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Caveat Emptor
  • There's an interesting philosophical debate there. What good does imprison a guy who have no recollection of doing the crime, or the circumstances around them? Can be argued that the person who committed the crime and this guy finding the bodies are two different people who share the same body.

  • Only 191 days until Christmas
  • Nor even Halloween can contain Chrisman anymore.

  • YouTube is experimenting with Notes, a crowdsourced feature that lets users add context to videos
  • Can the channel owner delete comments on their videos?

  • Math
  • Disagree. ODF was one of the best subjects I took, and even if I haven't used it, I could be working on quant where is used regularly. And the same can be said for any other subject.

  • What do you think of this prediction?
  • How does more boring tasks like accounting, legal or facilities work?

  • What do you think of this prediction?
  • When people talks about life expectancy 99.99% of the time they mean life expectancy at birth, at every year the life expectancy change. Using this life table someone with 61 years, have a life expectancy of 19.7 years, that means he's expected to live until he's 80.

  • me whenever hbomberguy uploads a new video
  • Missing all the mathematics channels smh. (Numberphile, mathologer, 3blue1brown...)

  • New Linux malware is controlled through emojis sent from Discord
  • What happens if the victim dosen't have discord installed on the PC? The virus have no way to get orders?

  • Math
  • As an actuarie this meme is kinda true but mostly false. I had classes on some advanced maths like ordinary differential equations that have never use on my day to day job. But, the actuarial sciences math in collage was elementary school level of abstraction compared with the real world. There's still a lot of excel tho, but I'm cool and use python (pandas) wherever I can.

  • me whenever hbomberguy uploads a new video
  • My wife: we're not going to watch a 4hr video about the Stars Wars Hotel.

    My wife, 3hs50min into the Star Wars Hotel video: I need to know more!!

  • Anon finds his dream job
  • Better propaganda efforts than the army.

  • Lanyards at r/neolib have to cope with the realization that the US Deep State does evil shit
  • US mess with internal issues of countries all around the globe: it's geopolitiks dear, deal with it.

    Other countries mess with internal US issues: This is an unacceptable act of war!!

  • Rule
  • People lack of imagination is the problem. You're a man into women, mark lesbian, woman into men, mark gay. Easy as that.

  • Well... you asked...
  • Good joke but needs a better wording.

  • If AI can now speak Italian, it can certainly replace us...
  • Fucking hate when do that.

    You are repeating the same mistake.

    I'm sorry for repeating the same mistake, here's a new solution with corrections *proceed to write the exactly thing already told it was wrong*

  • It would distract from the grind
  • Isn't a linear extrapolation, is a linear regression.

  • How are you all doing so well?
  • For potion identification, if a floor have a "puzzle" room, there's a potion on the same floor to solve it. Like piranha room would have an invisibility potion, trap room a float potion and so on.

  • how to send the icecream output to a log file? [solved]

    Hi, I'm currently using this to log my python process

    logging.basicConfig(filename='filename.log', level=logging.DEBUG)

    logger = logging.getLogger()

    sys.stderr.write = logger.error

    sys.stdout.write =

    And then using print(f'{} log message') where I want to log.

    It's working OK, buy I would like to live it to ic, but can't find any info on how to send the ic output to the logger.

    Thanks for any help.

    alguem mais está com problemas pra postar em outras instâncias?

    Acabei de ver que meus comentários não estão sendo postados em threads que ficam em outros servidores.

    Sou eu só o a gente está com problemas de federação?

    Edit: estive stalkeando outros membros de e nenhum do nossos mensagens está sendo postado nas outras comunidades mas a gente se consegue ver eles.

    how to optimize this kind of process

    Hi, When im working with some big dataframes and I need to create some columns based on functions. So i have some code like this

    Def function(row): function

    And then I run the function on the df as

    df['new column'] = df.apply(function, axis=1)

    But I do this with 10 or more columns/functions at time. I don't think this is efficient because each time a column is created it had to parce the entire data frame. There's a way to create all the columns at the same time while parsing the rows only once?

    Thanks for any help.

    Onde comprar roupas para usar no escritório?

    Estou precisando comprar umas roupas pra o trabalho, é um trabalho de escritório mas não precisa ser termo e gravata. Algum shopping que não seja muito caro e possa chegar no metro. Obrigado.

    Clicking a comment should not collapse it.

    You are trying to click a link in a comment but the comment keep collapsing, also, pressing for a second should select the comment text to copy or other actions instead of hiding the upvotes section.

    Thank you.

    Exposição de miniaturas e brinquedos japoneses na Japan House

    Não sei até quando vai, mas na Japan House (avn. Paulista 52) tem uma exposição de miniaturas e brinquedos japoneses gratuita e muito boa.

    how to find good tickets to recurring flights?

    I just got a new job in a different city, São Paulo, but my wife is staying for the time being in Rio de Janeiro. I'm planning to travel home at least one weekend each month and would like to find deals for them. I tried Google flights alerts, but it just gives me deals for random week long flights.


    driving_crooner driving_crooner
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