What’s in a name?
What’s in a name?
What’s in a name?
Robert'); DROP TABLE Students;--
https://xkcd.com/327/Good ol' Bobby Tables
Thank you! I was getting worried.
Came here looking for Little Bobby Tables with the link loaded up in my clipboard!
Yes, I'll name my child parent. This will reverse the tree, vertically.
It's Sims 2 all over again.
And if they settle on they/them pronouns, you could have an inverted non-binary tree.
It's like naming your dog 'Cat'.
I love you so much NullPointerException
Oh no, we’ve lost NaN
"don't throw your child please." "Why? What's wrong with it?"
fun fact elif is a legit girl name in Turkish
My grandma watches this
Lol, my mother used to watch it too
don't even know what this is but I have been abroad since maybe 2010 so not suprised
"Pointer, where are you?" Points at Parent, my other child
OOP issues LOL!
Pointer, where is This, your other sibling?
They’re with Self and Construct.
Pointer moved to Hollywood, to become a character star. They had a string of interviews, but it ended in nothing.
Elif is a feminine Turkish name :)
You know, OOP in Spanish translates as "Programación orientada a objetos" or POO in case you need it
Same in French which is ofc very similar to Spanish: programmation orientée objet
Little baby FORTRAN
"Yo shut the fuck up Linked list, you're annoying as hell"
A friend of mine named his dog Byte. The dog is very playful, and has the habit of running in the direction of other people he meets.
When the dog does that my friend tries to call him back shouting: "BYTE!! BYTE!!". People get really scared when this happens 😂
Okay, not so funny if you are the one being approached by the dog.
That's probably a little unethical but the mental image is absolutely hilarious.
Definitely naming my next dog Byte.
Edit: Petabyte!
"child" seems to be enough. short and concise.
“Slave” works too.
child-1 just in case
Yeah leave em wondering what happened to child-0
Error in line 1: You can't use a reserved symbol in a variable name.
Ah yes Julia, an unreasonably effective name to give your child
Just name the kid Basic, hardly worse than the Trahgedhieghs running around today
But what if they write sins instead?
Just name your child Linus like we all do...
His middle names are Tech and Tips, his nickname is Torvalds
How could they forget Pascal :/
This reminded me I haven't heard from my uncle Foo Bar in a while. (He spells it Fubar)
Ain't that the right way to spell it?
I think either way is perfectly acceptable. He just prefers Fubar and who am I to argue?
As a Python programmer I'll have to name my child Dictionary, of course.
"My ordered set of kids? Wouldn't change them for anything. They're tuple-lets!"
Dic for short
Oh yes, OOP, the namest of names
Zig missing from the list is sad for very old meme reasons, too.
In A.D. 2001
Memes were beginning
What you say?
You are on your way to destruction make your time!
omg the newgrounds site still loads?!
of course!
For great justice
Thank you for that. I was young once 😭
My wife and I are the same age but I started using the internet around 1999 whereas she didn't use it until many, many years later.
It's fun because I can show her old memes for the first time. She missed the entire "lol so random" era of internet memes (think things like badger badger badger, "my spoon is too big", forehead shavecut, animutations, etc) and doesn't quite understand it. It's all we had back then!
Clearly they took off every Zig.
I'm naming mine 1337Code jr
For some reason I got an out of bounds memory exception when trying to dereference the parent.
Kind of has the same cadence to it as James Bond Jr. I like it.
Nothing beats Bobby Tables.
I like "Vectoria".
Naming things kids is the hardest part of programming.
Just put them in an unnamed array 'kids' and start with 0.
World. Why? "Hello World".
Haskell? Curry? Maybe even Brooks.
Haskell is an awesome name for a baby
Oberon and Pascal, too. Or TurboPascal if you want to go the extra mile.
Don't forget Elm!
Don't give elon any ideas.
This reminds me of an article I read about a guy whose last name was Null.
This isn't it but is the first one I found when looking.
The story is pretty much what you would expect but still an amusing read.
Error also has a nice ring to it
I'm surprised this isn't memed more. Like, it's canon that there's a guy named Error running around in Hyrule and everyone has forgotten this.
Shhhh. My spouse hasn't caught on, yet.
My first kitten was called Rails, but be run away. The second one, Ruby, but she died from sickness the second day we had her home. The third one was Rails 2, but we called him just Rails, he's 10 yo now. The fourth one wad called PowerBI, buy ny wife didn't like and it was a lame name anyway so we changed it to Sushi.
Actually considering that for my first-compiled
We named our son "Foo Bar" but we used the alternate spelling "Fubar" to make it look more reasonable.
This is a joke, right? Because FUBAR is not something you should name a kid.
0 hits
My son GIGO never quite meets expectations.
PHP. It’s pronounced, PhhhhP
php, pronounced philip
don't forget Ada
If you name her Julia, you can wake her up with the wonderful meme of “Good morning Julia, it’s me, Joe…”
Exception Segfault Binary
My favorite IT based names and the reason why I want two kids: Master and slave
My dogs are Ping and Ruby
Killer’s my middle name.
Reaper of the VMAs.
Don't forget LOLCode (yes that's a thing)
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