stuff.

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