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New Study: At Least 15% of All Reddit Content is Corporate Trolls Trying to Manipulate Public Opinion
  • I remember one specific account that spammed everything pro Tulsi into the politics subreddit. It was glaringly obvious that they were paid.

    Just checked on him, 5 months ago he was posting to sports subreddits... which also feels like a red flag.

  • Rule

  • Just a reminder
  • What do you use to tag them? I miss that functionality of RES.

  • This is what I hired you for!
  • I have our bobtail trained to attack on a very specific whistle command.

    Whenever I do the whistle she comes a running doing her little chirps looking for shit to kill. I point and she attacks. She's pretty terrible at it.

    She and her sister from another mister will also corner stink bugs and keep them locked down until my wife or I notice and I dispose of it.

  • A wild Pikachu having a snack
  • With forward facing eyes we can infer that pikachu is a predator.

  • rule month
  • The link goes to pro-LGBTQ artist who came up with the more modern design.

    Steal their hate and make it positive.

  • On US nutritional labels fats, carbs, and proteins are listed in grams, but we generally measure everything in pounds.

    When calculating your macro nutrition for weight gain the general recommendation comes out to about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight. This is just a coincidence, but makes finding out how much protein you need to gain muscle mass pretty easy if you know how much you weigh and given that all of our labels have that info in grams.

  • They might be referencing the rough math for daily protein consumption. It works out to about 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight for men and half a gram per pound for women.

    Or they could be a bat

  • rule month
  • Shirt here, sold by the actual artist.

    edit: the artist who came up with the Pridemonth design

  • Added Bugs to Keep my job
  • I know I know. I figured out what I did before I thought of that... which was just now when you said it.

  • Added Bugs to Keep my job
  • hoho

    I had just figured out how to fix a bug that broke our in house reminder system. My smug ass put hoho as the commit message for figuring something out that the previous guy couldn't. Of course it came back to bite me in the ass THIS WEEK when the system broke again in a similar fashion, but I couldn't remember what I had done.

  • The perfect cosplay doesn't ex....
  • 9/10, cosplayer still has a tail.

  • Operation Swift Disassembly success
  • Joel won't give you that type of mission anymore (probably).

  • Rule
  • Originally they were trying to conserve the monarchy as democracy swept through Europe. Here's a video that goes into more detail.

    In modern times conservatives courted racists in the US with something called the southern strategy. This has lead all of them down the path to fascism.

  • Pokémon With Guns Game So Popular The Servers Can’t Handle It
  • With the Ideology DLC you can have a whole colony of monsters!

    A nomadic group of nudist cannibals? Go right ahead!

    A matriarchal society where men are property and must where burkas? Yes.

    Cave dwelling mushroom eaters with an eye gouging ritual since they all crave to be blind. Absolutely!

    And that's all without the families and babies DLC!

  • Trumpet Husband
  • The Witches are Coming, by Lindy West

  • Donald Trump poses the biggest danger to the world in 2024
  • Is that a MALF Face?

  • The way of the Blockbuster 2: Electric Boogaloo
  • I had a lot of trouble jellyfin and anime until I started putting things into season folders, even if they only had one season. So if I had Ano Hana I'd put the episodes in a folder like this

    Media Disk/Anime/Ano Hana/Season 1/episodes_here

    If it's a movie, then it goes into a folder with other movies.

    Media Disk/Anime Movies/movies_here

    Once I started doing that, Jellyfin automatically recognized most Anime.

  • TRBoom TRBoom
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    Comments 27