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Are school teachers bourgeois?
  • Log off and do your homework

  • Redditors having a normal one about the DPRK again
  • Every morning, when I wake up, the first thing I do is drink a big glass of leaded gasoline because I'm an American and it's my right. The next thing I do is wonder how horrible it would be to live in a country that regularly imprisons children.

  • Amazing bit
  • What else am I supposed to call what’s in my peanut juice?

  • Americans of Lemmy, what is your approach to next year's election?
  • I live in DC, so my vote doesn't really matter. So I'll be leaving the president spot blank, and just voting for the most left non-incumbents I can on city council, ed board, etc etc.

  • Eve Fartlow educates you on the whole point of chanting at protests.
  • Man I swear to god, whoever is paying this woman would get a better bang for their buck just paying me to not do anything at all

  • Be on the lookout for CIA propaganda! Tankies LOVE dissenters!
  • The evolution from "Stalin didn't help enough" to "Stalin didn't help at all" to "Stalin actually killed them" regarding the Spanish Civil War is fucking wild.

    Editing to fix my dog ass grammar

  • Bike lanes cause pollution, so we should open another lane to cars
  • There's been a long running issue about adding bike lanes to Connecticut ave in DC, which has a lot of retail and restaurants, and is also very busy traffic wise. I have seen every bad faith argument imaginable against them: it's bad for workers because less business, it's bad for workers because too much business, it will be bad for DC Metro because people will bike instead of taking the train, it's ableist, it's ageist, etc etc. I think the best one was that cyclists are more likely to die in a traffic collision than people in cars, adding the bike lanes will cause more traffic fatalities.

  • Bike lanes cause pollution, so we should open another lane to cars
  • I'm just thinking of the way ebikes get framed as a luxury good, reserved only for the highest of income earners, when if we had the infrastructure to support them, they could replace countless car that are multiple times as expensive.

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Lmao at “out of posts”

  • Israel's siege of Gaza is illegal, EU says
  • Someone should probably do something about that huh

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Praying for him, Amber, and his daughter. At first I thought Will was doing a bit about him being in the hospital afflicted with the serious medical condition of fatherhood or something, as a way to say they're late because his kid was born and he's going on paternity leave. Worst shit always happens to the best people.

  • Arguing for indigenous sovereignty with other settlers
  • It's some wild almost comical level of projection

  • Liberals never get tired of falling for the same tricks
  • Oh well if the Wall Street Journal said it

  • This is in response to a post about students being homeless and starving.
  • If you don’t want to be in student debt maybe you should consider working 30 hours a day. Dumb kids.

  • AOC leads call for federal ethics investigation into Clarence Thomas
  • So if the Democratic party leadership won’t commit to impeachment how is voting for them going to change the status quo of not impeaching judges?

    You said if you want to change this, you need this many Democrats. But the Democrats aren’t saying they’re going to change it. And presumably they know more about their intentions than you.

    Also you need 2/3 majority to convict. So you might want to revise your numbers.

    Edited to fix a typo

  • AOC leads call for federal ethics investigation into Clarence Thomas
  • Can you link me a member of Democrat party leadership saying they’d impeach Thomas?

  • As an owner of children, I approve this message
  • labor theory of value but it's for kids: how hard you worked during sex = the value of the child

  • Locked Removed
    Why do boomers do the thing where they act like zoomers not knowing how to use obsolete technology is some kind of incredible own
  • If we were to use the same time frames to define "classic rock" as when I was growing up, Death Cab would be included in that genre lol.