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Large Majority of Americans Want to End Electoral College
  • Which would be replaced with “Can the Democrat win California by a large enough margin?”

    If it's going to be fucked either way I'd rather at least have it be fucked in a way where every vote counts the same rather then a Wyoming vote being worth like 4 times a California vote owing to the house of representatives population being limited which means Californians aren't being properly represented in the house.

  • So this port from 2004, will recieve support and fix this?.. right?
  • Choose wisely, 500gb game from the western dev, or winter heating from the eastern.

  • Large Majority of Americans Want to End Electoral College
  • As opposed to now where like 10 states are tossups and the rest are locked in?

  • tHaT's SoCiaLiSm!!!
  • "Who wants Voter ID?"

    Hands up, cheering

    "Who wants to give free ID's to people?"

    Awkward silence

  • [Discussion] Petty reason you stopped watching a show?
  • Not as good as Drakengaard (owing to the aforementioned propaganda feel) but nonetheless -

  • Amazon, Tesla and Meta among world’s top companies undermining democracy – report
  • The comment you were replying to

    This omission makes me wonder if they mean Tesla specifically or just using it as an euphemism for everything its overlord touches.

    Your comment stated, "They were eroding democracy..."

    If I misread your implication, apologies, but the obvious question follows: If not Tesla, who is "they" in that context?

  • [Discussion] Petty reason you stopped watching a show?
  • There was a Netflix show called Drifting Dragons I started on. Looks super nice, seems decently written. Its about a crewed ship that goes around hunting and killing dragons for their meat and other bits to sell and eat.

    As I'm watching it by about episode 3 I was like... wait a minute, these motherfuckers made whalehunting propaganda and put a thick layer of fantasy anime paint on it. Dropped it right there.

    Edit: FWIW I came to the propaganda conclusion a lot faster with Gate (tldr fantasy warp gate opens in Japan. JSDF blows up dragons with fighter jets) but I still watched clips of the fights cuz that shit was funny as fuck.

  • TikTok removes Russian state media outlets RT and Sputnik, citing 'covert influence operations'
  • something something pots n kettles something something

  • The enormous scale of global food waste.
  • Per capita is the only relevant stat here and its all over the place.

  • No one's buying the AI-powered corporate Windows 11 refresh
  • Wow no one wants what everyone has clearly decided is a flavor of the week, and corpos are especially skittish given the questionable legality on AI source material gathering?


  • What's up with
  • In my experience, folks who advertise about not getting their feelings hurt or offended easily are dogwhistling. They know they can't call folks something like, "triggered libtards" without everyone going, "oh, its those people"

    If they're linking to RT and Breitbart they 100% know what they're doing.

  • US navy apologizes for razing of Native Alaska community in late 1800s
  • Although the community of Angoon received a $90,000 settlement from the Department of the Interior in 1973...

    Approximately $638,000 now, after inflation. Do with that knowledge what you will. (I recommend being somewhat upset.)

  • Amazon, Tesla and Meta among world’s top companies undermining democracy – report
  • The first Tesla car came out in 2008. Elon was in charge at that point. He was its largest shareholder as of 2004, and it was founded as of 2003. Pretty sure it wasn't eroding anything in those first 4 carless years.

  • Trump says he won’t run for president again in 2028 if he loses in November
  • i mean, hows he gonna run from jail? Or the grave more likely

  • Florida sheriff questioned for posting identities of teens who made school shooting threats
  • Does the article state that he was convicted of a serious threat and prove any sort of planning toward implementation?

    It states he was arrested under allegations of it and multiple weapons were found. Pretty damn good indicator. To remind you: If the Appalachee guy (whos actions prompted the numerous threats the cop was following up on) had gotten arrested in a similar way multiple people would still be alive right now.

    being accused is different from being found guilty

    Your point?

    being found guilty of a threat is different from being found guilty of a threat and attempting to carry it out

    So you agree we should get them for threats or threats with follow through. Glad to hear you've conceded the argument.

    being found guilty and facing legal consequences is different from being publicly named for doing so

    Ok, and?

    he’s an effing kid

    So were the Columbine guys. Apparently being underage doesn't stop someone from shooting up a school. I can pull up more underage shooters, I'm sure you can too. The, "Oh its a kid" thing doesn't hold water.

  • Florida sheriff questioned for posting identities of teens who made school shooting threats
  • The title of this thread isn't

    Even if he did it, we have no idea whether it was serious

    Thats a point you made, and are now refusing to address. Twice now.

  • California governor signs law banning all plastic shopping bags at grocery stores.
  • You're letting perfect be the enemy of good.

    It could be better. It is a good first step.

  • Florida sheriff questioned for posting identities of teens who made school shooting threats
  • Its a point you brought up and it warrants addressing.

  • The winner of every difficulty comparison
  • IIRC the issue with that was super janky hitboxes

  • Earth, Wind & Fire - September

    Do you remember the 21st day of September?

    “Model collapse” threatens to kill progress on generative AIs “Model collapse” threatens to kill progress on generative AIs

    Generative AIs start churning out nonsense when trained on synthetic data — a problem that could put a ceiling on their ability to improve.

    “Model collapse” threatens to kill progress on generative AIs
    Death Stranding and the Paths we Tread
    The Evil Design of Japan's Death Penalty
    Tal goes in-depth on why Pac-Man could not eat a Ring Wraith Could Pac-Man eat the Ghost of Christmas Past? - Lemmy Today

    Presume he had just ate a power pellet, of course. Followup matchups for your consideration: 1. Slimer, from “Ghostbusters” 2. Sadako, from “The Ring” 3. Freddy Krueger, from “Nightmare on Elm Street” 4. The clown from “It” 5. A ring wraith from “Lord of the Rings”

    Could Pac-Man eat the Ghost of Christmas Past?

    Presume he had just ate a power pellet, of course.

    Followup matchups for your consideration:

    1. Slimer, from "Ghostbusters"
    2. Sadako, from "The Ring"
    3. Freddy Krueger, from "Nightmare on Elm Street"
    4. The clown from "It"
    5. A ring wraith from "Lord of the Rings"
    Whos autobiography/memoirs would you like to read?

    For the sake of discussion lets presume it both (a) exists and (b) has been translated to a language you know.

    Hundreds attend vigil at former Hooters: A mix of smiles and tears Hundreds attend vigil at former Hooters: A mix of smiles and tears

    A candlelight vigil celebrates the life and legacy of someone... Sometimes ... It's something else. A vigil for the former hooters building in kanawha city star

    Hundreds attend vigil at former Hooters: A mix of smiles and tears
    William Henry Harrison should not be rated as a bad president, he should be the bar we rate the rest on.

    Slightly late for President's Day in America, apologies.


    Saw this article about the presidents being rated. William Henry Harrison came in 41st.

    The thing to know about him is he was president for a month and then he died. That was his impact. He died. He didn't noticeably improve or worsen things (Based on his inaugural speech he might've been bad but he never got to act on it) because he had no time to because he died. Which consequently means he should be the null point we can base every other president on.

    If the country was left even slightly better then you got it? Then you did a better job then Harrison. Was it left worse? Then you did worse. Did 40 presidents all make the country better and only 4 leave it worse? Tough to believe.

    Justices take up camping ban case - SCOTUSblog Justices take up camping ban case - SCOTUSblog

    The Supreme Court agreed on Friday to decide whether an Oregon city can enforce its ban on public camping against homeless people. The announcement came as part of a short list of orders released from the justices’ private conference earlier in the day adding five new cases to the court’s merits doc

    Justices take up camping ban case - SCOTUSblog
    Stern Stern


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