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horsey production factory
  • So it's cyborg horses ridden by fleshy pawns of royal blood. And the workers are all living where they work. Furthermore, the kings are not living in the same towers as their queen counterpart, so the sexual engagement is of purely professional nature.

  • Wie auf TikTok eine Gegenbewegung zur AfD entsteht
  • »Ich hoffe, ihr bekommt alle«, schreibt ein anderer und ergänzt ein Krebs-Emoji.

  • Wie auf TikTok eine Gegenbewegung zur AfD entsteht
  • Ich wünsche euch auch allen Rust! 🦀

  • Parasitic wasps and caterpillars type of thing
  • The first step towards becoming cybermen.

  • Tatort ist böse zu den Unternehmern :(
  • Statistik vom Artikel

    Ich hab's mal aufaddiert. Laut der Statistik vom "Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft" im Artikel sind 39 der 225 Täter Unternehmer/Manager. Das sind ca. 17%.

    Die anderen Gruppen sind keine so generischen Berufe. Würde man die Unternehmer nach Brache aufteilen, oder nach Unternehmer, Manager und Selbstständige, sähe es sicher anders aus. Mysteriös ist es auch, wie man z.B. Auftragskiller nicht zu den Berufskriminellen zählt. Man könnte auch das ganze normieren auf den Anteil der jeweiligen Gruppe in der Gesamtbevölkerung.

  • Only normies are threatened by internet threats
  • I thought more of local politicians for example being threatened by right winged people with phrases like "we will hunt you" and similar, who then also form mobs in front of the victim's private home.

    And also if some random internet weirdo watches your steps for years, trying to dox you, and uses any private info they find to defame you.

  • Only normies are threatened by internet threats
  • As long as they don't have personal information about you, it's not that threatening. But otherwise it can be very harassing, and the topic shouldn't be talked down.

  • meow_irl
  • It's about 90.7 kg.

  • meow_irl
  • They're awesome! You can easily get them so fast that the centrifugal force pressing you towards the poles in your back starts to hurt your flesh, and you wish you were alone on it so you could stop this madness. huuuuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

  • What’s in a name?
  • Yes, I'll name my child parent. This will reverse the tree, vertically.

  • Sorry... I'm dumb when it comes to crosscompiling 🤷
  • They should just use reverse-wine, if that exists.

  • bactirule
  • If you're a bacterium, you can't think though. So would you even perceive your life as bacterium? Or would your mind rather skip all those lower life forms? Also, wouldn't you immediately forget that you lived when you leave your body that keeps all the memories?

  • I find this meme personally repulsive
  • No, it isn't. For your enlightenment:

  • Now that you have settled here on Lemmy. What is your impression of it?
  • It sucks up too much of my time. So it's working. 👍

  • Now that you have settled here on Lemmy. What is your impression of it?
  • Nah, it's also fine if you use something like FreeBSD or TempleOS.

  • English may be a hot mess but at least we don't have to worry about this nonsense
  • Also, das Mädchen is just a cute/small Made (maggot).

  • happy sun
  • Teletubbies was right all the time.

  • Schlimmer Verdacht: Erzählt die „Sendung mit der Maus“ Kindern Märchen? | Übermedien
  • Auch fraglich: Warum schimpft die Königen mit einem Schaufelradbagger? Der Laie mag sich dessen vielleicht nicht bewusst sein, aber Schaufelradbagger in ihrer heutigen Form gab es im Mittelalter noch gar nicht.

  • Free and Open-Source Gaming Speiser0
    Tower Toppler aka Nebulous - A puzzle platformer where you have to climb towers Andreas Röver / toppler · GitLab

    porting "Tower Toppler" / Nebulous to the 21st century

    Andreas Röver / toppler · GitLab

    I find it challenging.

    If you feel frustrated, here's a hint.

    All the traps, including the spiky balls, can be predicted if you know about them. Waiting helps.

    Animemes Speiser0
    Full Meow Albertist

    So I saw this post by on ! of a cute cat: (How do I properly link to a post?)


    And I had an idea for a meme. But it turned out way less cute than I imagined it, so I thought it would better fit here.


    Is the chat working?

    In the settings menu it says one can press B to open a chat. But it's not doing anything for me. Is the chat actually implemented, or am I doing something wrong?

    スパイ / spy (2022) by アボガド6 / Avogado6
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