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A Guessing Game
  • And with a bit of namespacing and/or object orientation and usage of dots, it becomes perfectly readable.

    There are also camel case and underscores in other languages...

    BTW: How on earth should a newcomer know that the letter "n" in that word stands for number without having to google it? The newcomer could even assume that it's a letter of the word string..... And even, if you know that it stands for number, it's still hard for me to understand what it means in this context... I actually had to google it... But that's probably some C++ convention I don't know about, because I don't program in C++.....

  • A Guessing Game
  • Why are they even named like this?

    When I read code, I want to be able to read it.....

    Is this from a time when space was expensive and you wanted to reduce the space of the source files on the devs PC???

    For me (with a native language != english), this made it a lot harder to get into programming in the first place.

  • French authorities arrest Telegram’s CEO
  • I'm calling the E2E algirithm open source. That's the reason why WhatsApp is using it, too. As long as the message is correctly encrypted for E2E on the client side, it should not matter what the server is doing as far as I know.

  • Founder and CEO of Telegram messaging service arrested in France
  • There are open groups on Telegram in which people post that they want to see person XY dead... Everyone who joins the open group can read it anyway.

    They decided not to moderate this and not to delete illegal content once reported, although it's easily possible without breaking encryption.

    IMO, this has not much to do with privacy.

    This is like posting that we should kill someone on Reddit and nothing is happening.

  • French authorities arrest Telegram’s CEO
    1. When talking abou encryption for chat apps, it's uaually about E2E...

    2. We are usually talking about open groups on Telegram. I can join them. You can join them. Police can join them. Everyone can read everything afterwards.

    Your connection to the Lemmy server you are using is also encrypted. But I can read your response anyway... So, no E2E...

  • French authorities arrest Telegram’s CEO
  • You don't need to crack down encryption for most of the platform. There are people in open groups who sometimes post illegal stuff.

    If someone posts that they want to see person XY dead, it should not make a difference whether it's on Reddit, Lemmy or in an open Telegram group..

    The least we can expect is some kind of moderation like on Reddit or here.

  • Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say
  • Thanks, did not know about this.

    So, from a technical view....

    There is a person who is mad about the fact that a different opinion might exist... That person clicks downvote in their app and it does not have any effect??

    Or are the downvotes still broascasted to all instances, but "my new" instance just ignores them? Just curious, how dislikes enabled and disabled both work in a decentralized system....

  • Lemmy devs are considering making all votes public - have your say
  • Showing upvoters and removing downvotes completely!!

    People downvote totally harmless posts and comments, just because they have a different opinion.

    This useless and contraproductive negativity is the reason why YouTube removed downvotes and many other platforms never offered such a feature.

  • Russland wirtschaftlich so stark wie NRW + Bayern + BW

    Da manche Leute (u.a. meine eigene Familie) Russland für eine große Wirtschaftsmacht halten, und unser Land gerne lächerlich machen, hier ein bisschen Mathematik:

    Das BIP von Russland beträgt ca. 2.2 Billionen Dollar.

    Das BIP von NRW, Bayern und Baden-Württemberg beträgt zusammen auch ca. 2.2 Billionen (plus/minus 2-3 Saarländer 😉, je nachdem wie aktuell die Zahlen sind)

    Ja, das kleine Deutschland ist wirtschaftlich stärker als Russland. USA, China, Indien, Frankreich und GB übrigens auch...

    Russland ist eine Tankstelle mit Atomraketen.

    Appell an junge Wähler - Holocaustüberlebende fordern zur Stimmabgabe auf. Appell an junge Wähler - Holocaustüberlebende fordern zur Stimmabgabe auf.

    Die Europawahl ist wichtig für die Ausrichtung der EU. In einem offenen Brief haben Holocaustüberlebende und Weltkriegszeugen nun an Erstwählerinnen und -wähler appelliert, ihre Stimme abzugeben - und die Demokratie zu stärken. Von Griet von Petersdorff.

    Appell an junge Wähler - Holocaustüberlebende fordern zur Stimmabgabe auf.
    Let's make Non-LGBT the minority... 😉

    Happy pride month! 🌈

    Sources: Gallup surveys from 2012, 2016 and 2021 and the PRRI survey of 2023

    LGBTQ+ lemmytellyousomething
    Let's rise the numbers even more...

    Happy pride month! 🌈

    Sources: Gallup surveys of 2012, 2016 and 2021 and the PRRI survey from 2023

    Your employer tries to change your job in many ways. What do you do?

    Imagine, your are a Java developer with multiple years of experience in the job. You really like working with the language.

    Your employer kind of canceled most of the Java projects of the company over time and is now really focused on AI...... And AI means here: LLMs, GPT, ... Not like basic Machine learning... It's all about language models. Most of this stuff and the tools are written in Python and your employers wants you to kind of throw away your pretty good Java skills completely and start over in Python.

    The new tasks would be kind of "easy"... You have to prototype "LLM bots". And that's your perspective for like at least 1.5 years. No, not real software development.. Prototyping... And that means, quick and dirty is what they want... It's also very easy to impress your employer with GPT doing things. Easy money, isn't it?

    I'm in this exact situation right now and worried.. What, if I quit in 2 years and the new potential employer for a Java job asks "What have you done recently?"

    I kind of liked working there and like the colleges and the salary is fine and switching the job and maybe moving away is a huge thing for me... It could get better... But maybe also worse........?

    What would you do in my situation? Accepting it? Starting a rebellion? Looking for a new job somewhere else?

    Is arguing "The west does not just send weapons. Europe also helps Ukraine in other ways" nationalism?

    I got banned from "World News @" because of “Nationalism”, because I argued that especially Europe does not just send weapons to Ukraine, but does also support Ukraine with the injured, with money and with a perspective after the war… My comment got deleted, too…

    Does anyone have an explanation or is the mod just some kind of GPT-2 model with a very special understanding of “Nationalism”?

    Buying components separately, saving money?

    Has anyone bought some of the components (e.g. a hard drive or RAM) somewhere else instead of buying the full laptop from the website?

    Was is worth it?

    Looks like an easy possibility to save a few hundred dollars/euros...

    Just curious...

    EU forced LinkedIn to allow me a selection

    I'll disable the 2nd one for sure. 3rd one, too... 1st one stays enabled.

    KDE Plasma 6 and Debian?

    When can I expect to be able to install Debian on a device (let's say, I'd use the "testing" branch) and have the choice to use KDE Plasma 6 as UI?

    Can I expect this to happen during the next months?

    Just curious...

    PS: I'm not interested in other distributions, just the raw Debian with Plasma 6...

    LGBTQ+ lemmytellyousomething
    People in the US identifying as LGBT
    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
    Posts 12
    Comments 249