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The Dislike to Ubuntu

I know there are lots of people that do not like Ubuntu due to the controversies of Snaps, Canonicals head scratching decisions and their ditching of Unity.

However my experience using Ubuntu when I first used it wasn't that bad, sure the snaps could take a bit or two to boot up but that's a first time thing.

I've even put it on my younger brothers laptop for his school and college use as he just didn't like the updates from Windows taking away his work and so far he's been having a good time with using this distro.

I guess what I'm tryna say is that Ubuntu is kind of the "Windows" of the Linux world, yes it's decisions aren't always the best, but at least it has MUCH lenient requirements and no dumb features from Windows 11 especially forced auto updates.

What are your thoughts and experiences using Ubuntu? I get there is Mint and Fedora, but how common Ubuntu is used, it seemed like a good idea for my bros study work as a "non interfering" idea.

Your thoughts?

Pineapple does NOT go on pizza
  • Apologies but I am not american so I don't know where this strange land of Nebraska is to

  • Pineapple does NOT go on pizza
  • Dear God... we've been lied to this whole time

  • Pineapple does NOT go on pizza

    Putting fruit on a delicious Italian treat is a crime against Italy, pizza and humankind.

    It doesn't work and mesh well with cheese tomato and the dough as it has that opposite fruity taste compared to the savoury delights of a cheese pizza.

    Sweetcorn? I can get by that, mushrooms? You're damn right I'll put mushrooms and ham on my pizza but FRUIT?!

    Absolute lunacy, don't fall for the pineapple on pizza propaganda people

    Domino's or Pizza Hut?

    Are you a fan of one or the other?

    I did not put others down such as Papa Johns as I think these two are the 2 most popular of all pizza chains.

    Personally from past experience, Domino's is more expensive than Pizza Hut but does offer some alright deals every now and then.

    Pizza Hut includes in some places a free salad bar to have at your hearts content before the main Pizza dish and refillable drinks on the side. ( I don't know if Domino's has this as we only used to have it delivered)

    I feel you get more options with Pizza Hut and some of the crusts aren't bad compared to it's rival.

    Plus, I prefer thr logo and older Pizza Hut building designs compared to Domino's.

    What are your thoughts, fellow pizza enjoyers?

    Are you a Domino's Demon or a Pizza Hut "The Hutt"?

    Do you dislike HR in workplaces?

    There seems to be a common pattern of HR being disliked in firms and workplaces across different industries no matter where you're focused on.

    To be honest during my apprenticeship/internship HR weren't too bad and would have a laugh with you, hell one of them loved the dark humor from one of our technicians.

    Is there something I'm missing that HR are soul less and will protect the interests of a firm before yourself? I'm not sure as I think not all HR people are terrible, just comes with the territory so to speak

    What are your thoughts on the matter?

    What do YOU think of them as a department from your current and past experiences?

    People still working in IT, thoughts on IPv6?
  • Bit rude, Whilst I understand tech changes and evolves, some are literally the Just Works meme and don't need to be rapidly changed.

  • People still working in IT, thoughts on IPv6?

    Now currently I'm not in the workforce, but in the past from my work experience, apprenticeship and temp roles, I've always seen ipv4 and not ipv6!

    Hell, my ISP seems to exclusively use ipv4 (unless behind nats they're using ipv6)

    Do you think a lot of people stick with the earlier iteration because they have been so familiar with it for a long time?

    When you look at a ipv6, it looks menacing with a long string of letters and numbers compared to the more simpler often.

    I am aware the IP bucket has gone dry and they gotta bring in a new IP cow with a even bigger bucket, but what do you think? Do you yourself or your firm use ipv4 or 6?

    Is martial arts really that useful?

    I've been thinking about martial arts and how really it is useful these days since a lot of places will have criminals hiding firearms or in the U.S. some states have conceal carry.

    Whilst it contains discipline and it is enjoyable to train in a club for, say Karate, I just think it might not be that useful in places where firearms are commonly held, all it really takes is for someone to take safety off, aim, pew pew and that's it.

    I suppose I probably get this thinking from kung fu where it's seen more of an art form then actually being a serious bone breaking form of combat

    What do you think of environmental protest groups?

    Examples include Just Stop Oil and Extinction Rebellion here in the UK.

    Personally, I think some charities are groups are genuine in their outburst wanting large firms to stop strangling the natural beauty for profit, however for me there is a red line that can be crossed.

    Blocking roads preventing medical care, people going to work, interview and possibly a nice vacation away. This doesn't really help but make the public look at your group in a bad light.

    The same can also be said when attempting to destroy priceless art for a cheap publicity stunt knowing it'll get clicks on social media.

    TLDR - I think some groups are genuinely good whilst others are just shouting in a speakerphone, pissing everyone else off.

    What do YOU think?

    What are your favourite Dragon Ball characters

    My favourite DB character has got to be Perfect Cell, I find his design striking and eye catching on almost any manga panel, game series and anime.

    Literally perfect in the truest sense of the word. I'm sure there are a lot of people who like frieza but frieza despite being a good character didn't appeal to me as much as Cell did.

    A goodie I'd choose Gohan, the lad has gone through trials and tribulations and has managed to overcome those odds by himself with the support of family and loved ones, something that resonates with me. This includes cool desigs like his beast form which I thought was visually striking.

    What about you? What are your favourite characters and why?

    What is your favourite animal?
  • Duck is the avatar, master of all 3 elements

  • What is your favourite animal?

    My favourite 2 animals have gotta be :

    The Meerkat, I love these little guys, they're so funny when they pop their heads out of a tunnel and dart their head around looking for potential threats or curiosity. And also cos of the Meerkat adverts.

    The Jaguar, this big danger kitty has got the strongest jaws of the big cats and is the unofficial mascot of Brazil. I just like the design of this animal and sheer power that it brings to the food chain below it. An absolutely deadly and beautiful creature.

    What about you guys? Got any favourites from the animal kingdom and why?

    Noob Question Thread: Ask Any Questions About Linux!
  • Is OpenRC meant to be faster than systemD as a process system? I've been thinking of spinning up some non systemD distros like Artix on a VM on a mini DELL tinbox.

    I will say though, I am not an advanced Linux user as the distros I've used were :

    Ubuntu Endeavour OS SpiralLinux (Easy Mode Debian)

    Would I need to make configurations in openrc or can it just run without messing with it like systemD?

    Thank you

  • BSD Vs. Linux

    Whilst BSD isn't linux per se, it still has a lasting legacy in the unix like space and notably has been used in game consoles like the PS4.

    For you in your personal use case, have you tried a bsd distro? What was better compared to the average linux distro?

    Apparently BSD is more modular with its jailing system and seems to have a lower resource usage.

    I look at ones like NETBSD and FreeBSD and think, "what exactly do I get out of them that I wouldn't with Linux say, Ubuntu or Void as an example?

    What are your thoughts on BSD, you use FreeBSD before?

    Gentoo vs any other distro

    So you may have heard of the install gentoo meme, when I looked the guidebook I thought it looked a little complex like with Arch.

    Does Gentoo have something special that other distros do not? Apparently you can use the USE FLAGS to determine what stuff you want and it's meant to be even more lean on resources.

    Isn't there a Gentoo installer like with Arch? With Arch I can confidently just run the installer on a VM but I got stuck with Gentoo

    Easy WM based desktops to use

    As a beginner I mainly focused on Cinnamon, XFCE and GNOME but want to try out a windowing DE on a VM to get a feel for things.

    What window manager DE would you recommend to a first timer that doesn't use tiling DEs?

    There seems to be pretty popular ones like i3 and hyprland.

    I was also hoping if some wm's still have a task bar as I am comfortable using that to keep a traditional style as I come from a long line use of Windows as well (starting from the XP era)

    Thank you if you have any recommendations, it is good to branch your horizons a bit!

    How is Open Source project work paid?

    Forgive me but this part of the open source and foss confuses me. If you code and release an open source and free piece of software like say, a robust video player such as VLC, how is that dev being paid?

    Because in my eyes (I'm not too privy to FOSS ins and outs)

    I'm basically getting your software for free of no charge, it IS free as in free beer cos you're not asking ME to pay it for so who is paying YOU?

    Does it come via donations or wealthy corporations like Red Hat and Microsoft pay or fund open sourced projects that is given to the hard working developers of that OSS/FOSS project?

    Favourite sandwich?

    My favourite sandwich has gotta be mayo chicken in a bagel with crunchy lettuce, satisfying in both taste and the crunchy texture of chopped iceberg lettuce from the shops.

    Another one would be sausage and egg with some cheeky brown sauce (British lemmy users know what I mean)

    What is YOUR favourite sandwich? Fillings or sauces to go with it, maybe your favourite type of bread?

    Do you still use older storage for archives/backups etc?

    For me I had a stack dvd blanks left over, I decided to save a little bit of money and used them to back up folders of childhood photos, documents etc and place them inside their own jewel cases.

    I do have a 2TB external HDD, But that I throw on LARGE steam game back ups and movies.

    Sure, the "cloud" exists and I use that too but what if your intewebz goes down, good luck getting your backups until it's back up.

    What do you use? Optical media, tape drives etc?

    Best GUI VM software

    I'd like some recommendations as a beginner in the virtualization space for good GUI software for running vms for both experimentation and server use.

    I've used virtualbox on Windows before but are there any better alternatives on Linux? I hear a lot of praise of QEMU but this seems to be only terminal based like what you do with containers.

    VMware workstation is free but again, I'd like to know your thoughts on other good beginner options.

    Thank you advance and have a good day/afternoon/night

    Why are vegan and gluten free items more expensive?

    So I shop around to get some bits and pieces for a good home made meal, and I notice some items say, a pack of vegan burgers, these are more expensive than regular burgers!

    I'm not a vegan but I'm curious as to why these items are priced as such, it's a bit of a pain for people who can only eat gluten free food as those items are priced high too. The bread we get for me grandpapa is pricey for what you get.

    Is it different production methods that make it pricey? You'd think with healthier, easier to get ingredients would be cheaper than producing regular non vegan items.

    Do you practice martial arts?

    What sort of martial arts do you practice in and why? Judo? Karate?

    Educating yourself in self defence seems very useful especially if you live in parts of a country that might be rough.

    I'd like to get into it myself but I can't hear well, I can lip read however. Did some boxing when I was very young but it was only practice on training bags : )

    Kung Fu students and masters alike, let me know your wisdom!

    Linux on non-PCs/Laptops

    Aside from Linux running on NASA hardware, phones and consoles. Does it run on ATM machines, PDAs and point of sale monitors?

    I ask this because I've seen Windows being used in airport terminals and really old versions being used for cash machines as well. The crowdstrike problem made this more prevalent by seeing "non end user computers" using the OS.

    Does Linux fill this niche as well do you know? I don't recall hearing any big name embedded distro used for those sorts of machines. Maybe Alpine Linux or NetBSD?

    Thank you in advance for your input!

    Why is DNS often joked about in the I.T. Industry?

    I should clarify I wasn't a upper level sys admin managing those servers, I just used them or maintained accounts being a rank and file technician

    While I get the fundamental concept of DNS as a phonebook for your IPs. I am not sure why it is joked around if something goes haywire or someone breaks something.

    Is it because if you get no DNS, people can't log in through their AD accounts, browse the Internet?

    Afaik DNS is a bit of a rabbit hole topic, maybe that's why people joke about it due to DNS being this "No one really knows how this magic name matching box works"?

    Please correct me, I'd genuinely like to know why this is prevalent from you guys.

    Pizza Hut, Papa Johns, Domino's OR local takeaway
  • You're right I did, I completely forgot about them and it's down to the fact that I've not seen a single LC in my city, I should mention the city isn't like London or Manchester in terms of size.

  • beep beep mothaf*cka
  • Biker Mice from Mars?

  • Removed
    What do you think of my cat?
  • Other comments say otherwise old chum! Lighten up!

  • You a sales bargain hunter or do you pay normal?
  • Bit draconian innit

  • What are your favorite open-source games?
  • Bro what are you smoking, AAA games are largely shit and the devs who create FOSS games have more soul and better creativity lmao

  • What are your favorite open-source games?
  • it's gotta be Xonotic baby, basically a quake clone that is completely free, a decent sized player based and frag loads of fun!

    Got it on me Ubuntu desktop starting out for FOSS games.

  • Why is there no sense of "camaderie" in the workplace?
  • Yeah sorry lol, Guess the autocorrect didn't fix it there for me!

  • A woman brought her own snacks to Despicable Me 4. Then the police arrived
  • Yeah, in my entire time of going to the cinema and sneaking snacks in a backpack, not a single member of staff asked me or other movie goers about it.

    I think it's only questioned if you openly bring in say, a bag of minstrels of a share bag of doritos.

    I mean shit, the smaller hotdogs that VUE sell are like a fiver which is an absolute rip off. You'd think with popular films coming out they'd make a killing with the revenue from the tickets being sold so food prices wouldn't be that shite.

  • What is the difference between a man and a parasite?
  • A lemming chooses, a redditor obeys

  • A kick right in the selbstbild
  • The baddie germans were the Leroy Jenkins of WWII, just charging in and expecting shit to work.

    Didn't work out well when the sovvies clapped their cheeks all the way back to Berlin

  • Remember to not to forget clearing your journal
  • Thank you for this, wise sage.

    Your wisdom will be passed down the family line for generations about managing machine logs.

  • Kill a Process Running on a Specific Port in Linux (via 4 Methods)
  • Like WSUS for patching windows machines, very sus indeed :)

  • What's your list of banned brands?
  • Based. Sail the seven (digital and routed) seas!

  • Tekkip20 Tekkip20


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